Maine Senate Preliminarily Approves Bill Easing Definition of a Qualified Party

On May 18, the Maine Senate passed LD 769 on second reading. This makes it likely that it will soon pass on third reading. It simplifies the definition of a qualified party. Existing law says it is a group with 5,000 registered members if it is in its first four years of legal existence, but afterwards it must have 10,000 registered members. The bill simply says a party is a group with 5,000 registered members.


Maine Senate Preliminarily Approves Bill Easing Definition of a Qualified Party — 14 Comments

  1. Citing access should be precinct by precinct, with a party precinct captain leading his men on election night who has publicly represented his party in the precinct for, say, at least 6 months.

  2. Individuals on ballots are nominated / elected — NOT ***parties***.

    rare individual write-in winner – see Sen what’s her name spelling 2010 AK USA Senator.

  3. Parties, not individuals, should be elected. A party platform is something more sustainable to judge than candidate looks, names, ability to lie eloquently, slick b.s. ads, etc. To the extent voters should judge individuals when they vote, it should be men they know well personally, have known all their lives, and whose families have known each other for generations. Voting for individuals under any other circumstances is a terrible idea and a charade of the worst sort.

  4. I forgot to say that I was addressing that to other readers, not to A”Trump=Hitler”Z.

  5. Supreme Court rules Twitter not liable for ISIS content
    By Amy Howe on May 18 at 1:03 p.m.

    In Twitter v. Taamneh, the justices ruled on Thursday that the tech company was not liable for failing to keep ISIS content off its platform. The justices left in place Section 230’s broad liability shield for social media companies, sending Gonzalez v. Google back to the lower court for review in light of the Twitter ruling.
    SEC 230 — ONE MORE FATAL LAW ??? —



  6. Candidates have qualifications set in constitutions. There is no such thing as a qualification for a political party in the U.S. Constitution. States have no authority to exercise such censorship as a part of their “manner” authority in the Elections Clause. The “manner” of holding elections cannot violate the individual voter’s First Amendment right to make a command decision via the ballot.
    Abolish all ballot access censorship. Adopt a voter verifiable all write-in general election ballot.

  7. Wuhan cold “emergency” rot was part of the Xi/CCP-COMMIE DONKEY plot to steal the election from TRUMP and give it to corrupt crooked dementia patient Xi puppet Beijing Biden and the Biden Crime Family of demon rats.

  8. Without section 230, not only the quasianonymous AZ but also the proprietor here could be sued, for example by Donald Trump for AZ saying he’s just like Hitler. Public comment sections would probably be either shut down altogether or subject to heavy moderation and reappearance of comments by forum owners and managers before they appear, such as currently being practiced by George from Philly at Commie Crap Censored by Phillies (CCCP), formerly known as IPR.

  9. There should be no ballots at all. Voting should be in person, standing count.

  10. Written laws should be short and easy to understand and memorize. They should also be extremely difficult to change.

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