Attorney for Michigan Libertarian Party Defendants Enters the Case

On June 15, an attorney for the Michigan Libertarian defendants filed paperwork with a U.S. District Court to represent those defendants. He is Nick Curcio. The case is Libertarian National Committee v Saliba, e.d., 5:23cv-11074.


Attorney for Michigan Libertarian Party Defendants Enters the Case — 106 Comments



  2. What the fuck are you even talking about? A fake party is trying to steal the real one. What does that have to do with Gerrymandering?

    Please seek help.

  3. I wouldn’t go so far as to call the LNC a “fake party,” even given its attempts to steal the real Michigan LP from Michigan’s Libertarians.

  4. Knapp is obviously a supporter of the fake group. He worships Nick Sarwark and Bill Weld, two fake libertarians.

    The LNC is a real party. The real Michigan LP is chaired by Andrew Chadderdon. The fake Michigan LP is chaired by Mike Saliba. Don’t let fraudsters like Thomas Knapp fool you.

  5. Thomas Knapp is associated with statist censor control freak George Phillies. Knapp also left the LP to join the communist Forward Party, founded by communist Andrew Yang.

    Thomas Knapp is a communist.






  7. AZ didn’t get enough hugs as a child. That’s why he’s so angry and nonsensical.

  8. This case has implications far beyond the internal power struggles of the LP. If a party can establish a trademark title to its name, that helps bolster the principle established in Eu v San Francisco that political parties are private associations. Also, such a precedent could enable a political party to control which candidates may or may not use its party label in any top-x or open primary.

  9. Walter – the hilarious thing is that ALL of the so-called trademarks supposedly owned by Libertarian National Committee, Inc. have been disputed for ten years. The first dispute was filed before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office around this time ten years ago.

    National has made ZERO attempts to rectify the disputes before the USPTO, especially that now is the first time that state affiliates (or former state affiliates) are being sued over it.

    The LNC has until June 30 to answer to those disputes, and then the trademarks are invalidated.

  10. There is a lot of commie anti property rights whining in here. Obviously the national committee is the only legitimate property owner of the word libertarian, the term libertarian party, associated logos and ballot access, etc. Anyone else gets to use any of it only with their permission. They are a corporation. What these commie scum are saying is kind of like saying the Michigan coca cola distributor can do what it wants even if national coca cola says cease and desist. That is completely ridiculous.

    Commie fascists controlled LP from 2012-22. Now they are being kicked out and starting fake state affiliates. Shame on them. The law is not on their side. They will be punished, legally.

  11. I don’t “worship” Sarwark, and I have significant disagreements with him, but he’s both a personal friend and hands down the most effective chair the LNC ever had.

    And I’m a libertarian/agorist/market anarchist, not a communist or any other variety of socialist, with about 30 years of publicly available writing to prove it.

  12. Knapp is lying. He said the far left is libertarian when in fact it is communism, which he subscribes to.

    Sarwark watered down the party and openly supported Bill Weld and communists into joining the party. He’s the worst and most dictatorial chair in party history. He also tried to steal several affiliates, and is involved with the fake Michigan (Sailba) group. This is who Knapp loves.

  13. Knapp is associated with statist George Phillies. That tells you where he is on the political spectrum.

  14. So he’s basically an “anarchist” communist who supports neoliberal-neocon-neomarxist takeover of LP by CIA new world order Sarwarks and Welds. That…
    .. position?…which Knapp takes makes a lot of logical sense, I’m sure, if you scramble your brain with large doses of hard liquor and hallucinogenic narcotics on a regular basis, as Knapp always brags about doing.

  15. Knapp supported lockdowns and mandates like Sarwark did. Not libertarian positions.

  16. Was he involved in a bizarre love triangle with illegal alien Andy Gonzalez and commie Jewish Supremacist censor Frankel from the former IPR (now CCCP – COMMUNIST CRAP CENSORED by PHILLIES)???

  17. “Knapp supported lockdowns and mandates”

    Sure, if by “supported” you mean “vociferously publicly opposed in each and every instance.” Otherwise, not so much.

