Pennsylvania Special Legislative Elections

Pennsylvania held two special elections for State House on May 16.

In the 108th district, the percentages were: Republican 70.7%; Democratic 25.7%; Libertarian 3.7%. When this district had last held an election, in November 2022, there had been only a Republican on the ballot.

In the 163rd district, the percentages were: Democratic 59.5%; Republican 38.8%; Libertarian 1.3%. When this districdt had last held an election, in November 2022, the percentages had been: Democratic 64.3%; Republican 34.2%; Libertarian 1.6%.


Pennsylvania Special Legislative Elections — 20 Comments

  1. Well, at least the communist percentage went down in one district. Good sign for next year.

  2. I should add that in both communist and other countries, communists love political correctness and fake news. They form many front organizations and have lots of sleeper cells and crtptocommunists they network with to elevate to power. They have a particular focus on getting their people into positions of political power as well as all channels of manipulation of public opinion: school teachers, professors, historians, linguists, economists, entertainers and entertainment executives, fake news, etc.

    In the United States and other noncommunist countries they seek to undermine national strength, such as by feminizing men and boys, promoting depopulation through homosexuality, easy birth control and divorce, murdering babies, importing third world population, undermining rule of law, promoting narcotics, vilifying law enforcement and military service, etc.

    The John Birch Society is a good American organization dedicated to studying and exposing communism. Augusto Pinochet and Francisco Franco were world leaders who effectively dealt with communist aggression, among others. The US Democrats and other leftist parties, and the rhino or nevertrumper / establishment branch of the Republican Party, are controlled by communists. So are many so called movements, such as the Marxist BLM or burn loot murder slimeballs. Chief among American leaders standing up to communism currently are Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson.

  3. Communists have led a lot of leftist movements such as those calling for so called civil rights, feminism, gun “control”, labor union organizing, environmentalism (soylent green is people), anti-police, pro-abort, normalization of narcotics, liberalization of various sexual morals laws, secularism, promoting tranny tyranny, etc.

  4. The US currently has a communist president, crooked dementia Xo Beijing hidin’ BIDEN. He is basically a brainless handpuppet of Chinese Communist Party boss Xi Jinping, who is also known as the Panda. In the Biden Crime Family the old codger Joe is known as The Big Guy. It is believed that due to Joe’s severe cognitive decline, a lot of the mob boss duties have been passed on to his equally corrupt, moral degenerate, drug addict son, Hunter Biden.

  5. Democrats and Communists are now one in the same. Government oversight over everything, no freedom.

  6. Communists also led the movement against US anticommunist special operations in Southeast Asia in the 1960s and 70s, and many other so called peace movements since then. Much more recently the communist left has turned hysterically pro-war, particularly on the side of the Nazis in Ukraine.

    This is reminiscent of the communist party line during the period of the Molotov-Ribbentrop (“Hitler-Stalin”) pact, which initially sided with the Nazis and against American intervention, but then turned very pro-war when Hitler attacked the USSR. People who supported American intervention in the war before that were subsequently derided by communists as “prematurely antifascist.”

    A lot of times communists will use ironic names for their front groups, for example antifa, which is actually just about as fascist as you can get. This is done to demonstrate open contempt for the intelligence of the general public and naive communist dupes alike.

  7. Communism sucks, literally. As in sucking the lifeblood out of everything and everyone.

    I’m really mad at Communist China and communist donkeys with the help of communist mules for stealing the election from President Trump. For once we had a truly awesome, amazingly great President who was making America great again and totally rocked. But the awful evil commie poopyheads just had to ruin everything and cheat. Now we have this senile mobster with the Chinese dictator’s hand way up his butt making his lips move, ever so clumsily. Trump was making great deals for America, and this bumbling idiot can’t negotiate a flight of stairs.

    I can’t wait until next year when we beat the cheat, throw the commie bums out on their bums, make Trump President again, and save America again. Watching President Trump take the oath of office on January 20, 2025, will be one of the happiest days of my life, and that goes for my whole family and almost everyone else I know.



  9. Yes, A”Trump=Hitler”Z, like many definitions, it has changed and continues to change. For one thing, there were communists before Marx, and some communists are not Marxists. For another, their self-definition was always self serving and disingenuous. For a third, given their Fabian tactics, pragmatic adaptations, front groups, infiltration techniques, etc, any comprehensive definition of communist has to include a lot more than open self proclaimed communists.

  10. Communism is a state in which there is no individual property or individual rights, no race or nation or religion. Communists contend this is the natural state of man, and that exploitive capitalists are why we don’t live in some sort of secular garden of Eden where everyone is happy and healthy and government isn’t even needed because everyone has all their needs met and is nice to each other.

