Florida Reverses Ban on Letting Prisoners in One Prison Read the January 30 Issue of The Militant

On March 9, Florida state prison authorities reversed a ban on letting subscriber inmates see the January 30, 2023 issue of The Militant. That issue had been banned in one particular prison because of an article about a nurses’ strike in New York, and an article about protests in Iran.

The Militant is the weekly print newspaper of the Socialist Workers Party. It is the only remaining weekly print publication published by any political party in the U.S. See this article for the details about the Florida incident.


Florida Reverses Ban on Letting Prisoners in One Prison Read the January 30 Issue of The Militant — 14 Comments

  1. If this doesn’t prove Richard Winger is a communist, I don’t know what else does.

  2. Posting a news story doesn’t make someone a communist, so the idea that this is somehow “proof” strikes me as silly.

    Glad the decision got reversed. I’d be even more glad if the SWP ran candidates more often, but no doubt it’s a crowded field, given how many leftist/socialist third parties there currently are in this country.

  3. If more commies running means it splits the vote and elects patriots I am all for it.

  4. The vast majority of commies are unfortunately very disciplined in recognizing that the Demonrat Party is hardcore Chinese Marxist Leninist Mao Xi commie and not splitting their vote, especially since Puke Nadir. Conservative Nationalists have been more apt to be deceived lately by leftist scum disguised as libertarians such as Gary Goofy Stoner What A Leper Johnson and Ho Marxist Burn Loot Murder Whoregasmson. That is because they vote purely based on the libertarian label and don’t realize these leftard candidates are nothing like true libertarians such as Rand Paul, Eric Dondero, Donald Trump, Wayne Root, Newt Gingrich, Alex Jones, Bob Barr, David Macko, Augustus Invictus, Christopher Cantwell, Roger Stone, Ryan Ramsey, Neal Boortz, Lew Rockwell, Gary North, Peter North, and other right wingers who are the true libertarians since libertarian actually just means very right wing and not whatever leftardtarians want it to mean because let’s face it Murray Rothbard and Ron Paul invented libertarianism whatever the commie left revisionist porch monkeys say.

  5. Richard. In 1989, I sued the Maryland Division of Corrections in US Federal Court for not allowing prisoners to read THE MILITANT with the help of the ACLU and won. The Maryland prison system had to rewrite their entire DCR 250-1 regarding mail. The ACLU won $10,000 and I won $1,000. And I’m not a Marxist either.

  6. There’s nothing interesting about dangerous Marxist propaganda. It is not free speech, especially when it is fed to the rabid animals who are coddled in adult day care instead of being put down at the scene of the crime like the rabid animals they are by responding peace officers, with their corpses hauled off by waste management sanitation workers and burned for power along with the rest of the garbage they pick up. Their families could be charged for the cost of the peace officers response, including the cost of the bullet or other means of execution. It could be itemized on the bill the family receives. The power company could put a special note in their bill too, thanking them for contributions to the minot offset of energy costs they made by rearing and/or living with a lawbreaker or several.

    Executions would be very common and everyday. Prison and jail are unnecessary. For crimes that are too minor for execution the punishments could be public whipping, stockades, and other forms of public pain and humiliation; dispossession of property; crushing of family homes in front of the whole family, and in extreme cases maybe with the family inside while the miscreant watches before he is executed himself; being sold into slavery, for example to pay off a debt; and judicially ordered rape to be determined on the spot and carried out by peace officers, for example for lesbianism and other misdemeanor criminals who the peace officers determine may be lesbians.

    For particularly notorious crimes public execution could be in order. That is the only way I see confinement, maybe for a night or two while the miscreant awaits execution, as being a logical use of limited public safety funds. But there is no need of reading materials for such miscreants except for the Holy Bible and the handbills advertising the public execution to take place. Perhaps they could even be allowed to autograph the bill for the execution to be presented to their family. Or be further punished by being whipped or tased etc while they sign the handbills advertising their execution. So let it be written, so let it be done. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

    Marxist propaganda is not fit for human consumption. No one who promotes Marxist propaganda or the supposed right to consume such blasphemous filth should be trusted in any way, shape, or form, especially when they are trying to feed it to the rabid animals in humanoid shape who are being coddled by being confined instead of painfully executed on the spot by peace officers to begin with, much less in circumstances nicer than those of a medieval dungeon. Stop treating lawbreakers so leniently, and stop having too many laws for the normal citizens to memorize.

  7. Bdlu has claimed to be a national socialist, has he not? This is yet another example, then, of why national socialism is actually leftist and only slightly better than international socialism aka communism or Marxism. The reason a national socialist would want confined rabid animal subhuman scum to read Marxist propaganda should be obvious : national socialists are welfare liberals when it comes to economics and big government authoritarian fascists, almost exactly like so called scientific socialists when they actually come to power. The real life differences between the two are minor and cosmetic, with commies being only slightly worse than Nazis. The biggest differences between the two are in rhetoric, not in reality.

  8. A true nationalist would call for criminal miscreants to be culled from the herd in the interest of eugenic national purity, by being immediately executed, not coddled in prisons. National socialists are weak welfare liberals. That’s why they are national SOCIALISTS. Nazis are barely better than commie slime or soylent greenie weenie enemies. Hitler promoted vegetarianism, animal rights, and a lot of left wing progressive garbage. Mussolini admires FDR and the New Deal, and the admiration was mutual. Fascism and Nazism are left wing and a point of convergence would be for fash trash and Looney libertardtarian leftists to coddle rabid animal lawbreakers and feed them dangerous Marxist propaganda instead of sending them to be cannon fodder on the front lines with the Wagner Group. Wagner was a great musician and political theorist, and Nazis profaned his greatness by claiming kinship with his views and his musical genius.

  9. Every state makes mistakes sometimes, even the greatest of all states, the Great State of Florida!! It is after all a state!!!


    If guv DeSantis wants to be considered for the cabinet, 2028 nomination, or anything else, he needs to exercise whatever authority he has, whether to directly intervene, fire the miscreants who made this dastardly reversal, or both. I have bros working as CO commanding officers and any dirty skell animal caught reading militant Marxist propaganda will wish he was never born or merely legally executed or shot in self defense in an accident by Florida deputies or even killed on the streets by other lowlife animals!!! I voted for DeSantis twice and I hope I wasn’t wrong to vote for him!!! There won’t be a third time regardless of what he runs for or when and I am very influential in the FL and GA GOP through my Kinfolk and my VIP POSSE!!!!!!!

  11. Ooh, me tho whorney. Me love you long time. But not too boocoo. NO BBC, TOO BOOCOO!!!

  12. Uncle Larry, it’s almost 11 pm and you are drunk, sir. Please put down your weapon, do not have any more whiskey, and please stop posting, sir. I repeat, you are drunk, please go home and go to bed, sir!

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