Seattle Times Provides Interesting Details About Eugene Debs’ 1920 Run for President While a Prisoner

Although it is well-known that Eugene V. Debs, Socialist Party nominee, ran for president while imprisoned in 1920, this Seattle Times story provides many interesting details. Thanks to Steve Kamp for the link.


Seattle Times Provides Interesting Details About Eugene Debs’ 1920 Run for President While a Prisoner — 66 Comments

  1. Debs was an interesting person. He was a socialist; but, not the Marxist kind.

  2. Debs was a Marxist Socialist, but he was not a Marxist-Leninist. That is the difference. When the Socialist Party in the United States split in 1919 those who followed Lenin created the Communist Party USA. Debs stayed with the Socialist Party.

  3. They are the same. Both want everyone except the rulers to be poor with no freedom. Of course a retard like Stock wouldn’t understand that.

  4. Harry: As a Communist I do want the present bourgeois ruling class removed and the workers installed as the new ruling class in their place.

    This will make the workers who are now exploited richer while the present day bosses will justifiably become poorer.

    That is the first step in building Socialism. No country on Earth has ever achieved Socialism. It is a process that will take decades if not centuries. The Soviet Union was the first attempt at a Socialist society. We can learn from their example to copy what worked and avoid what did not.

    China has done an excellent job. They have lifted more people from poverty in a shorter period of time than any other country in history. China is not always right and like the Soviet Union has made mistakes. There again we can copy what worked and avoid what did not.

    I will do my best to build Socialism here in the United States. An American Socialist Republic would not be a carbon copy of Russia, China, Cuba, North Korea, or the old Eastern European countries. American Socialism would would be more Democratic and the Workers will be happier than Capitalism is possible of producing.

  5. Stock continues to show his stupidity and spread his lies. China has slaves, do you want slavery in the US? The USSR jailed and murdered those who opposed them, as did China (and still does). Is that what you want? North Korea too.
    Cuba and Venezuela are similar and the people are in extreme poverty.

    Stock will continue to be a laughing stock.

  6. Tim: As I said an American Socialist Republic would not be a carbon copy of the Soviet Union, China, or any other country. What mistakes they made would not be repeated here. Copy the things that worked and avoid the things that did not.

  7. I would prefer to copy everything that worked with Hitler and Mussolini and not repeat the mistakes they made, such as being losers. Donald Trump is not a loser and has never been a loser despite the Chinese Venezuelan dominion fraud in 2020. Just wait until he wins again in 2024. The inaugural ceremony alone Will be the biggest in history, even bigger than the previous record, set by Trump himself in 2017. Heads of many enemies of the people will line the procession route on spikes, starting with Fauci and Hunter and Joe Xiden. Trump will arrive in a golden carriage pulled by gold dusted nude blonde female slaves propelled forth with whips and everything colored gold. Trump will portray King Midas and will be crowned emperor and carried out on a golden throne. That will be the beginning of a glorious 40 year reign that will inaugurate the Trump Dynasty, which will rule the galaxy both before and after Flash Gordon. It will be immeasurably better than the first term. We will save America and make it gold again!!

  8. Stock will be in stocks for at least 40 years, pelted and fed with the worst filth imaginable the whole time!!!

  9. Hitler and Mussolini got a lot of things right, but the American version will be even better!!!

  10. Winger is censoring again. There was more to this last night. Richard Winger, why did you censor?

  11. It was something about pedophilia. Speaking of which MTG was fantastic in calling the Democrats the party of pedophilia, because they are the ones grooming kids. Commie Stahl looked like a baboon yet again.

  12. Baboon? I hope you meant buffoon, which is 100% accurate. That’s why she works for Marxist CNN.

  13. Let’s see if I can make a few guesses. Tell me if I covered your question.

    1. Elected president is a mistake. Commander in chief can be “elected” by admirals and generals. Otherwise no.

    2. Only other “elected” office would be local precinct peace officers.

    3. The only time confinement might be used as punishment for miscreant lawbreakers would be for crimes so notorious that the execution needs to be public for symbolic justice purposes to teach everyone in the precinct a lesson. They might be confined for a night or two at most. They would, of course, not be eligible to become peace officers, voters, or anything of the sort.

