Request to Commenters

It will make me very happy if future comments are confined to the subject of the blog post, or at least to the general topic of ballot access. In particular, comments about other commenters are not welcome and degrade the site. Thank you very much. There is a lot of drama this year in the struggle for fair ballot access laws. The year 2023 is a very bad year for ballot access, with truly repressive bills in danger of passing in Montana, Texas, and Minnesota. There is plenty to comment on that is relevant to the purpose of this website.


Request to Commenters — 94 Comments

  1. Thank you for asking nicely.

    My opinion, for whatever it’s worth:

    Discussion naturally meanders and segues. Comments are somewhat of a social environment. The overall topic is ballot access, but many things spin off from and feed back into it.

    There are easy plug ins into WordPress which allow for comment response threading within threads, individual users to block individual other users, upvote /downvote individual comments, etc. You may wish to consider some of those to address the real issues here.

    Have you looked at any of those? For example there’s disqus. There’s an FB comment plug-in. There are others.

  2. @Systems Analyst…. And for the people that refuse to use Facebook or disqus? Requiring sign-up through third-party platforms is really not a good idea, as far as I’m concerned anyway.

    I’m sure there are some kind of comment moderating filters that prohibit comments containing certain words.

  3. You missed the point entirely, perhaps on purpose. The FB comment plug-in is not FB. It’s FB style comments which appear on a WordPress site. Like I said, there are others. They don’t have to require a third party sign in. You yourself linked That’s an intelligent comments system, leading to intelligent comments.

    The key features are comment response stacking, the ability of individual users to block other individual users (and often upvote or downvote individual comments) , as opposed to a central filter for everyone reading and a single wall per topic. A comment filter of any kind does not allow users who do want to see certain kinds of content to see it while users of the same site who don’t want to see it don’t see it. It doesn’t let you skip certain response stacks in favor of the ones you find more interesting within a single article.

    If you look at most professional news operations their comments sections usually have the features I described, with or without third party sign in.

  4. Richard, it shouldn’t be too difficult to require a verified email address. Or better yet, a moderate subscription fee which I would be more than happy to pay to avoid all the BS. Have folks pay their subscription and then, if they violate the terms, block them from commenting, ergo, they lose their money.

  5. All your so called solutions are top down rather than allowing an individually customized user environment. Platforms which allow users to choose their own adventure are more successful for good reason.

  6. Richard,
    It is very nice of you to make your request in such a non-threatening manner. Are you still prepared tp police this site as closely as it may take to keep those who ruin it for others under control?

  7. It doesn’t take any effort on the part of the proprietor beyond a few minutes to install a plugin. Then individual users can choose which other individual users to block instead of demanding they be blocked for everyone else who isn’t as narrow minded, prudish, opposed to seeing some given viewpoint, or whatever their rationale is.

    The word still also implies that the proprietor was prepared to use his time that way. He floated it as an idea, but never said he would. He said he’ll take a week to decide. It hasn’t been week yet. I believe that statement was this past Wednesday.

  8. What SA said. Disqus is an easy one, and I believe this site would qualify for the free version.

    Jeff, I think what you’re suggesting is called “Substack.”

  9. @Systems Analyst… I’m a web developer (for over 15 years) and have extensive experience with WordPress. I am not aware of a single WordPress plug-in for commenting that doesn’t require a third-party log-in. Can you point me to one that you’re referring to.

  10. WordPress has an optional comments registration feature in at least some if not all of its themes. It is buggy in implementation and kills discussion. The former ipr (fipr) now better known as the Circlej**k Controlled by Chairman Ph1111e5 (cccp) tried that at least twice and had to get rid of it both times due to too many errors.

    Comment word filters also exist in WP, and have been tried here at BAN, with hilarious results. At times words like communist, brown, and white were among the verboten naughty words here. I kid you not.

  11. The comments here are fine as is. You would get better comments if you posted better articles, and use sources besides far left ones.

  12. IPRX doesn’t remove obvious bot spam. If you got more traffic you would get hundreds and then thousands of those every day. It would be virtually impossible for anyone to sift through them to find anything else. Few if any non spammers would ever bother trying. You would get some legit comments but very little back and forth.

  13. I agree with Mr. Winger here. I hope people stop trashing the.comments section of an otherwise wonderful website.

  14. Andy J would make a good comment monitor if you decide to have one and if he’s willing. I believe he would make sure the site does not get taken over by communist lemmings like what happened at FIPR (NOW CCCP).

