U.S. District Court in Michigan Libertarian Trademark Case Finds Procedural Problems with Libertarian National Committee’s Request for Injunction

On June 9, U.S. District Court Judge Judith E. Levy determined that the Libertarian National Committee’s request for a Michigan injunction has procedural problems. She struck the document from the record and ordered the LNC to re-file by June 16. Here is the three-page ruling in Libertarian National Committee v Saliba, e.d., 5:23cv-11074.

The case had been filed because the Libertarian National Committee believes that trademark law can be used to adjudicate an internal dispute over who the officers of the Michigan Libertarian Party are.

In the meantime, no attorney for the Defendants has entered the case. The Defendants include four Libertarian Party nominees from the 2022 election, including the party’s gubernatorial nominee.

Thanks to Independent Political Wire for this news.


U.S. District Court in Michigan Libertarian Trademark Case Finds Procedural Problems with Libertarian National Committee’s Request for Injunction — 20 Comments

  1. Richard Winger supporting statist commie George Phillies. We know Winger will never report any pro LNC or Mises news. Ballot access my ass.

  2. Did George Phillies attempt to steal affiliates like Sarwark Longstreth and Bilyeu?

  3. Don’t know but when I last saw her she was eating multiple burritos and speaking Spanish.

    If she is illegal she should be deported.




  5. Is independent politically wired different from the former IPR, now commie crap controlled by Phillies/ CCCP, soon to be censored cretins creating propaganda?

  6. There is only one legitimate Michigan LP. It is chaired by Andrew Chadderdon.

  7. Naturally, state parties are regional spearheads of the national party. To claim otherwise is illogical and insane.

  8. This is why L/P is ineffective in elections. It has a civil war within its ranks.

  9. Four of the defendants in this case were Libertarian nominees for important office in November 2022: Mary Buzuma for Governor, Greg Stempfle for Secretary of State, and for congress, David Canny and Mike Saliba.

  10. Is there evidence that Biden took a $5 million bribe? No, because, according to your article, “The sources said Zlochevsky said he believed it would be difficult to unravel the alleged bribery scheme for at least 10 years because of the number of bank accounts involved.”

    So is there at least evidence of Biden getting policy to change in some way? Also, no.

    You’re going to have to do better if you want anyone who hasn’t already drunk Trump’s Kool-Aid to believe you.

  11. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/nation/2023/06/08/gop-set-to-encourage-early-voting-mail-balloting-after-years-of-opposite-messaging-to-its-voters/70302304007/

    GOP set to encourage early voting, mail balloting after years of opposite messaging to its voters

    Christina A. Cassidy Associated Press

    Atlanta – After years of criticizing mail voting and so-called ballot harvesting as ripe for fraud, Republicans at the top of the party want to change course.
    They are poised to launch aggressive get-out-the-vote campaigns for 2024 that employ just those strategies, attempting to match the emphasis on early voting Democrats have used for years to lock in many of their supporters well ahead of Election Day. The goal is to to persuade voters who support GOP candidates that early voting techniques are secure and to make sure they are able to return their ballots in time to be counted, thus putting less pressure on Election Day turnout efforts.
    It marks a notable shift from the party’s rhetoric since 2020, when then-President Donald Trump was routinely sowing doubt about mail voting and encouraging his voters to wait and vote in-person on Election Day. As recently as last year, Republican activists peddling the stolen election narrative were telling GOP voters who received mail ballots to hold onto them and turn them in at their polling place on Election Day rather than use mail or drop boxes.
    Now Trump is asking donors to chip in for his “ballot harvesting fund” – saying in a fundraising email, “Either we ballot harvest where we can, or you can say goodbye to America!”
    Republicans say the shift is needed to ensure GOP victories up and down the 2024 ballot, arguing they cannot afford to give Democrats any advantage. At the same time, they acknowledge skepticism from many of their own voters conditioned by false claims of widespread voter fraud from Trump and others.

    more fake news ???

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