Voting Rights Specialist Approved for a Federal Judgeship

On June 14, the U.S. Senate confirmed Dale Ho to be a U.S. District Court Judge in the southern district of New York. He has been the head of the ACLU’s Voting Rights Project since 2013.

The ACLU has attacked severe ballot access laws in courts in many states for many decades. Back in 1940, the ACLU published a criticism of severe ballot access laws. The last ballot access case won by the ACLU was for the New Hampshire Libertarian Party in 2020, which resulted in an easier petition requirement for 2020 only. Without that victory, the Libertarian Party would not have been on the New Hampshire ballot in 2020. It was the first time New Hampshire state government had ever lost a ballot access lawsuit.


Voting Rights Specialist Approved for a Federal Judgeship — 2 Comments

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