  15. It is true. From 1998 to 2019 I was a life member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and a member of the League of the South. I used to believe all the lies of “the Lost Cause” I quit both groups because of the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd. I also read quotes from two Confederate Generals Longstreet and Mosby that helped me leave Southern Nationalism. After the Civil War one said that if the War was about anything other than slavery then he never heard about it. And the other said that slavery was the main source of conflict between North and South from 1820 to 1860 so it is ridiculous to think that the War was about anything else. All talk about economics or States Rights was bullshit.

    I was a member of the Libertarian Party from 1992 to 2020. Like many LP folks I registered to vote Republican at times and thought that by participating in Republican politics Libertarian ideas could be advanced. I have written elsewhere about how my thinking changed about what are rights and the role of government so I won’t repeat that here.

    Over the course of a lifetime a person will hear and see new things and compare them to what he already thinks is true. If new evidence proves your past belief wrong than you are an idiot not to change your mind.

    None of this should be surprising.

  16. Somebody keeps trying to post a comment to reply to Arden but it does not seem to take no matter what.

  17. Richard is deleting comments exposing Stock. He won’t delete AZ insulting posters.

  18. It wasn’t a comment exposing anyone. It was a comment to help him look at some comments plug-ins.

  19. A comment following up on my earlier comment and addressing a concern with it was removed. It wasn’t about ballot access, but it was about comments policy , so should have been on topic here.

  20. Stock comment is not about ballot access or comment systems. If anything should be taken down it’s a prime example.

  21. Southern Nationalist? Interesting.

  22. George Floyd was a piece of garbage who held a gun to and threatened to kill his pregnant girlfriend. He was a deviant pervert thug and deserved to die. It’s a good thing that he died. Derek Chauvin didn’t kill Floyd but Chauvin would’ve been a hero if he had.

  23. Stock’s story shows he’s easily brainwashed and that’s why he joined the Santanist and Communist cults. If he was at Jonestown, he would’ve drank the kool aid.

  24. Given some time, Robert should hopefully find the wisdom to find a happy medium between his former beliefs and his present ones.

  25. Careening between polar extremes is an unfortunately all too common character trait, especially among Americans.

  26. Bullying is not an attractive character trait. I don’t like myself when I do it to others, I don’t like when other people try to do it to me, and I don’t like to see people do it to each other. This comment is not garbage and I’m not Robert.

  27. Two options:

    1. Compulsive trolling is a mental illness. There have been studies on this and some of the commenters here exhibit those personality traits. Trolling correlates with sadism, psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism. Trolling is literally a form of online sadism.

    2. The trolling is a deliberate strategy to disrupt the comment section and bury any useful comments under a mountain of garbage. That behavior will especially turn away anyone new to the site. There could be several motivations. All of them are dishonest.

    In either case, they will not care how nicely Richard asks them to stop.

  28. My reference to a comment at 1744 was not to the comment by Trust but Verify. There was another comment at 1744 by a Stock parody account which dealt with body functions and has been removed. While that particular removal was predictable, it still alters the context of subsequent remarks. That is one of the downsides of after the fact comments removal

    . To take another example, Stock comment defending himself against charges if hypocrisy because of past drastic changes of opinion is left up despite being not about ballot access or comment policy , but the underlying charge with a link to his old account is removed. It’s not clear why, since it was clearly his account and his past views which he acknowledges having once held. Removing the link to the undisputed evidence makes it seem even more bizarre that other comments about the same issue …well, I’ll get this one removed.

    Other options within the WordPress brute force paradigms suffer as follows :

    Term blacklists ensnare legitimate comments, such as when common words like communist, brown, and white are included

    IP blacklists are bypassed by vpns or other methods, or ensnare people using cell phones or other isp’s which use distributed ip’s , etc

    Screen name or email address blacklists are easily circumvented

    Comment premoderation frustrates users and slows discussion to the point that other discussion fora become much more attractive

    We can go down the line but there is no solution without downsides. Comment response stacking, user to user blocking ability, and frequently comment pivoting/downvoting/like-reaction etc is the lesser evil more successful sites most often settle on, even at the risk of losing a few people who refuse to use third party verification for whatever reason.

  29. I tend to agree with Jim’s comment above, but here’s hoping that things can be cleaned up a bit. Deeply appreciate this resource.

