Montana Top-Two Bill Tabled in Committee

On April 19, the Montana House State Administration Committee tabled SB 566, the bill to impose a top-two system in 2024, but just for the U.S. Senate race. However, there is still a danger that the full house could vote to hear the bill anyway.

UPDATE: see this news story.


Montana Top-Two Bill Tabled in Committee — 18 Comments

  1. I like bills that help GOP. Demon rats are the most worst evil. They serve Satan, Soros, and Xi. Anything which defeats them is worth any sacrifice. If you get out on the left coast it feels close to Communist China in more than just physical distance. The social and economic leftist oppression is worse than the thick clouds of smog and smug.

  2. Slow Eddie,

    Non-Republicans hate all those things (by their own admission). However, by Republican I actually mean conservative. That does include right-libertarians, constitutionalists, and independent nationalists, but does not include neocons and cuntry club rhinoes.

  3. Why does it matter whether Brown is Stock or not? And how would you know? Asking as a White Nationalist dark enlightenment guy myself. I mean, trash is trash. What difference does it make who left it there, especially when you can’t prove it?

  4. SIR, I’m of Brown stock and I take offense at the implication that Brown stock is of lesser importance. In fact, if anything, Brown stock is the way to peace and reconciliation and the way of the future. Some old fashioned people who are stuck in their ways believe in antiquated idea’s such as separate Races, separate Primaries, and that only the Top Two Races in America (historically speaking) have Lives which Matter. I object to such Black and White notions, sir!

    Holy cow, I just had a Revelation (that did not come from a Book)! Browns are the growing majority in the world. We are quickly becoming a majority in every continent, sir. Even yours! And why not? Maybe the Human Race and Americans alike will do better will with No Labels than you and we did under the tyranny of the Top Two?

    Maybe it would be better if we could see beyond the bipolar reductionism of Male and Female, Black and White, Democrat and Republican, Right and Left? Would it not be better if we all embrace the Rainbow and see a multipolar, multipartisan, multiethnic, multiracial, multicultural tossed salad of Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Forward, Backward, Progressive, Reactionary, fruits, vegetables, couch potatoes, brown rice, Red meat, corn on the cob, and everything in between?

    Or maybe I just ate too many mushrooms that I found growing in a pasture fertilized by holy cows? Is utopia truly a place that doesn’t exist? Do they really say that in heaven love comes first, and if they do, do we or do we not want to make heaven a place on Earth? Is the road to hell paved with good intentions? Am I talking to myself? And if I am, is anyone listening??

  5. Kumar, you should stop getting high off your own supply if you know what’s good for you, bud. The future of humanity is Yellow, not Brown. There is no Brown in the Rainbow anyway. But there is yellow. You, buddy, are a brown elephant. Like the Himalayas, America and the rest of the world is ours, not yours. The future is Top One. XI Is The One and you can turn that up to eleven!

  6. I hear you and I obey. I am the real Manchurian candidate, man! And people thought it was John McCain? ROTFLMAOTSETUNG! Just as long as you help me win in 2024 like we did in 2020, man. You spin me round like a record …let’s play master and servant …oh wait you weren’t playing! Jill I need your help..
    Can you give me a hand here? Jill? What was I talking about? Who was I talking to? WHERE AM I? WHO AM I? WHAT YEAR IS IT?

  7. Whoahh. That was not a good trip. We need a Trump card in this game. Especially if it’s not a game.

  8. …Red will have you treed before the morning comes??? That’s racist!!!

  9. Bubba, you need to leave the land of fruits and nuts. It may never rain in sunny Kaliyoga but it rains and pours here in good ole Bama. Roll Dinoflagelate Tide Roll! C’mon home Bubba Ogle. Meet me at the Green Lantern in McCalla, like good ole folks have since the 1920s. Then we’ll see what’s what quicker than you can win a primary against nobody or a presidential election in a year that ain’t got one.

  10. “Hertz said the goal of the bill was to ensure that the winning candidate received an absolute majority of the vote.”

    Is it a real absolute majority if potential candidates are excluded?

  11. Yes, but furthermore a real majority should not require candidates at all, as the winning party could just pick the peace officers of the precinct for the coming year.

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