  14. I’m no expert on “debs,” nor do I care to be one. He was some commie loser from your country a century ago, was he not? That’s about all I know or feel curious to know . I agree with those who say all commies, Marxists, socialists, national socialists, leftists, liberals, soylent greens, femtards, demon rats etc etc are basically the same and should all be treated as the enemy of Christendom and civilization, to be exterminated on sight with extreme prejudice.

  15. Retards should be eugenically cleansed as a public health measure, along with others who make the precinct and nation weaker.

  16. Pedophiles, especially those in power, should of course be outed, and publicly painfully executed with the video recording played on local billboards frequently and available for download in neighborhood social media networks as well as to go viral to other precincts and even other nations!

  17. Troy makes a good point as well. NET and FNM are not worth the effort to figure out as to whether they are trolling or serious, as far as I can tell. I’m sorry but not surprised to read that a leftist would censor people speaking out against pedophilia and the international conspiracy of elite pedophiles. I like MTG and within the erroneous system you presently use she could be a good VP for Trump. Certainly better than Rosanne Barr or even Bob Barr, and far better than Roxanne Shante.

  18. Stock flubs his commie propaganda. I was involuntarily subjected to enough of it to know this much. In their psychotic ideology the ussr did achieve socialism, but not communism. The latter was a utopian fantasy about a classless society where all would produce according to their ability and all would be provided for according to their needs, somehow without government of any kind being a central planner or distributor determining people’s abilities and needs. After a “brief” dictatorship of “the proletariat,” everything would just naturally fall into place and government would just fade away on its own.

    This was of course an insane juvenile fantasy, parodied effectively by everyone from George Orwell (ironically himself a socialist) to Ayn Rand, and many others. It was invented by an overgrown petulant child, the jew Karl Marx, who never did an honest day’s work in his life. Many millions of people died horribly for this fantasy, and billions more were enslaved, starved short of death, humiliated, dispossessed, robbed, raped, beaten, tortured, impoverished, manipulated, etc etc etc!!! And continue to be for that and other leftist illuminati intersectional ideological failed partial birth abortion satanic monstrosities such as soylent green environmentalism, welfare liberalism, feminazi, secularism, ideological defense of sex and drug perversion, etc, etc!!! This includes leftist fascism, leftist national socialism, progressive fabianism, leftist Mussolini fascism, libertardtarianism, and other forms of satanic rebellion against Christian orthodoxy and traditional values such as patriarchy!!!

  19. You really should read Solzhenitsyn. Sorry for the long rant, I got a bit carried away whilst taking an evacuation movement, and God is still in charge with Jesus and not Lucifer in command. Next time please ask a more specific question, lol.

  20. In every poll taken in Russia from 2004 to 2019 66% to 75% say life was better with the Soviets compared to life in Russia today.

    There is no God. Jesus Christ turned to dust a long ago in the tomb he never rose from. Also there is no Satan, Lucifer or any supernatural beings good or bad. Only the material universe exists.

    While George Orwell definitely opposed Stalin, Orwell continued to embrace Socialism to his dying day.

    One of the worst mistakes the Soviets ever made was give Ayn Rand a free education.

    An American Socialist Republic would not be a carbon copy of the Soviet Union or any other country. The good thing about history is it helps us avoid mistakes. Let the ruling class tremble at a Communist revolution in the United States of America.

  21. Stock prefers the government killing people who disagree with them. What a fucking retard. No wonder he is so hated around here as well as at Motel 6.

  22. Stock, you’re an idiot. I live in Moscow, Russia. I grew up here and received free education. It was worth every penny I paid for it. I educated myself and also actually did pay for education in the United States and United Kingdom. There are a lot of morons, idiots and freeloaders in Russia and yes, they did in many ways fare better in USSR. But you may wish to present these polls and who conducted them, using what kind of methodology, and with what agenda. Russian people tend to be cynical and suspicious of outsiders. Even people we don’t personally know well. And even the ones we do. So who was going around asking nosy questions? Were they happy merchants, or have happy merchant in the background? Spy agencies of some sort? Many productive people don’t have time to talk to them, so they get stuck with loser idiots who will talk to anyone because they have nothing better to do perhaps? Maybe they called people who do not have a cell phone or who just answer any number that calls? How did it work? Inquiring minds would ask, at least.

