Indiana Green Party Files Brief in Ballot Access Case

On May 8, the Indiana Green Party filed this brief in Indiana Green Party v Sullivan, s.d., 1:22cv-518. This is the case that challenges the number of signatures and the petition deadline for independent candidates and the nominees of unqualified parties. As the opening sentence of the brief points out, no statewide petition has succeeded in Indiana since 2000. It is the only state in which Ralph Nader never appeared on the ballot, and which has not eased its ballot access laws since he ran. Nader placed third in three elections in a row: 2000, 2004, and 2008.


Indiana Green Party Files Brief in Ballot Access Case — 1 Comment

  1. As a Hoosier, and someone who has considered joining the Indiana Green Party (I voted for their Secretary of State nominee in both 2018 and 2022), I hope that this can change things around in this state.

    It’s great that Libertarians have ballot access here (and on a side-note, Donald Rainwater, who got 11.4% in the 2020 Indiana gubernatorial election, is running again for governor), but it’d be great to have more than three options on the ballot state-wide.

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