
New Jersey’s Largest Newspaper Endorses Fusion — 22 Comments

  1. I endorse fission of the commie zones so the rest of us can live in peace without their communism.

  2. As Richard Winger has carefully documented, voting for third party and independent candidates has slowly but inexorably increased over the last several decades. The Establishment wants to recapture some of those votes to head off the coming “Revolt Of The Masses” (title of a famous book by Spanish philosopher Ortega y Gasset).

    This explains their reconsideration of Fusion, of Ranked Choice, and even of multi-member Districts. They don’t like the rebellious voters leaving the reservation.

  3. I am Pat. Pat is my real name. I do not believe AZ is a real name. I don’t know what would make AZ think any troll moron here is using more than one name, unless he’s talking about himself.

  4. Why is it ok for AZ to call other people troll morons but not ok for others to call him one?

  5. This editorial also points to a piece from a few days ago where former governor Christine Whitman and former senator Robert Torricelli make a similar argument. Might be valuable to link to.

  6. I agree with WV, NoKY, Biden too old, Kampala too krazy, Steve, Tom, Burt, Pat, and Al.

  7. Whether or not to run fusion candidates should be up to the parties. The state should have no say in the matter, one way or the other.

  8. Fusion would be impossible under the Max Plan. The only way you would get fusion is if one party saw they can’t win and all walked over to join another party. But it would be up to the precinct captain of that larger party whether the men walking over would be allowed to help pick the precinct peace officers for the next year.

  9. Craig Franklin wrote:

    “As Richard Winger has carefully documented, voting for third party and independent candidates has slowly but inexorably increased over the last several decades. The Establishment wants to recapture some of those votes to head off the coming “Revolt Of The Masses” (title of a famous book by Spanish philosopher Ortega y Gasset).

    “This explains their reconsideration of Fusion, of Ranked Choice, and even of multi-member Districts. They don’t like the rebellious voters leaving the reservation.”

    Craig, that may all be true, but it is beside the point, here.

    The question to ask is: “Whose business is it?”

    If it shouldn’t be the state, the only other option is that it should be up to the parties that want to do, or not do, it.

  10. The business of the winner party should be its business alone, and not that of the loser party or parties. The winners should pick the peace officers who would also serve as judge, jury, and executioner. The losers can play would be officer cosplay wishful thinking games however they want if they want, although it seems like that would be a waste of time, but why not.

  11. My problem with fusion voting is that it encourages minor parties to sell out to the corrupt two-party system. From what I am currently seeing right now, there are only 5 states currently left that have fusion voting. I think fusion voting will be completely gone by 2030.

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