    How many people just had fading memories if any of the bad parts of soviet life, compared with now? Some were too young to have even remembered anything. Others are senile and dumb like rocks. Interesting to see cross tabs and methods, but it’s on you, because it’s only interesting to a limited extent. I shall continue to disassemble your lies, forthcoming.

  23. Let us discuss further the satanic liar Bobert Stucks. How are you so sure there is no God or Jesus or Lucifer? What gives you such intimate knowledge? Did you not, as someone referred to later, pray to your brother and friend Satan to harm and hurt those who disagree with you or make fun of you or something? If you don’t believe Satan is real who did you pray to or summon or whatever you devil worshipping scam scrum call it? The devil is known as the father of all lies, and the biggest one is that he does not exist. Where did I hear that and why do people say that? I think you know the devil is real and you do worship him. You probably even know Jesus and God are really real, that Jesus is coming back, and that you face eternity in hell. You probably hope to be a demon who will enjoy it, but maybe you suspect that the willing servants of Satan will be punished by Satan most horrendously, much as Stalinist ussr punished loser idiots who took communist revolutionary b.s. seriously. Read a bit how they were tortured and killed heinously. That is a small taste of what Satan has in store for his willing and conscious servants and enablers. Sweet dreams, cupcake!!!

  24. I know that God does not exist because I see no evidence. It is not up to me to prove God doesn’t exist. It is up to you to provide evidence. And I see none.

    Satanists do not pray or worship. Satan is not an entity. Satan is just a symbol of our carnal nature. We are our own Gods. We decide what is right and what is wrong for ourselves.

    I am not convinced that you really are in Russia. I am not convinced that you are who you say you are. I think you are just another pseudonym.

    The Communist Party USA promotes Bill of Rights Socialism. The CPUSA website is a good place to learn about what Communism is. Every Friday the YouTube channel Good Morning Revolution! presents an analysis of current events by leaders of the CPUSA.

  25. Orwell did embrace socialism, that was stipulated.

    How about Tyrus for VP? THINK.

    More later when I’m off work.

  26. One difference between Debs’ situation and Trump’s is that Debs was convicted of a Federal crime, so if he had won the presidency he could have pardoned himself. Trump is being charged with a state crime, so if he is convicted he can be pardoned only by the governor of New York.

    (I don’t think Trump is likely to be sentenced to prison, though.)

  27. Rick: bingo!

    CP FAN: Most likely true, but sad and not funny if indeed true. Instead of laughter, our duty as Christians is to pray for his soul and shine the light of Christ like a cross upon a hill, lighting the path to salvation through the darkness. Let us pray for the lost sheep.

  28. Josh, you’re not taking Bragg Soros desperation move seriously, are you? Please tell us you are smarter than that. Please.

  29. Bubby, it’s not up to me to prove God exists any more than it is up to you to prove He does not. For one thing you have admitted you have no proof and are just wishful thinking. Logic and faith are separate realms, each with their own value on the overall scheme of things, as are beauty and art and love etc. You can’t prove something is beautiful or that it is or is not art, can you? Go ahead and try if you think you can …thought so. I don’t have to convince you of anything, nor you me. In your heart you know I’m right. Deny it all you want, because I don’t need your lies or your so called proof.

    You see, bubs, I was force fed atheist bullshit as a child. But I was secretly raised faithful Orthodox, like most of my countrymen. I can argue either position until the Hindu holy cows get reincarnated. There’s nothing to argue about. I have faith in the living God and you have denial, but no river in Egypt or any other nation either. If you’re right I’ll just die and not know any better because there won’t be a me anymore. I’m right, so you will be in hell and surprised, or not. Perhaps you’ll only be surprised that you have curried no actual favor with Satan, if anything quite the opposite. I have faith; you have nothing, except a gnawing suspicion that I just could be right. You can deny it all you want. You should listen, and those of us who are praying for you will not give up hope while you’re still alive.

  30. Bubbi, did you or did you not threatened people here with … Call or whatever you want. You know what you wrote and so do any other number of people. You had to hide your head in shame for a good little bit there. Guess what? Much like Jesus, your words can be brought back from death to live again. Word!!!

