Eric Ostermeier, Observer of Minor Party Election Showings, Points to Increased Support for Recent Libertarian Gubernatorial Nominees

Dr. Eric Ostermeier, who runs the blog Smart Politics, pays attention to minor party showings. His May 5 column highlights increased support for Libertarian gubernatorial candidates in the last few elections. See it here. Thanks to Eric Wong for the link.


Eric Ostermeier, Observer of Minor Party Election Showings, Points to Increased Support for Recent Libertarian Gubernatorial Nominees — 6 Comments

  1. He’s wrong. His entire case rests on decade averages and Donald Rainwater.

    Here’s what I have for LP Gubernatorial results in Mid-Term years:

    2022 1.14%
    2018 1.50%
    2014 2.02%
    2010 1.51%
    2006 0.99%
    2002 1.63%
    1998 1.05%
    1994 1.12%
    1990 1.74%
    1986 0.63%
    1982 0.89%
    1978 2.00%
    1974 0.11%

    And Presidential years:

    2020 3.63%
    2016 2.45%
    2012 2.59%
    2008 2.18%
    2004 1.37%
    2000 1.36%
    1996 1.58%
    1992 2.25%
    1988 0.92%
    1984 0.52%
    1980 0.50%
    1976 0.21%

    Mid-term years peaked in 2014 and have been in decline. Presidential years peaked in 2020, but only because of Donald Rainwater. Remove Rainwater and 2020 drops to 1.82% and the peak then comes in 2012.

  2. Good trend! I am glad that Donald Rainwater is running again and wish him well.

  3. CO,

    AZ has some weird fetish or obsession with national socialism. He thinks Trump is just like Hitler. He also believes that the most salient fact about Switzerland is that it respected the privacy and property rights of foreign accountholders (even on all sides during horrific times of war) until recently, and thus in his opinion should have been invaded by the Allied forces (because he’s smarter as an armchair general decades later than their military and political leaders were in assessing the costs and benefits of such an invasion, no doubt).

    It’s even possible that he derived his moniker AZ from nAZi. Until recently, I guessed it may have either had to do with Arizona, or perhaps, given his condescending know it all attitude, that he was claiming to be the Almighty (alpha and omega in the traditional New Testament ancient Greek, or a and zed being the equivalent in the Roman alphabet). But recent comments have opened my mind up to a third possible explanation, that it is somehow related to nAZi. Of course, it might be a combination of these and perhaps other things.

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