Idaho Presidential Primary May Have Been Accidentally Killed

A recent Idaho newspaper story explains that the Idaho legislature adjourned without making sense of the Idaho presidential primary. The legislature passed a bill eliminating the March presidential primary, with the expectation that the presidential primary should return to May, when the primary for other office is held. The trouble is, there is nothing in the election code to explain how the May presidential primary would work. The Secretary of State says either the legislature must return to a special session and fix the problem, or there won’t be any presidential primaries in 2024 and the parties will use caucuses.


Idaho Presidential Primary May Have Been Accidentally Killed — 20 Comments

  1. They might be good or not but either way they should have nothing to do with government financing, administration, or intervention. If parties want to pick their candidates in a secret executive committee smoke filled room meeting, or have a wrestlemania elimination bout, or a privately run and financed primary or caucus, have at it. I also like the max idea of caucus style voting by party with the winning party picking officeholders however it chooses.

  2. All my daughters are well armed and have been target shooting and training in martial arts since age two, so be careful what you wish for Beijing Joe.

  3. Daddy ain’t lying. I’m 14 years old and can hit a moving house fly at 88 yards with 99.8814% accuracy. My younger and older sister’s are pretty darn good with the steel too, and with other cool stuff like throwing knives, tasers, Sambo and Krav Maga and a few other fighting styles. Being homeschooled has its advantages.

    We’re all hardcore preppers and accelerationists and more than ready to fight, die, kill, or be fruitful and multiply and nurture, cook, and clean for race and nation, whatever the future and Rahowa will demand of us. We are being raised to be equally good at cleaning the house, cleaning the streets, cleaning the swimming pool, and cleaning the gene pool. Mommy, daddy and their friends are great teachers.

  4. Richard Winger took down a Biden impersonator but leaves up Trump impersonators. What a hypocrite. It’s because Winger voted for Biden.

  5. Hypocrite: so what? It’s his site. He can do whatever he wants. I believe in free speech, free association (which also means freedom to disassociate), free competition, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of property ownership, and all our freedoms, all the time. Do you believe in all these freedoms? If not, why not?

  6. Stock and Brown are both very wrong politically, but I couldn’t care less whether they are the same person or not. And have seen no proof either way if I did care. Trash is trash regardless of who leaves it. And anonymous comments speculating about other people’s identity are also trash, even when they are left by my fellow right wingers and White Nationalist patriots.

  7. And why do u think anyone else cares ? I think the real truth is that trash is trash regardless of who littered.

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