News Story Mentions No Labels Petition for Ballot Status in Ohio

This Ohio news story refers to the No Labels petition for qualified party status in Ohio. The title says the party recently filed for party status, but actually the party submitted its petition months ago, and the counties have slowly been validating the petition. No Labels submitted more than twice the number of signatures required. The news story quotes Frank LaRose, Ohio Secretary of State, as saying the petition seems to have a slightly worse validity rate than similar petitions. If the petition-checking process still isn’t finished, it isn’t clear what triggered the news story.


News Story Mentions No Labels Petition for Ballot Status in Ohio — 8 Comments

  1. The people of Ohio prefer no lube. Don’t ask me how I know, I’m not even from there.

  2. No Labels gathered signatures in Ohio from July through September. I heard they just the drive down for a month or two, but then sent a clean up crew to Ohio to get 10,000 more signatures, which I believe they knocked out in around two weeks. So they finished this awhile ago.

  3. I think you meant is there a jack handy, possibly because you blew a tire, or was it a gasket? In any case no. Andy does not even know Jack.

  4. Say my name
    Say my name
    When no one is around u
    Say baby I love you
    You better say my name

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