Keystone Party Candidates Receive Settlement of $91,000 After Suing Over Being Blocked from Petitioning in a Public Park

On April 26, a settlement was arranged in the federal lawsuit Gaughen v Dauphin County, m.d., 1:23cv-77. The case had been filed in Pennsylvania earlier this year, over the problem that Dauphin County officials had barred candidates from collecting signatures to get on the ballot in a public park. The county’s excuse had been that when the family that deeded the land to the public, it had specified that no political activity could be allowed in the park.

The plaintiffs were candidates of the Keystone Party, which did get on the ballot for statewide office in Pennsylvania last year. The county decided to settle the lawsuit, and the plaintiffs received $91,000. Here is the brief filed by the plaintiffs earlier this year. It can serve as a resource for individuals in the future who file similar lawsuits. Thanks to Andy Jacobs for this news.


Keystone Party Candidates Receive Settlement of $91,000 After Suing Over Being Blocked from Petitioning in a Public Park — 2 Comments

  1. Thanks for posting this. I was arrested on 6/14/24 for collecting ballot access signatures for Chase Oliver at a public event in a public park. The park was rented out to a private event manager, (The Edmonds Arts Festival) and that was their excuse for charging me with trespass when I would not obey police officers and move to the sidewalk. I plan to sue.

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