  30. Jim,

    1. Segues of discussion on and off topic are not necessarily trolling. Productive work takes place in a social environment where discussion naturally weaves back in and out of topic. There are no bright lines to identify which comments are on topic and which are not. Try taking the last 20 articles, posting all comments into a word processing or text editing program, and seeing if you can easily make the call each time. Ask 5 people you know to independently look it over and see if they arrive at the exact same results. And if you get that far, ask yourself who has that much free time on an ongoing basis and no better use for it.

    2. Trolling can also be a way to satisfy intellectual curiosity by test ballooning ideas, or seeing how opposing views do against counterarguments when you try them out yourself.

    3. Trolling is a legitimate counter to oppressive political correctness and overbearing self important pompous hypocrisy.

    4. Some people confuse anonymous or pseudonymous comments with trolling. There is a lot of overlap for obvious reasons, but there are plenty of legitimate reasons to post anonymously or pseudonymously including avoiding stalkers, whistleblowing, bypassing ad hominem arguments, avoiding oppressive government or workplace regimes, not embarrassing e.g. employers, spouses, parents, kids, other family, etc with unpopular or “politically incorrect” views, not hurting ones own future career or dating opportunities as formally normal and acceptable views become “politically incorrect” or worse, such as subject to government repression. Among other reasons.

    5. Not everyone has the luxury to say what they want about whatever they want to whoever they want. The potential and sometimes real consequences are different if you’re not a full time political activist, have a spouse and young children, are actively dating people who may not share your political views, work in any number of professions where public political comments or controversial views are discouraged or prohibited, etc.

    6. Everyone has their own privacy threshold. Some people don’t mind posting their full name, home address, telephone number, dob, SSN, social media profiles, email address, photos, workplace contact info, home contact info, etc. Some people are ok with some but not all of these being public. There are reasons for these choices. Some people are more vulnerable to consequences like being harassed, raped, killed, robbed, losing child custody, losing jobs or job opportunities, etc, etc, than others.

    We could keep going but

    7. Sometimes you are correct and it’s your 1 or 2 or combo. But not always.

  31. Q,

    define troll in your own words. Is he deliberately dishonest? Probably not. It’s more likely that he is a socially isolated crank who is wrapped around the axle of obsessive repetition and uses shorthand jargon and feigned condescending know it all attitude as defense mechanisms to make himself feel less oppressed by verbally dominating others, make himself feel important by imagining some army will read his words and take up his lonely crusade, or something.


    2 > 1








  34. Question for Robert Stock. Since you are a Democrat now, what is your great interest in this site? This site is mostly on interest to people who follow minor parties and independent candidates. While Democrats have to comply with ballot access laws, thet are one of the two major parties which pass these laws, and what they generally do is make is easier for themselves to get on the ballot than it is for people running outside of the two major political parties. Even in the few places where the ballot access requirements are a relative challenge for major party candidates, they have a much easier time raising money than most minor party and independent candidates do, so it is generally a lot easier for them to navigate through the ballot access barriers than it is for minor party and independent candidates. So this begs the question, why are you here if you are a Democrat? I do not see why a Democrat would find this site to be very interesting. It is not as though most Democratic Party candidates have a really difficult time getting on the ballot.

    Are you still a Democrat, or have you shifted to a minor left wing party?

  35. AZ doesn’t go places. He only wishes he moved to Arizona. In reality he’s still in the same Detroit basement where he has been since Saturday Night Fever was big at the box office, a peanut farmer from Georgia was president, the rings of Uranus were newly discovered, the Communist Party was legalized in Spain after nearly 40 years, optical fiber was first used to carry telephone traffic, Israel got its first ever non Labor Party led government, Djibouti stopped being a French colony, the US federal government first got a Department of Energy, the guillotine was last used in a legal execution, Pele first turned pro, Stalin’s name was taken out of the Soviet national anthem, an airplane crash killed three members of Lynyrd Skynyrd, the Sex Pistols put out their only studio album, Harvey Milk was elected in San Francisco, the internet protocol suite was first successfully tested, Vietnam joined the UN, and Donald Trump Jr. was born. It is not yet clear which of these events caused Mr. Jones to retire from public life.

  36. Mr. Stock is now a card carrying member of the Communist Party. Don’t take my word for it, ask him.

  37. In April 2021 the CPUSA announced it would begin to run its own candidates for the first time in 30 years. The last time they fielded a presidential ticket was 1984. They are mostly pretty happy with the DP, especially it’s current Chinese Communist Party hand puppet president Biden, but the comrades are keeping their options open, if you’ll forgive the use of the word options.

