No Labels Commentary on ABC-Washington Post Poll That Shows Donald Trump Beating Joe Biden

No Labels is publicizing the ABC-Washington Post poll released on May 7 that shows in a two-person race between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, Trump would win. No Labels has this to say about the poll:

“Still think our 2024 presidential election insurance policy is a bad idea?
That is an impossible position to maintain after reading the new ABC News/Washington Post poll.
This is one of the most respected surveys in the country – not partisan or slanted, and certainly not pro-Trump.
And yet this new data makes the following clear: Trump is now the clear favorite to win the Republican nomination and beat Joe Biden in November 2024.

In a head-to-head matchup against DONALD TRUMP in 2024:

Trump … 44%
Biden … 38%
Undecided/neither/someone else … 18%

And when undecided respondents are asked who they lean toward, Trump’s lead grows:

Trump … 49%
Biden … 42%
Neither/someone else/ wouldn’t vote … 8%

The critics of our insurance policy (whether well-meaning and misguided or disingenuous and conniving) would have you believe they are sure it will be a Biden-Trump rematch and they know who would win that contest in a two-way race.

If you agree with that point of view, this poll should be deeply unsettling.

I urge you to read the whole survey here, but here are some of the most salient points:

When asked who they would support in 2024, 44 percent of voting-age adults say they would “definitely” or “probably” vote for Trump while 38 percent would definitely or probably vote for Biden. The remaining 18 percent are either undecided or gave another answer….”


No Labels Commentary on ABC-Washington Post Poll That Shows Donald Trump Beating Joe Biden — 20 Comments

  1. With or without no labels, TRUMP will win in a landslide so huge the dims and red China won’t be able to cheat there way out of it this time!!!

  2. Even most Democrats do not really like Joe Biden. They only voted for him because they do not like Donald Trump.

    Lots of people love Donald Trump.



  4. 1945 the top killers in nazi Germany surrendered this day – VE Day

    About 80 million DEAD in 1939-1945, massive property destruction in Europe on top of 1914-1918 death and destruction.

    post war – war crimes trials – about top 15 nazis HUNG – including top nazi military generals.

  5. Richard, why do you allow AZ to post this mindless off topic stuff yet censor others who do the same?

  6. I don’t get them. I thought they said they would only run if Trump and Biden were the nominees. Thus, why would they care either way which way a poll between those two went? Clearly, then, from this article they are actually Democrats and RINOs.

  7. AZ is a good source of news for me; and he has always subscribed to BAN. If there were no subscribers to BAN, there would be no income and neither the paper newsletter nor this blog would exist.

  8. Richard, just because AZ subscribes he can post whatever he wants? Is he allowed to make death threats?

  9. AZ had resorted to posting links to commie fake news Yahoo and Wikipedia which anyone can edit. How sad.

  10. No Labels is another commie party. If they can take votes away from Dementia Joe that’s great.

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