Politico Story on Cornel West Presidential Candidacy

Politico has this story by Holly Otterbein about the Cornel West presidential candidacy.

The story suggests that Jill Stein injured Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. Otterbein and other reporters would do a better job if they checked the exit polls from 2016. Those exit polls show that only 25% of the Stein voters said they would have voted for Hillary Clinton if Stein had not been running, and 11% of them said they would have voted for Donald Trump if Stein had not been running.

Assuming the accuracy of those results, Stein’s presence in the 2016 race did not change the outcome in any state, not even Michigan, which was the closest state carried by Trump. Trum’s margin in Michigan was 10,704 votes. Stein received 51,463 votes in Michigan. Because the exit polls show a net gain of 14% (25% minus 11%) if Stein had not been running, one can calculate 14% of Stein’s vote to be 7,205 votes, so Trump still would have carried Michigan, because 7,205 is less than 10,704.


Politico Story on Cornel West Presidential Candidacy — 30 Comments

  1. Why are you posting articles from fake news sites? Why not post from the Babylon Bee?

  2. If the Babylon Bee has any stories relevant to the topics covered on the website, please let me know about them and I will post them.

  3. It seems the major parties are always trying to blame minor parties if one of them don’t get elected. They need to stop. It’s getting old.

  4. How accurate were the exit polls? There were 24,000 respondents. Since Stein received 1% of the popular vote, we would expect 240 to admit (or claim) to have voted for Stein. Are these voters representative of Stein voters?

    There were exit polls at 350 polling locations, so some locations had no Stein respondents, and one would have been typical.

  5. Otterbein and other such “Journalists” aren’t interested in doing a better job as Journalists. They’re interested in doing a better job as state media, including doing more to injure the reputation and electoral chances of third/minor party candidates and help the Democrats and/or Republicans stay in power.

  6. Richard W. After a steady stream of articles on Socialist Parties I have noticed that articles on those parties have totally dried up over the last 2 years. Plugging the word ‘Socialist’ into this website’s Search Engine reveals the last article was published on June 22, 2023. Almost a year ago. A quick perusal shows that most of the articles published have reply comments, some quite lively. So why have we seen nothing about the Socialist Workers Party, Socialist Equality Party, the Party for Socialism and Liberation or Socialist Party USA to name the more prominent formation over the last year ?

    The Militant has published two articles of SWP Candidates that have filed papers for the State and Local 2024 Races.



    BTW I am not affiliated with SWP My views concur closer to that of SEP.

  7. There was a story on April 2, 2023 on this website about the Socialist Workers Party winning against Florida prison censorship for The Militant.

    When filing has closed in New Jersey for this year’s state elections, there will be a blog post about which parties are on the ballot for Governor and legislature. As to local elections, it wouldn’t be a good idea for there to be a blog post about every minor party candidate filing. The example you list is for a non-partisan city election. And as to the 2024 California US Senate race, it wouldn’t be sensible to blog about that until filing has closed in March 2024.

  8. I concur Richard. I should have been more specific with my complaint. Specifically what I was looking for is two items. A wrap-up of the 2020 Election to see what the vote count for Socialist Candidates and what they are doing. It took a long time for Wikipedia and Ballotpedia pages to be updated to the specificity where such data could be gleaned. Howie Hawkins garnered 403,000 running for the Socialist Party USA. He had ballot status in 31 states but my suspicion is his Ballot Line listed him as a Green in 30 of those states. The “S” Word sends voters fleeing. Socialist do very well when the run in Non Partisan Elections. Witness Kshama Sawant. If Hawkins did receive 403,000 votes running as a Socialist it would have been the highest numbers any Socialist received since Eugen Victor Debs.

    Gloria LaRiva, of PSL Fame, received a smidgeon under 85,000 votes in 2020 which is up from 74,400 in 2016. But then again LaRiva runs under the Peace And Freedom Party Ticket in California and the Liberty Union Party Banner in Vermont.

    The Socialist Workers Party Candidate for President took a tumble 2020 and receiving 6800 votes down from 11743 votes in 2016. My hunch is the number of Ballot Lines the SWP amassed in 2020 was down considerably from 2016.

    Ralph Nader pointed out in 2004 that every time a 3rd Party does well State Legislatures crank up new rules fto make it more difficult for new Political Parties to qualify Ballot Status. They also do the same for Individual Candidates to Petition their way on to the Ballot.