  38. I’d like to understand the whole Mutt Romney thing. Libertarians going Republican for Ron Paul was certainly not remarkable. But what kind of self respecting Satan worshipping, Southern Nationalist, Randroid LP activist shifts his support not to Gary Johnson, any other individual seeking the LP nomination that year, or Virgil Goode, but rather to a Mormon neocon rhino Masshole ex-gov best known at the time for the Romneycare health plan? Was it because he liked to leave his dogs on the roof while he drove down the interstate?

  39. Pete,

    AZ was just engaging in the exact defense mechanisms predicted and explained by PTR.

  40. Mitt enjoyed firing employees. A Randroid would appreciate the cold hearted capitalism, a Satanist would love the “fire” part, and a Southern Nationalist might have been intrigued by the phony southern accent Mitt tried out in anticipation of Super Tuesday and the other southern primaries.

  41. IPRX, I just checked out your site and it’s true that you no longer allow commercial bot spam comments. Consequently I tried dipping my toe in the water, and we’ll see what happens. I’m a bit confused by your recent statement in another comment metathread here at BAN that you only disallow illegal comments, since to my knowledge bot spam is not actually illegal.

    It may be too late for you to rebrand, but I think at this point FIPR (now better known as CCCP) is beneath contempt. Perhaps a Voting Access News might be in order, depending on how things go here at BAN, but I’m not going to sink the kind of effort it would take to make it so. Do you remember the pleistocene era when the merger of the US News and the World Report was a big deal? VAN X IPR could be a thing, or two things, if you want it to be. Or xban xipr. Max from Moscow might consider becoming your CIS/Eurasia correspondent, perhaps?

  42. Andy: I am here because it is the best place to learn about what minor parties are doing.

    On October 1st 2021 I became a dues paying card carrying member of the Communist Party USA. Most of the time I will vote Democratic because defeating the Ultra Right agenda is the top priority at this time.

    The CPUSA will run candidates of it’s own, but only in races where there will be a good chance of winning. So that means very few at present.

  43. If Stock thinks the House is ultra right then he has no clue what ultra right means.

  44. Ultra Right is an excellent new beer brand. It was rolled out for those of us who are lifelong loyal Bud Light drinkers but now switching because not only is Anheuser Busch foreign owned now , but they’re currently promoting the transgender agenda. Personally I think it makes a great chaser for chilled Stoli quad shots.

  45. Tim: In 2012 I registered Republican to vote for Ron Paul in the Republican Primary. When it became clear that Paul would not be the nominee for President I changed my support to Romney.

    At the time, like many LP folk, I was hoping that voting Republican would advance Libertarian ideas. If my candidate lost the Primary then the logical thing to do is support the person who did win the Primary in the General Election.

    Why is that so difficult to understand?

  46. I don’t find it hard to understand at all. You were a Libertarian for 13ush, Libertarian for McCain, Libertarian for Romney, Libertarian for D0le, and a Libertarian for Trump in 2016. But then you had an epiphany and became a C0mmunist for Biden and X1. That sounds like a logical set of political endorsements for a Sa7anist to Me.

  47. Really! Who cares what political affiliation any commentor is or what Mr. Wingers is? It doesn’t.

  48. So voting access news sounds like and alt right politics report could be good project 4 u?

  49. Thank you for volunteering me, Tabs, but my place is at best in comments. I’ve no serious inclination to be a reporter or correspondent. Our own political scene is of relatively little interest, paradoxically. I can happily report that we’re very united with nationalist, patriotic, and Orthodox fervour behind our commander in chief, especially at a time of national defense against western attack during our special operation to liberate our border provinces from Satanist fascist military occupation. And far more sadly that very few here are interested in looking beyond the pragmatic realpolitik of the short term, much less at radical simplification and localization of electoral politics and laws.

  50. Jim @ 0106

    Niccolo Machiavelli was the father of modern political philosophy and political science. He has a great deal of sage advice for his prince which is still relevant over 500 years later. He also wrote comedies, songs, and poetry. He accurately, and from a position of much personal experience and study of history alike, opined that politics is always conducted with deception, treachery, and crime. When organized crime becomes organized enough it becomes politics. Fringe politics is as a general rule less well organized. His Discourses on Livy lays the fundamental groundwork of modern republicanism. He was a major influence on everyone from Rousseau to Bismarck. His critic Leo Strauss called him the deliberate originator of modernity. You really should read more about his personal life history and works before derisively calling anyone Machiavellian.

