Michigan Common Sense Party Starts Petition

On May 19, the Michigan Board of State Canvassers approved the form of the petition blanks that ask voters to put the Common Sense Party on the ballot. In Michigan, petitions to create a new party can’t start to circulate until the state clears the format of the petition.


Michigan Common Sense Party Starts Petition — 4 Comments

  1. If a party, business, etc, feels the need to tell you they are honest, have common sense, etc, it’s generally a safe bet to assume the opposite to be true.

  2. General Franco wasn’t much of a tyrant. His early tyranny spared Spain and perhaps the rest of Western Europe from much worse communist tyranny. During 1959-74, still under Franco, such tyranny as did still exist was significantly liberalized, and Spain experienced a famous economic “miracle” with some of the world’s most improved and impressive economic results during that period.

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