Voting Rights Champion Nancy Abudu Confirmed to be a Judge of the Eleventh Circuit

On May 25, the U.S. Senate confirmed Nancy Abudu to be a judge on the Eleventh Circuit, which covers Florida, Georgia, and Alabama. She has a long history of legal advocacy for voting rights, especially in Florida while she was with the ACLU. She has been especially active in fighting for voting rights for ex-felons, but she has been involved with ballot access also. At one point she was prepared to represent minor parties against the 2011 Florida law that requires some ballot-qualified parties to submit a very difficult petition if they want to run for president, but then she changed employers and she couldn’t proceed with that case.


Voting Rights Champion Nancy Abudu Confirmed to be a Judge of the Eleventh Circuit — 58 Comments

  1. The SPLC supports her, so you know she’s a communist. Richard Winger is openly celebrating communists serving on Circuit Courts.

  2. Even if she were a communist, and I doubt she is because I don’t subscribe to 1950s style McCarthyism (but Congress and Biden do and thus wouldn’t have nominated and confirmed her if she was), she clearly supports free and fair elections more than many Democrats and Republicans. And her confirmation to a judgeship is worth celebrating among those of us who do support free, fair, and multiparty elections, assuming she hasn’t made some deal to turn her back on minor party/Independent voting rights in order to be confirmed as a judge.

  3. She is a wonderful person. She is kind and thoughtful and I have been privileged to have had a phone conversation with her once.

  4. Communists are not wonderful people Richard. They are evil. Are you a communist?




    Federal appeals court nominee withdraws in rare judicial defeat for Biden

    Seung Min Kim and Mary Clare Jalonick Associated Press

    Washington – In a rare judicial defeat for President Joe Biden, Michael Delaney is withdrawing his nomination for the Boston-based 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, according to a letter he sent to the White House on Thursday.
    apparently NOT commie enough for Senate commies

  7. She sounds like a typical Mau Mau African COMMUNIST guerrilla. There’s no need for judges, anyway. Laws should be interpreted and executed at the same time by peace officers, with on the spot execution being the most common punishment for serious offenses. Lesser transgressions and disputes can be handled by the family patriarch, voluntary neighborhood watch, church counseling, private arbitration firms, business council meetings, etc. Intermediate offenses can be punished by means such as whipping, exile, fines, confiscation of property, indentured servitude, and corrective rape. The most notorious crimes can be punished by dramatic public executions after a short confinement of less than a week. But in general, criminals should almost never be jailed or warehoused, especially at taxpayers expense or in anything nicer than a medieval dungeon.

  8. The best thing to do with communists is to apply increasing levels of such punishment until they can be convincingly shown to have abandoned communism. In cases of serious communist infection, more dire response is needed, with mass public executions in the most advanced stages of communist malignancy.

  9. Has the MaxZIm legal code been written in STONE yet — or perhaps Titanium Carbide [hard stuff] ???

  10. No. I think local variations should prevail, rather than top down planning. I’ve explained why written laws should be short, easy to understand and memorize, and very difficult to change. They should also rarely have to be applied at all.

  11. Abudu thinks if you are white you are a racist, meaning she is a racist. This is who Richard Winger supports.

  12. I would be happy if every commenter who uses the term “Communist” would take the time to define it.

  13. It’s a system designed to achieve an end goal where individuals own nothing, not even their own thoughts or bodies, and the collective owns everything. “Perfect” communism has never been achieved, but the closer it has been approximated, the more hellish the real world results. The Borg on Star Trek are a good fictional depiction of ultimate communism.

    Most communists have an incremental strategy, and most of them do not admit to being communists in countries they don’t yet control. Leftists and rhinos are generally speaking communists. They usually promote other communists, fake news, secularism, and in non-communist countries various aspects of cultural Marxism such as feminism, race mixing, population replacement, the homosexual/tranny agenda, gun confiscation, coddling criminals, hating and attacking law enforcement officers, legalizing moral rot such as narcotics, pornography, prostitution, obscenity, etc, and the rest of the incremental communist agenda. They also usually call for weakening military defense (except in communist countries) and a weak, surrender-oriented foreign policy.