    DeSade was certainly a sexual pervert, but his works can be of interest for specific techniques for the Patriarch to use within a patriarchal Christian domestic discipline household to encourage faithfulness, especially in the wife, and help her and her patriarch be fruitful and multiply according to God’s plan. This type of family arrangement is best not only for maximizing the number of the children produced so as to preserve and advance the glory of the race, nation, and clan, but also to educate those children properly with time testes biblical principles, not in any way sparing the rod, which as we all know spoils the child. DeSade’s perversion and blasphemy was nevertheless quite real. His greatest perversion, worse than any of his sexual deviance, was being the godfather of the pseudoscience of socialism or organized envy. It is not coincidence that Marxist regimes have been the greatest purveyors of sadism in human history. Sadism laid the groundwork for various pernicious subsequent trends, not only libertinism, but also Freudianism, nihilism, existentialism, surrealism, romantic decadence, egoist anarchism, Kantian categorical imperative, legalized abortion, and transgressionism. The film quills, with Geoffrey Rush playing the marquis, portrays him as a martyr and literary free expression freedom fighter.

    There’s much to be learned from Machiavelli and DeSade, and from the classics and history of antiquity in general. All that is progress is not necessarily worthwhile and if we don’t know where we’ve been we don’t know where we are going. All of these things add necessary context to modern political struggles, including over ballot access. Most importantly, let’s not forget that Father God is in charge, Jesus is coming again soon, and we are on the winning side of history.

  51. I did a search for

    facebook like comments wordpress plugin

    There’s probably better search terms . But using those terms if u scroll down a bit the one I am reading now is titled

    18 best comments plugin for your WordPress site 2023

    That’s just a start

  52. @ The more I know

    1. I agree that off topic conversations are not necessarily trolling. If it were up to me, I would delete comments unrelated to politics (including comments that try to skirt the rule by saying “Democrats suck. Here is a list of my 10 favorite porn stars…”), comments attacking other people even if it is related to politics, and calls to violence even if it is related to politics. I assure you, I would have no problem picking and choosing which comments to delete. It doesn’t matter to me if other people agree.

    As for who has the time, given the volume, it would probably take more than one person.

    3. Satire is different from trolling. Satirists use humor to make a point. The only point of trolling is to be malicious.

    2, 4, 5, 6. I have no objection to anonymity.

  53. Democrats suck. Here is a list of my 10 favorite porn stars:

    1. Mia Malkova
    2. Mia Melano
    3. Angela White
    4. Gabbie Carter
    5. Jillian Janson
    6. Kyler Quinn
    7. Melody Marks
    8. Jill Kassidy
    9. Riley Star
    10. Natasha Nice

  54. Demon rats are indeed a scourge, often and quite likely correctly blamed for spreading deadly black plagues, no less so in today’s United States than in medieval Europe. However, unless the C in CP FAN stands for communist, I don’t see how you justify pride in your addiction to ziocommunist pornography. Not that I am not addicted to it myself – my worst personal scourge of the past past 15 or 20 years is pretty much anything produced by Duke Skywalker except for the truly disgusting Black Payback, and before his well justified imprisonment and pathetic comeback, the originator of that genre, Max Hardcore. But it is not in any way anything to be proud of.

    See the second paragraph at 1356 hours above regards the Marquis de Sade. I am seeking church counseling and have mulled seeking exorcism to deal with this pernicious addiction. At least I don’t memorize the fake names of the prostitutes featured in this evil genre. While inside each of them is a fallen young lady whose eternal soul needs to be rescued for Jesus, they have degraded and reduced themselves to subhuman status with their public harlotry.

    I suppose that is part of why I so enjoy seeing them degraded, but it’s not enough. The best that ever happened to the pornography industry since the abhorrent libertine liberal and Marxist cultural Bolshevik slimeballs legalized it in the 1960s and 70s was pornwikileaks. Sadly, it was vandalized by ziocommunist pornographers four years ago. The only thing better would be a return to government prohibition and censorship of obscenity, along with vigorous enforcement, prosecution and punishment of the offenders. I must include us consumers in that to avoid justifiable charges of hypocrisy. For now I am praying to have this evil demonic filth removed from my own mind and that of everyone else.

