Kansas Will Hold Presidential Primaries in 2024

On April 21, Kansas Governor Laura Kelly signed HB 2053, which provides for presidential primaries in 2024 for parties that are already entitled to hold primaries for other office. The bill had been defeated in the House on April 3, but on April 4 the House reconsidered and passed the bill. Candidates need a filing fee of $10,000, or 5,000 signatures. They must also have filed a declaration of candidacy with the Federal Election Commission.

The presidential primaries are not mandatory, but it is expected that both major parties will choose to have them. The 2024 primaries will be March 19. The bill only concerns the year 2024, and there is still no law that would provide for presidential primaries in years later than that.


Kansas Will Hold Presidential Primaries in 2024 — 26 Comments

  1. We need more governesses and executrixes at all levels, including a presidentess as soon as possible.

  2. Are you counting the unconstitutional npv scheme? Because, speaking as a single mom, I think that’s just the kind of action lady liberty needs, even if we have to sneak it in through the back door.

  3. I agree. We need to pry the guns from the rural bumpkins fingers. We need their fingers and guns for our own use. I have come to believe NPV is the way to do it, over and over.

  4. AMAZON,

    I think we are on the same wavelength about NPV, cuntry bumpkins, guns, bibles, fingers, and other stuff. Scissors?

  5. Holla MADAME, it’s good to find a gal who thinks like me, especially at such an unlikely nerd sausage fest. Are you sure we’re not secretly the same person? It would be a bummer if we are, because hooking up with myself lacks the novelty that makes things so much more interesting.

    If we aren’t, I’d like to get together and see what we can do to help each other achieve NPV, gun control, communism, bliss, shaking…up the system, and other cool left hand path witchcraft stuff and such. I personally don’t care for males, are there any other womyn here who like ROTFLMAOISM as much as I do? HMU sister’s!

    Down with patriarchy! Down with capitalism! Down with Trump and the GOP! Down with 14 words! Up with multiculti! Up with race mixing! Up with Biden Fam! Up with communism and CCP!

  6. Que pason Amas Duenas?

    May I serve? And can I pretty please with y’all on top keep my guns and gun parts? What if I promise to ..

    ALWAYS Fight for NPV
    ALWAYS support communism
    ALWAYS be submissive to Womyn
    ALWAYS support Xo Bidden/Xi/CCP
    ALWAYS help achieve YT genocide
    NEVER vote Trump / nationalist
    NEVER make America great or first
    NEVER resist race mixing
    NEVER pray to Jesus or his dad
    NEVER oppose gay or trans agenda

    …por mucho favor Senoras Aztecas Reconquistadoras??


    I totes agree. My name is Jenny Ooze. Call me at 666-867-5309. Or LMK how to get a hold of U where these male voyeurs can’t pry.


    We might put that on the agenda next time we assemble our revolutionary communist witches coven, when Jill Bidden or Moochelle Osama becomes President, when CCP officially annexes Americas, when NPV becomes the law of the land, when pigs fly, when BLM sings kumbaya and dance with unicorns and rainbows, when the sun revolves around the moon…whichever comes last…if we don’t forget. Good luck!

  8. No. She serves the evil patriarchy, capitalism, and all the bad stuff. She should not even be welcome in public womyns restrooms because she betrays all womyn by not being a communist, by opposing 4th and 5th trimester abortions, by not being ashamed to be White, and by supporting the evil Trump and opposing the good guys like Xi, Soros, and Biden’s.

  9. My sister from another mister Jenny is once again on point. The Marginal Trailer Queen is not fit to represent real Wombyn. In fact is she even a real wombyn at all?? Have you seen how buff and mannish she is?? And it looks like she even has an Adams Apple. I would not be surprised in the least if she is a Tucker, and I don’t mean Carlson either.

    I dream of Jenny…but marginal trailer queen is more of a nightmare.

  10. OMG girl. Did you see what she wore to the state of the union??? I was like totally triggered. I’m still having trouble sleeping months later! She looked like a giant white cobra about to shed its human skin at any moment and lunge at our President over a bunch of people’s heads from halfway across the hall! It was horrible.

    My handyman Jesus was totally not digging it either. He was having car trouble so I let him spend the night but neither one of us could sleep after that. He just held me while I cried but I could tell he was shaken up too. The next morning he just left his truck there and hitchhiked out of town and I didn’t hear from him again until I got a postcard from Guatemala! His truck is still in my driveway too.

  11. All men are trolls. Let us take inspiration from sistah soulja Lorena Bobbitt. Madam Jenny, I’m disappointed you let a man stay over, but at least he wasn’t white.

  12. Marjorie Taylor Greene would be fantastic. She’s a lady of liberty. When the commies continuously try to shut her up you know she’s right.

  13. Only if she’s choking the life out of the patriarchy. Or maybe committing white genocide.

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