    The Marxist branch of communism, which is what nominally communist nations and parties adhere to, is based around an absurd fiction whereby a “proletarian” dictatorship peacefully gives way to a peaceful utopian anarchist communist society. Nothing remotely like this has ever happened, because it’s based on a fundamental misunderstanding of human nature by a spoiled brat who never did an honest day’s work in his life.

    Communism also fundamentally misunderstands economic reality, at best being rescued from complete disaster only to the degree that it still incorporates elements of capitalism or commerce with or aid from capitalist countries. At worst, it leads to mass starvation and death. In both cases there is severe repression of freedom of thought, press, assembly, religion, self-defense, parental authority, tradition, etc.

    Communist regimes are usually characterized by secret police, kangaroo courts, and vast networks of domestic espionage and forced labor prison camps. In communist nations free expression and dissent of any kind is strictly prohibited, but in other countries communist scum seek to weaken their enemies through extremely permissive and culturally transgressive cultural Bolshevism. In all cases they attack Christianity, private property, tradition, and parental authority.


  15. Richard Winger’s defense of her has been ripped to shreds. He’s given up because he knows people hate communists like himself.

  16. The ultimate war will be White nations against China, but Taiwan will be a precursor. All new age top donkeys and the top libtard rhino cuntry club establishment old age rhino white elephants are communist, including the no lube neverTrumpers, Lincoln project, etc. If I’m not mistaken the Detroit News is a leftist fake news bird cage liner. There are additional definitions of communism on the thread about Pennsylvania special elections posted the same day as this one.

  17. This website is about ballot access. Judge Abudu is a friend of fair ballot access. If you are unhappy about her nomination, probably that is because you don’t care about ballot access, which makes me wonder why you even visit this website.

  18. This website pretends to be about ballot access. In reality it’s a front to push communism. You are openly supporting a communist judge. You hate freedom.

  19. In other news, I been trying to stop ballot access from getting worse in Minnesota, while trying to improve things in ND

  20. My Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Diectionary defines “communist” as an adherent of “communism.” Then it defines “communism” has “a theory advocating elimination of private property”. If you have any evidence that Nancy Abudu supports the elimination of private property, please let us know.

  21. Links have been posted. Look at her history. Look at who she supports. Seriously Richard you aren’t fooling anybody. We know you and her are communists.

  22. She probably has a lot of bad views, but she could be good on some issues relating to ballot access. This is a ballot access site.

    I do not know much about this woman, but I know enough to know that I would probably disagree with her a lot, but if she does a few good things for ballot access that could be beneficial for those of us who support minor parties and independent candidates and more fair ballot access in general.

    There are a lot of people in government who are bad on a lot of issues but are good on a few issues.

  23. I second Andy, but this is too speculative. Sure, she’s worked to support ballot access for the voter (apparently contraversially), but it doesn’t sound like she’s done much to support ballot access for the candidate.

    Let’s see a lawyer who represented the Libertarian party in their lawsuits in Georgia get nominated to the 11th circuit.

  24. The vast majority of communists do not openly advocate the abolition of private property or call themselves communists. They simply do everything to move things ever towards communism incrementally. And not wanting a judge who’s for making things worse on a whole lot of issues is not the same as not caring about ballot access necessarily, just because she’s good on ballot access. How would you feel about a Nazi judge who is good on ballot access?

  25. If you’re not aware of the problem of communists masquerading as something less extreme, you end up with communists in power and bu the time you realize it u are living under communist dictatorship.

  26. Exactly. Most commies don’t outright say they are because it is unpopular. They do it in subtle ways.

  27. Yes, it’s very dangerous. By the time these wolves remove their sheep’s clothing it is impossible, or much harder, to do anything about it. A bit over a hundred years ago in my country, the first to go communist, some communists were revolutionary, and some masqueraded or were delusional to think they were liberals and social democrats. It was all part of the same Luciferian “enlightenment” madness that has increasingly gripped the world since the late 18th century.

    As you may know, the way it played out was that the first revolution created a weak, ineffective liberal democracy that was taken over by communist scum and then overthrown by them after several months in favor of a “proletarian” dictatorship. The idiots who thought this dictatorship would be temporary, or that they would create paradise on earth, or even make things better for workers and peasants, soon found themselves rounded up in prison camps and executed, starved or worked to death, before or after being forced to pay verbal and written homage to the party line and snitch out other actual or suspected dissenters.