  55. Jim, your loss. Machiavelli has a great deal to teach us, and you should at least read about him if you can’t bring yourself to read his original works, but I highly recommend reading both. My last paragraph above is really what you ought to read most of all.

  56. The comments here are beyond awful, and have stopped me from sharing links to this site’s very useful posts to other interested people. I’d suggest just turning them off entirely.

  57. Stop it, you overgrown child. Make XIPR better and really consider giving it a new name because fipr / cccp has become beneath contempt; you degrade yourself by even mentioning them. Instead of leaving snarky comments here and obsessively watching cultural bolshevik pornaganda and memorizing the silly pseudonyms of hookers laughably glorified as actresses, put more time into carefully following sites ranging from daily caller to daily stormer and everything in between and synthesizing the parts most closely relating to alternative electoral politics and alternative voting systems.

    Throw in original content, art work, music, poetry, or just aggregate. Advert for contributions and spread your links. Tweet at journalists and political leaders. Get all over truth social, gab, Parler, etc. The best part about the daily caller and the daily stormer? They post daily. So does the proprietor here. Be better. You can do it.

  58. Jim,

    It’s very easy to say what you would delete in the abstract but not so easy when you try to apply it comment by comment. And you acknowledge that it would take several people with the kind of time to put into it, yet say you don’t care if they all agree? And who are these people? Are they in fact available? Why not use system analyst suggestion instead?

  59. I forgot to say that the line between trolling and satire is also not always as apparent as you make it seem.

  60. I suppose it depends on how you define trolling. If you define it as inherently malicious, it excludes things like satire and trying out opinions you disagree with or are merely mulling over to see what arguments others muster against them. Other people have a more expansive definition of trolling. Some have a more or less narrow topic related definition. Some include all anonymous or pseudonymous statements. It’s really not universally well defined if you compare what different people seem to think it means.

  61. Some people also seem to consider even honestly held opinions that they disagree with vociferously enough to be trolling.

  62. Machiavelli creates republicanism? I didn’t know. Thank you for helping me learn about this fascinating man.

  63. I’m reading his wiki page and considering ordering his Discourses on Livy if it’s commercially available.

  64. Only good commenter, it’s easy to set up a site mirror with closed contents, subscribe to an RSS feed, or set up email subscription to posts, etc. if there are readers who would like to read the articles without the danger of exposing themselves to dangerous, balloon bursting, cognitive dissonance exposing, snowflake upsetting, or triggering views in comments, even accidentally.

  65. Closed comments, not contents. What systems analyst suggests also already exists. Just set up an automatic reflector of articles posted here on e.g. F***book, and f***book users can comment on the same exact articles using the f***book comment features such as comments stacks, ability to block commenters, ability to like or otherwise react to comments, etc. You can even set up customized WordPress site mirrors with different comments policies. In other words, you can already choose your own adventure. None of this is terribly difficult.

  66. As pathetic as GPR has become, “better than ipr” still seems aspirational, other than the superior ideological filter. Voting access news still seems a long way away.

  67. Much less voting access news and alternative politics report, which would have to await most likely someone(s) with a lot of motivation (not it) as well as a source of funding to make that kind of time commitment sustainable.

  68. It seems a lot of people are easily triggered nowadays..

    Maybe they should learn calming relaxation techniques or have an old not running car in the backyard they can beat up or something.

  69. I’ve read Solzhenitsyn and Dugin. If the others are as good, I should at least read a book or two by each of them. But I’m skeptical of the notion that anything that good had to be translated into Russian. It seems to me that if it was really that good it would have been in Russian or Church Slavonic to start with, since Russian civilization is so clearly superior to all others.

  70. I agree. Speak Russian or die. English and German are ok, but only as second languages. Since English is my second language I enjoy listening to music groups like Stormtroopers of Death. You should listen to them if you have not already. I like to listen to them while I fight the devil worshipping Ukrainian fascists.

    We have a lot of music like that in Russia which you wouldn’t understand if you don’t know or learn Russian. Kiborg is one of my favourites. The free online program Duolingo has 40 languages and a great method for learning them. I make no money from it, just telling you about what has worked for me.

  71. I agree with Stormtrooper of Wagner Group, RU, Christian,, HAC.PY, SILLY, Burt, and the classical conservative. I’ll have to scroll up and read who else I agree with if anyone further up when I’m less busy fighting the Islamic hordes which are trying to take over Europe and all White Christian lands. Moscow is clearly the third Rome, and true Transylvanians understand what I mean.

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