    To get from here to there, communists want to employ a variety of means ranging from gradual (Fabian) to revolutionary (Marxist). Revolutionary Marxist communists often use evolutionary Fabianism as a Trojan horse or to soften up the ground for Marxist revolution. At some point they establish a “proletarian” dictatorship they say will be temporary.

    This is a delusion. The more cynical among them understand this, while the more idealistic generally are among the first to be rounded up and reeducated and/or murdered. It’s human nature that absolute power corrupts absolutely and that central planning massively misallocates resources due to the calculation problem, so the “temporary” socialist dictatorship naturally evolves not into communist utopia but into mixed economy dictatorship.

    When the central planners try to accelerate the “progress” of communism, mass starvation is the result. Killing fields, holodomor, and great leap forward are some examples. They then retreat to less vigorous “progress” or come to be overthrown. But this is where the so called progress of self styled progressives always leads sooner or later, even in countries that are not yet communist.

    Communists most often wear the guise of libera

  11. …liberals and social democrats. They completely control those movements, as well as all leftist movements such as labor, feminism, environmentalism, “civil rights,” etc. However, they hold the “useful idiots” who actually believe the rhetoric of those movements in utter contempt.

    Communists are dead set on controlling the narrative, and especially to control the minds of children. They seek to weaken national resolve in non-communist nations through gender benders, civilian disarmament, antimilitary and antipolice propaganda, feminism, narcotics, breakdown of the family and family values, deliberate dumbing down, population replacement, gaia worship and other suicide cults, and the rest of their evil bag of tricks.

  12. You know what else communists control? Here you will get howls of indignation due to cognitive dissonance for mentioning this. Objectivism, libertarianism, hypercapitalism, and hyperatlanticism. How? Why? You may ask.

    I’m glad you asked. The theory of Marxism is that the workers revolution must be preceded by the ultimate zenith of capitalism, leading to its downfall. Thus, it makes a perverse sort of sense that Marxists would promote ultimate acceleration of capitalism.

    The two movements have many other commonalities: aversion to traditionalism, nationalism, protectionism, patriarchy, and White power; obsession with “civil liberties” over law and order; opposition to jingoism and military chauvinism; support for secularism or outright atheism; affinity for cultural Bolshevism such as lax narcotics policies, legalizing various forms of sexual immortality, etc. Many libertarians support feminism, race mixing, open borders, abortion “rights”, gender benders, pornography, and the list goes on.

    Outside of a few writers like Hoppe, most libertarians don’t support a return to absolute monarchism, and even Hoppe sees it as merely a way station to utopian anarchism. Yes, just like communists, radical libertarians envision anarchy as their end goal, and delude themselves that it will be peaceful. As if!!!

    It’s not surprising that, just as with Marxists, many leading libertarians are rootless cosmopolitans and Jewish Supremacists. It often seems that Zionism is the only form of nationalism they actually like. Some others have a perverse affinity for Islam, even though it stands dead set against everything they believe.

    The “beltway” or “moderate” libertarians are lackeys for globalist elitists. This is either very cynical or very naive, take your pick. Globalist elitists have zero regard for individual liberty or individualism, the professed goals of libertarians. Their not so secret plan is to kill off 90% of humanity, allegedly for environmental reasons, putting even the grizzly body count of 20th century communism to shame.

    All of these evil movements stem from the Luciferian enlightenment. More fundamentally, they stem from the suicidal values of weakness and surrender inherent in Jewish Christianity, and the mental diaspora that comes from abandoning the ancestral European Pagan gods and being rooted in the European soil of our primordial ancestry.

  13. Victor, you were doing fairly well. Until your blasphemous finale, that is. Most of your justified criticisms of libertarians don’t apply to the relatively more conservative propertarian branch thereof.

    As you know, it was absolute monarchy in our Russian Empire that led to the first great triumph of communism, albeit in two stages. A few decades later, it was fascist overreach which led to the fall of Central Europe and China to communism, and Western imperialism and colonialism which led to communist and comsymp nations and revolutionary wars throughout the “developing” world. It took capitalists, chiefly Reagan and Thatcher, to set communism back on its heels, although as many of us warned at the time and ever since, the victory was not nearly as decisive as many thought at the time, as we can see with the rise of China today.

    Your greatest error, of course, remains your rejection of Jesus Christ, who died for your sins. I will keep praying for your eternal repentance and salvation. While you are right that Christianity is not indigenous to Europe, it has taken deep root in European soil and culture over the course of two millennia, and the two are now inextricably intertwined. There is no European culture without Christendom anymore. And there never will be, no matter how much it pains you.

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