    The counterrevolutionary White armies fought the good fight, but were defeated. Too many idealistic idiots and people of all walks of life found out the hard way what leftist propaganda leads to in reality, but then it took many decades and many more countries taken over by the communist Borg to defeat them here, and the fight is far from over, in my country, yours, or any other. The Chinese Communist Party is bent on world domination, and you already have a CCP dementia ridden puppet president after a stolen election.

    The threat of global communism remains extremely real. The globalist elitists trying to create a one world government totalitarian panopticon prison planet are Luciferian illuminati communists. The deep state uniparty in America is secretly communist. The European elitists are plotting with their CCP and Israeli counterparts to kill off 90% of humanity and enslave the rest under the guise of environmentalism, and they are communists. They just won’t tell you that is what they are, at least not very often.

    The struggle against global communism is in every country and every field of endeavor, and that is because communists are in every country and bored in like ticks and termites in every field of endeavor. They are an extremely malignant cancer of the worst sort. Like an iceberg, there is far more out of sight than in plain view, and as with cancer and many other things, what you don’t know can kill you most effectively.

  28. Fascism is really bad. And, contrary to widespread myth, also leftist, just not as far left as communism. Communism is much worse than even fascism. Compare the body counts globally of both, for starters. An undercover communist is as bad or worse than an openly declared communist, and either one is worse than a Nazi.

  29. Therefore, Sam’s question is valid, and as yet unanswered: how would you feel about a Nazi judge who happens to be good on ballot access?

  30. Exactly. Would you find it troubling if your favorite judge has KKK robes hanging in the closet next to judge robes and attends cross lightings?

  31. Joe McCarthy was right about the communist threat. And so is the JBS.

  32. My definition of communist is a bad, evil person, including all leftists and so called centrists, as well as some people who falsely claim to be libertarians or conservatives.

  33. One good definition of communist, or commie, is someone you should kill for your mommie. If at all possible, by dropping them out of a helicopter, although that can be logistically difficult to make happen, so it doesn’t really matter how you kill them, only that they get to be dead as soon as possible. I believe that when it comes to commies, killing is an act of self defense as well as defense of others. I actually travel for a living to kill commies.

  34. Sure, killing commies is doing the whole world a favor. But, take it from me, it’s also a lot of fun. You get to travel, experience the best the world has to offer, get laid by hot women who love your accent, learn a great deal, experience a lot of thrilling and adventurous situations, make great friends, and make a lot of money for your family, friends in need, causes you support, eventual retirement, etc. I’m part owner of everything from sailboats to racing horses to casinos, my kids get to go the best private schools and colleges, my wife gets to have sex her limousine driver, pilates instructor, pool boy, groundskeeper, favorite rock cover bands etc when I’m out of town, it makes sex with her more fun when I get home, and the world is a better place. Everyone wins, except commies.

  35. Communists want to kill a lot of people, steal as much property as possible, control everything and everyone, and not have to go to prison because they run the prisons and courts. Communists are dangerous no matter what, but especially when they gain power.

  36. There’s no good communist except a dead communist. Better dead than red. And everyone should read a book called None Dare Call It Conspiracy. Seriously, you should. It might save your life, and the lives of people you love.

  37. When communists can’t be killed, they should at least be named and shamed.

  38. Especially the one’s who don’t like to admit to being communists, and especially when they seek to be advanced to more power and authority.

  39. You have to be extremely naive and gullible to believe that not all leftists are communists, whether they admit it or not. Or you could be a leftist yourself, and a liar. It’s not always easy to tell which of these you are dealing with.

  40. To be fair to Mr. Winger. I will give him the benefit of the doubt, and start with the presumption that he is naive and gullible when comes to the majority of communist wolves, who run around disguised as liberal or “progressive” sheep (progressing towards what? Communism, naturally. The world, or at least parts of it, have developed immunity to revolutionary communism after the past century).

  41. LOL @ Joshua H on May 19. Joe Biden and your Congress subscribe to McCarthyism? It’s close to 4 pm here, so the day is not as young as it is for most of you, but that’s biggest laugh line of the day so far, nevertheless. Someone will have to work pretty hard to top that one.

  42. I too would love to give Richard Winger the benefit of the doubt. But how does anyone spend a lifetime covering political issues and not discover that not all communists are public about their communism?

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