    Ballot Access did point out the SWP Qualified for Party Status in Delaware a bunch of years ago and lost it shortly afterward

  9. Vote total for Alyson Kennedy










    Populations of the states where Kennedy had ballot access:

    2020: 31,115,218

    2016: 41,677,043

    2016 was the best showing for the Socialist Workers party since 1992. 2020 was typical.

  10. Since the top Donkeys are more communist than ever

    — it is little wonder that little media attention is now paid to olde *socialist* folks.

  11. The evidence is clear as day Biden took bribes. Why do you think he’s giving Ukraine money hand over fist? Why does he have so many homes? How did Hunter get these jobs despite zero experience?

  12. Tom, clearly your article from the Babylon Bee proves that it is fake news. Why in the world would Hunter Biden be a VP candidate for Trump if Trump wants him investigated?

  13. If anyone feels that Richard Winger’s reportage is insufficient, they are perfectly free to start their own blog.

    It’s called Freedom of the Press, and it’s actually protected by the Constitution.

  14. Anyway, there should be MORE third party Presidential candidates in MORE swing states, “spoiling” every Presidential election going forward. It has become the only way to encourage electoral reform. It’s what changed the system in Maine.

  15. And, if Michigan had ranked choice voting in 2016, we would actually know if Stein voters were willing to accept Clinton as their second choice. No statistical guesswork needed.

  16. For Green Party votes I have it at 70 percent from D and 30 percent from R. The presidential campaigns for Socialist and Prohibition candidates have gone down to the point where they are mostly just a civics lesson.



  18. With time, I increasingly think that third parties should embrace the role of spoiler, unless they are aiming to win electoral majorities. Neither the Libertarian nor Green Parties are in a position to do so. The usefulness of a candidacy like Cornel West’s is not just promoting ideas, nor is it to try to win, rather it is to pressure one or both major party candidates to compete for votes. If nobody runs to Biden’s left, he will have much less pressure to cater to swing voters on the left. He will have an incentive to support policies that address student debt and climate change, for instance. This is the power of the spoiler effect.

  19. The dimocrats are right to worry. Right now the big guy’s already 15 points underwater and sinking like a rock even in the biased leftist polls, before you even take into account West, Fake Label, and any other leftist splits or his bribery issues registering very much. By this time next year he will find cause to envy Jimmy Carter and Herbert Hoover’s quixotic quests for second terms. By November next year he will need to seriously consider concession ahead of fact to limit the damage down ballot, and his VP will only make things worse for him and the rest of the evildoers.

    Joe is right. Rank communist voting should be banned everywhere. It is leftist fraud voting. Trump said it, I believe it, that settles it.

    It sounds to me like Beijing Biden voter AZ and Walter Ziobro in their most recent comments above said the exact same thing, and want to ban normal voting because it helps Trump and hurts Biden. That’s not going to happen. Trump will triumph and save America. It is God’s will. He’s coming back like Jesus Christ and the return of the Jedi and like them the second time around will be far better. Praise Jesus and praise Trump!





  21. AZ is off his meds again or is on the sauce.

    Biden showed documents to Hunter and foreign governments. Biden took bribes. Not a peep from AZ about that. Obviously loves Biden.

  22. Is there even one shred of evidence that any commie spies at all have or had access to Mar A Lago? Biden had documents in dozens of completely insecure locations for years, and is a known puppet of Chinese Communist dictator Xi, owing Xi for millions of dollars in bribes for himself and his family, as well as for helping steal the 2020 election with intentional coronavirus biowarfare and various other means. It would make a lot more sense to ask how much Chinese Communist spying Biden purposely allowed as part of his treasonous betrayal of America and every oath of office he ever took.

  23. No hint of rioting in Miami. Wouldn’t it make more sense to ask about rioting all over the country in 2020 by left wing anarchist communist scum funded by Soros, black lives matter aka burn loot murder, and antipolice agitators, and what roles all that helped play in stealing the 2020 election for Biden and his puppet master Xi Jinping??

    AZ lives in a topsy turvy world where Trump led an insurrection and facilitates spying on behalf of commies. In reality, Biden and Xi were part of a massive and actually successful effort to steal the 2020 presidential election and helped orchestrate actual insurrectionists rioting all over the country throughout that election year to help the election theft effort in a whole bunch of ways. AZ also falsely claims Trump is a lot like Hitler, where as Trump is actually nothing whatsoever like Hitler. However, Biden is a lot like Quisling and other traitors who sold their countries out to foreign left wing fascist and communist regimes in order to be the puppets in chief of their conquered countries.

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