    I don’t care what you are convinced of. Believe anything you want. I told you the truth, and you can’t handle it. No worries. Pretty much nobody cares who tells the truth about themselves or what that truth is, neither who believes what about who else , nor who’s lied about themselves. Believe or don’t believe whatever you want, and it will make zero difference. The key point is that you failed to dig up any facts about these polls of yours. You got called on your b.s. And you did not deliver the deliverables. That’s objective. The rest is playground he said she said nonsense and distraction. I’ll point it out every time. I see you, and I would not want to be you!!!!

  31. So bubbele cpusa…they don’t believe the absurd Marxist child fantasies about government naturally fading away because the workers control the means of production, everyone produces everything they can, and gets everything they need, and people are not dropping like flies from starvation? Anyone who has lived in the real world knows why this can never work. Try living on a kolhoz collective farm. Try working in different conditions and incentives. The labor theory of value is patent nonsense. Mass starvation is the best it can produce when forced down a society’s throat. Orwell exposed it despite his socialism. And I bet you never read Solzhenitsyn. I wrote every published public thing he ever wrote. So keep on talking!!

  32. Nothing fails as badly as prayer.

    If I deny that Unicorns exist and you say they do, then it is up to you to provide proof. It the same with the existence of a God. The burden of proof is on the the person claiming something exists.

    Beauty and art are completely subjective. What is beautiful to one may be ugly to another. Whether something like God or Unicorns exists is objective and our personal opinion doesn’t matter. You can deny gravity as you fall to the bottom of a cliff, but your opinion about gravity means nothing.

    I have science. I have friends. I have happiness. That ain’t nothing.

    Logic and faith are indeed separate realms. Logic dwells in the realm of reality and faith dwells in the realm of fairy-tales.

    I do not believe any biographical information from you. I think you are just one of many pseudonyms used by a White Supremacist Christian Taliban MAGA Republican who has infested this website.

  33. I read the Gulag Archipelago over 40 years ago. I have repeatedly stated my position on the Soviet Union and its mistakes. So I won’t say it again. Communism is the future. Capitalism will be swept away. There is no point in arguing with you. You will not convince me and I will not convince you. Anyway, you don’t exist. You are just a pseudonym that someone is hiding behind.

  34. No wonder Stock is never invited to parties. He’s an angry, bitter old man. He has to turn to evil organizations like Satan and communism.
    Stock is the hypocrite. He claimed to only vote for black candidates, yet refused to vote Jade Simmons for President even though she was on his ballot. Besides, voting solely by race is in fact racism.

  35. Alice O’Connor, born as the jewess Alisa Z. Rosenbaum, and known to you by her pen name Ayn Rand, was born in 1905. After the Soviet revolution she fled with her family to Yevpatoria in Crimea, under the control of White counterrevolutionaries. She finished high school there. By free education, did you mean college, or seizing her parents business, nearly starving her and her family to death, expelling her from college because she was from a bourgeois background, allowing her to reenroll after complaints from visiting foreign scientists….? Sure, that was quite an education, but I would scarcely call it free.

  36. You see, bozo, I do exist. I am real. That is an objective fact. Whether you exist is a matter of opinion. Or is it the other way around? Try logically disproving solipsism or the matrix. Good luck! I’m glad we agree you can believe whatever you want, and I’m not all that worried about what you do or do not believe. You don’t deliver the deliverables when pressed, such as the objective followup questions about your much touted polls of Russian losers who talked to who knows who, allegedly. Your failure to answer followup questions digging into your claims is the most notable fact so far. Your ideas fail when really examined. Try to convince whoever you want, or don’t. If you choose not to decide you’ll still have made a choice.

  37. My comment about Ayn Rand was meant to be humorous. I have read more than one biography of Rand. The events you list did not necessarily happen in the way you describe.

    Workers taking businesses from the bourgeoisie is the right thing to do. It is my hope that American workers rise up and seize the businesses of the bosses and that the government seizes the bank accounts of those bosses. Ayn Rand called that looting. I am in favor of such looting.

  38. I am not writing a book. I am not writing a dissertation. I am not giving a public address. If I were then I would need to provide sources.

    What we are doing is having a conversation as if we are at a kitchen table drinking coffee. Follow up questions? Cite sources? Hell no!

    I do think you are a real person, but I don’t think you are the one you claim to be. I think you are one of the many pseudonyms used on this site.

