Cornel West announces Candidacy for POTUS

Cornel West, 70, announced today that he is seeking the nomination for President of the United States of the People’s Party, more formally known as Movement for a People’s Party, which is a Progressive minor party in the United States. Dr. West is an academic who has previously held faculty positions at several Ivy League universities. The People’s Party currently has ballot access only in Florida. Based on numbers in the June 1, 2023 edition of Ballot Access News, The People’s Party and the West Campaign (assuming he receives the party’s nomination) will need to obtain 674,072 valid signatures in 45 states and the District of Columbia, plus pay filing fees or become organized in four states, in order to appear on the November 2024 ballot in all 50 states and DC. Here is an in-depth interview and analysis from Chris Hedges:

HT to Eric Garris for drawing my attention to Mr. Hedges’ article.


Cornel West announces Candidacy for POTUS — 6 Comments

  1. nonpartisan execs/judics via equal nom pets/filing fees

    with AppV – pending Condorcet
    USA elector= USA citizen / 18 plus years olde -PERIOD.

    be registered 28 days before election days.

    NOOO mental / criminal machinations.

    NOOO monarch/oligarch tyrant limited electors.

  2. Too bad there are zero rational people advancing zero rational arguments and seriously considering any of the counterarguments to any of the above unsupported AZ claims.

    The repeated chanting of the AZ religious slogans is amusing, but not enlightening. A guy who has trouble distinguishing between Hitler and Trump (other than Hitler spent time in jail) and possibly thinks he is God is obviously useless to discuss anything with, but if anyone thinks he is correct about any single one of those claims and is willing logically discuss my view that they are likely ways to make things even worse, please go ahead.

    I could lay out cases about why he’s wrong about every single one of those things yet again, but it’s a complete waste of time if either zero rational people here agree with him about any of them, or if none of them are willing to rationally examine why either they or I are wrong.

    As for Cornel West, the old arsenic of Marxism in new bottles is still the same old poison. But, maybe dividing the communist vote will help elect Trump again. So, good luck to Dr. West. I doubt we need to worry about him having so much luck as to actually be elected president.

  3. West, if he we wants to mount a serious campaign, is going to need to seek the nomination of multiple leftist political parties. He should also be seeking the Green Party’s nomination, the Socialist Party USA nomination, the Peace and Freedom Party nomination, etc. And, being he has been a long time “Honorary Chair” of the DSA he should be seeking their endorsement of his campaign as well.

  4. In this case I’m defining a “serious campaign” as one that actually runs nationally. That gets ballot access in, at bare minimum, enough states with enough votes to “hypothetically” win the presidency. The People’s Party cannot offer that at this present time.

  5. I would define serious as one that has a nontrivially plausible path to winning the presidency. At the moment, I see only Trump meeting that definition of serious. The Biden installed puppet regime is doing serious damage to our country, but I don’t see any serious chance they will get another term. However, the chance will still seem serious enough to enough people to preclude any third, fourth or fifth party from rising above past performance of parties ranked below second in the US, particularly in recent decades.

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