Gallup Poll for March 2023 Shows Decline in Percentage of Voters Who Identify with Either Major Party

For many years, Gallup Polls has been asking voters if they self-identify as a Democrat, Republican, or independent. The figures for the March 2023 poll show independents at 49%, Republicans at 25%, and Democrats at 25%. See here. That is the highest share choosing “independent” ever recorded by the poll.


Gallup Poll for March 2023 Shows Decline in Percentage of Voters Who Identify with Either Major Party — 18 Comments

  1. 90% of American independents continue to have a strong partisan lean towards one major party or the other. They are more independent of party bureaucracy, but more likely to see the other side as pure evil, than in past decades.

  2. If I was American, for example, I would be independent but lean heavily against the demon rats and the lunatic lying left hand path Leninist libtards. I’d be very vary of rhinoes, neverTrumpers, and country club elephants as well as neoconservatives and nolubals and Egg McMuffins. The GOP would be my current vehicle only so long as loyal to TRUMP.

  3. Trump can be considered to have been an independent president. He’s been registered and donated to multiple parties over his whole life. He ran Reform party in 2000. His ideas now are much like those of Pat Buchanan, and economically have much in common with Perot. He has said that Ron Paul and libertarians are wonderful except that they never win. He did more to fight back against and dismantle the welfare-warfare-wokist derp state than anyone ever. Looking at his father’s and grandfather’s legacy you can’t help but admire all of the Trumps and feel like they will save America and make it great again, much like President Putin is doing in Russia and President Lukashenko in Belarus. I’m very much looking forward to TRUMP triumphantly returning to office and his next term being much better than the last.

  4. It may also be worth pointing out that even fairly recently Trump Himself talked about starting a Patriot or America First nationalist party of the rhino establishment betrays him. Can you imagine Biden, Obama, or either of the Bushes showing similar independence? Of course not.

  5. How many folks are lying to new age pollsters ??? —

    to rig/mystify/corrupt the mess that is USA politics.

  6. Polls have actually been pretty good. They were spot on in 2022. National polls were well within their published margin of error in 2016 and 2020, especially when looked at in their aggregate. State polls, especially where less frequently done, were less reliable, especially in capturing late developing movement.

  7. I think people are just defensive about their political views. And they don’t feel like having to argue about it.

  8. That’s not completely wrong. But partisanship today is increasingly negative. Positive partisanship has declined precipitously. Mainstream politics is increasingly defined not by what people are for but what they are against.

  9. What did you expect? Biden is their hand puppet. If you squint you might notice a pattern…


    How many more dots do you need? Can you think of some others?

  10. I don’t doubt that there’s a decline of people who identify as either major party, the problem is are they going to vote in a way that reflects that?

    Most independents, I’d suspect, vote either Democratic or Republican. A few may sit out of a particular election if neither candidate speaks to them. How many gravitate toward the existing third parties or independents?

    Maybe more will look at such alternatives, but it’ll take more than people not holding the banners of the GOP or Democratic Party to break the two-party system.

  11. For once Mahomey isn’t wrong. Then again, he isn’t telling us anything that Max didn’t already tell us yesterday.

  12. It’s not good news. It’s a mirage. These are independents who are more strongly attached to voting for duopoly party a or b than ever before. They might be embarrassed of the duopoly party they hate the least, but they hate the party they hate the most more than ever, and are totally ok with crushing anything perceived as a spoiler without blinking.

  13. Speaking from ten time zones away from the clock displayed here, I share their perspective. Had I immigrated to your country instead of just studying, doing business, and vacationing there, I would now be embarrassed of the spineless creatures in the GOP such as Munch McCuddell and Knickers Failey, but I would feel compelled to support the GOP out of sheer terror of the demon rats.

  14. I guess that would make me a Republican leaning independent in your parlance. However, I’m actually a United Russia man, formerly LDPR supporter.

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