  39. Bubs, if you think you have no faith, why is it that you have so much faith that I am some boogeyman of yours? You seem quite convinced. You are advancing something just a technical hair short of a positive claim. Provide your evidence. Read about biofeedback loops and the power of positive thinking. Whatcha know about that? I know all about that!

    White Supremacist – check.
    Christian – check. Russian Orthodox Church.
    Taliban – to the extent this Islamic concept even translates into Christianity at all, it means religious student. Fair enough, I am an amateur self taught student of theology, among many other topics. I’ll give it half a check since Christian Taliban makes less sense when you dig into the Taliban concept in Islam.

    MAGA – Sure, I’d like to see all European nations great again. I’m more MEGA (MAKE EUROPE GREAT AGAIN, OR MAKE EURASIA GREAT AGAIN) but MAGA too, sure, why not.

    Republican – my public party affiliation is United Russia, previously LDPR. Republicans are my favorite US major party. US minor parties I like at times have included Reform, Libertarian, Constitution / Taxpayers, Knights Party, American Independent, Populist (Duke, Gritz et al), Southern, and many others. But really if you ever bother to dig in to my plan you’ll see how absurd the notion that I much identify with any major or minor party in your country or in mine really is. Government should be far more local than that, other than military national defense, which has nothing to do with political parties, or at the very least ought not to.

    You read Archipelago Gulag 40 years ago? Congratulations, ignoramus. Read it again, and every published public writing by and about Solzhenitsyn. Read his entire website. Read Dugin. Your arrogance and your ignorance are in a neck and neck race to the bottom, are they not?

  40. Think whatever you want, dolt. You have the intellectual curiosity and depth of a childrens cartoon cutout placed in a chair.

  41. I made the decision to vote for people of color instead of Caucasians months after the 2020 election. I didn’t know anything about Jade Simmons. I didn’t see any ads or hear anyone speak about her. I only saw her name in the ballot booth and wondered to myself, who the hell is that?

    I have modified my intent to vote for people of color. If a White person and a Person of Color are running for the same office I will vote for the Person of Color as long as he or she is not a MAGA Republican or a Conservative in the mold of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

  42. It’s called the internet Stocky Boy. Takes 10 seconds to look up a candidate. You are just lazy and a racist.

    You want the Supreme Court to not interpret the law as written obviously. Retards like you are like that.

  43. How can I look up someone that I don’t know is running? Besides, I was going to vote for Joe Biden over anyone else because he was the best choice to beat Donald Trump. Defeating the MAGA Republicans was my priority in the 2020 election. In 2020 I wouldn’t give anyone beside Biden any thought.

  44. Hey retard, they have these things called phones. Phones have the internet. You keep getting caught in your lies.

    Trump won Oklahoma easily. He won the national election when you only count legitimate. People like you and Richard Winger openly support fraud.

  45. Original Intent is baloney. I agree with Thomas Jefferson that each generation should rewrite the Constitution to reflect the thinking of the people alive at the time and not be shackled to a corpse.

  46. Trump did win Oklahoma. But I made sure that my vote for Biden was a middle finger to my MAGA Republican neighbors. A 3rd party or Independent vote would have not be seen as anti Trump.

  47. Why would I have voted for Jade Simmons when I decided to vote for Biden as soon as he sewed up the Democratic nomination? There was no reason for me to research anyone else because my mind was already made up. Even if I found that I liked Jade Simmons better than Biden, I would have still voted for Biden to spite MAGA Republicans.

  48. Stocky Boy keeps changing his story. He’s gone from looking at others to saying he couldn’t research to saying he didn’t even bother looking. That’s why we mock him so much, that and his constant trolling under other names

  49. Is that why he places so much faith in his false belief that I must be someone else, his delusion belief that if I were someone else he would have any less reason to answer my arguments with logic and facts, or his delusional faith in Marxism? He ignores all the direct critiques of core Marxism and Marx above, and pretends they were only about USSR or Stalin. No.

  50. Only someone from a country that does not border the Caucasus mountains region would refer to Whites as Caucasian. A Chechen is a typical Caucasian. They are NOT WHITE!!!

  51. Max is beating the living tar out of the stocktard. Unfortunately, many of his points are far too above rear admiral Stockdale reading and comprehension level, much less the ability to respond on that same level.

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