The Capital Times Carries Story on Role of Third Parties in Wisconsin History

The Capital Times of Madison, Wisconsin, has this article about the history of alternative political parties in Wisconsin history. The Capital Times is a weekly print publication and also a daily on-line newspaper.


The Capital Times Carries Story on Role of Third Parties in Wisconsin History — 28 Comments

  1. Richard Winger refuses to use any sites even center right, let alone right wing. He has no problem with far left radical pages. He is very biased.

  2. So what are you going to do about it other than complain in his comments section unless and until that goes full Soviet? Anything? Nothing?

  3. I’m not stock. I’m a right wing, traditionalist, nationalist, patriotic conservative like you. I would like to see a site like this one using real news sources and no fake news. Anything from daily caller to daily stormer . I don’t have time to make one. Hope you do.

  4. I don’t think it’s trolling to ask someone if they can aggregate right wing ballot access and related news. Why would you think it? Stick would not use soviet as pejorative, he thinks gulags were either great or maybe not so bad??

  5. Solid article, if a tad brief. I was hoping to see Victor Berger mentioned, and was not disappointed.

    I actually didn’t know about the 2002 Wisconsin gubernatorial (or if I did, I thereafter forgot), and naturally, seeing a third party candidate getting 10.4% of the total vote is great.

  6. Perhaps the ex-IPR ought to spend a lot more time producing original content to build his site and a lot less complaining about this one or watching ziocommunist porn and memorizing the phony names of prostitutes? I say this as someone who shares his alt right beliefs and a fondness for the dark enlightenment. Envy, jealousy and lust are deadly sins, after all. Whatever the ideological bias here, at least the proprietor shows the virtue of hard work. Emulating that part, but with a better ideological filter, should be the goal of his critic. Don’t hate, outcompete.



  8. Iprx is never going to overtake BAN until you grow up and stop picking on the mentally challenged. It also needs a new name. Saying your better than the Former IPR (now better known as Circle@!#$ Controlled by Chairman Ph1111es or simply CCCP) is kind of like saying you are better than the googly eyed kid who drools and eats… things that will get this removed if I spell them out… all the time inside a North Korean concentration camp factory town. Setting the bar that low just sets you up for perpetual failure. I’m rooting for you, but you need to level up.

  9. Richard deleted several posts but not AZ’s attacking others. Why does he get special treatment?

  10. Stop whining like a bratty child or woman who is not getting her way. Rename XIPR and make it better than VAN. You can do it if you try.

  11. Richard lets AZ do and say whatever he wants, yet deletes and blocks others. It’s sickening.

  12. Iprx would gain a lot more steam if you posted several articles each day, put some effort into making them interesting, and gradually build a commenting audience. There’s no substitute for putting effort into something whether you get paid for it or not. Trashing another site’s comments is no substitute for elbow grease, and not the kind required for or resulting from pornography addiction.

    Comparing yourself to King George from Philly’s autocracy in a teapot is equally pathetic. The new reader justifiably asks himself “better than what?” It’s like hoisting a special Olympics trophy if you marginally qualify and hope to make the cut for the regular Olympics, except that special Olympians actually put in a lot of effort. It’s more like a grown adult being proud of his third grade participation trophy, assuming you actually are an adult, given that your site has been around since at least 2014.

    You do actually have a valid criticism of the leftist fake news sources this site habitually relies on. But unless you provide a better alternative by posting news at something comparable to the frequency this site does, your nipping at heels is most resemblant to a whiny and petulant entitled brat or a welfare kang or quuen demanding gibs.

  13. I applaud the Libertarian Party for being the front runner in fighting for ballot access rights especially during the last 50 years. I remember them having a booth at the Baltimore City fair in the 1970’s trying to be a strong political party. I would choose them any day over senile Biden or kosher conservative Trump.

  14. Trump is much better than you think he is. He has to work within the Jewish power structure but he’s actually extremely Jew wise and from a good German and Celtic background. Unlike the libertarians which are mostly a Jew Rothbard, Jew Mises, Jew Friedman, Jew Rosenbaum (Rand) cult. Trump is actually a committed White Nationalist but he can’t be out in the open about it yet.

  15. Kudos to John Nichols for writing and the Capital Times for publishing such an excellent history of third parties in Wisconsin with significant mention of the Libertarian Party and its candidates there.

  16. Kudos to Donald Trump for being such an excellent man and excellent president. We’re all eagerly anticipating your second term, Sir.

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