    “like Sarwark did.”

    Sarwark was very cagey on lockdowns and mandates. So far as I know, he never came right out and said he supported them (and any time I’ve asked for an example of doing so, none has been forthcoming — do you care to try your hand at finding such a thing?). Instead, he just went after people who opposed them and positively cited the claims used to justify them. And all that was definitely a matter on which I found his position (or, rather, careful refusal to take a position) incorrect.

  18. I don’t know if I could really be called a “close associate” of Paulie’s. We’ve always been on friendly terms, although I haven’t heard from in dog’s years. He and I both worked on Steve Kubby’s 2008 presidential campaign, he handled some petitioning for the 2008 Boston Tea Party ballot access, and we’ve hung out at Libertarian National Conventions few times. I don’t dislike him or anything.

  19. Define “associated with George Phillies.” I’ve known him for 25 years or so, and consider him a friend. We have also often been on opposite sides of political issues. The only current “association” I have with him is that I occasionally comment at his sites.

  20. “Knapp is lying. He said the far left is libertarian when in fact it is communism, which he subscribes to.”

    Er, no. Communism, or more specifically Marxism, was the first major right-deviation from libertarianism (as elaborated in the libertarian class theory of Comte/Dunoyer), the furthest point left on the left-right political spectrum as exemplified by Thomas Paine and Frederic Bastiat, both of whom sat on the left in the French Assembly, where the left-right spectrum was first defined.

    Like the original leftists, aka libertarians, I support private property rights and free markets. Marx took Comte/Dunoyer works, replaced the class conflict (“productive class” versus “political class”) with a poor substitute (“labor” versus “capital”), and mixed in an idiotic theory of value and a bunch of weird-ass woo about “alienation.” Which put him to the right of libertarianism.

  21. Knapp is being way to coy. No dice. He and Frankel worked together as IPR censors. Now Phillies does it, and about to bring in Sarwark stooge Blewyou, a suspected illegal Mexican alien invader, to help monitor and shut down opposition. All of these shady characters oppose Mises and all types of right libertarianism and right wing nationalism.

  22. Knapp tries to spin things when caught on his lies. He supported lockdowns and mandates. Sarwark did too and you said that was positive.

    Communism is as far left as you can go. Knapp is a moron and a commie.

  23. “He and Frankel worked together as IPR censors.”

    I’ve never worked as an “IPR censor.” At one time I did have a user-level account that was allowed to post articles there. Never used it much, and never got involved in comment moderation. I pretty much quit even commenting there for several years. When Dr. Phillies bought the site, he asked if I was interested in coming back with a more active role, but I declined.

    You’re correct, however, that I opposed* the Republican “infiltrate and neuter” Mises PAC’s takeover of the LNC and various state Libertarian Parties, and that I oppose nationalist death cultism (“right-wing libertarianism” is an oxymoron, so I only “oppose” it in the sense that I don’t pretend it exists).

    * “Opposed” is in the past tense because I am no longer a member of my state’s Libertarian Party or a financial supporter of the Libertarian National Committee, and thus neither “support” nor “oppose” anything that goes on with those entities, although I sometimes find them interesting enough to comment on).

  24. No, Knapp didn’t support lockdowns and mandates. Knapp opposed every lockdown and every mandate, without exception, and did so publicly in as loud a manner as humanly possible. As anyone who cares about the truth can verify using any decent search engine.

    Which of course, you know quite well. Your problem isn’t that you’re ignorant, it’s that you’re a lying sack of shit.

  25. Knapp is again showing his idiocy. Mises is not a Republican group. They are true libertarians, unlike Weld and Sarwark and Bilyeu.

    Why does Knapp care? He left and joined the communist Forward Party, which pushes UBI. Hard to get more communist than that.

  26. Knapp just admitted he isn’t a libertarian! Good riddance to bad rubbish like Knapp.

  27. “Did Knapp vote for Biden? Was he involved in rigging the election?”

    Knapp voted for Jorgensen in the general election, after supporting Hornberger for the Libertarian Party’s nomination. I was neither involved in, nor had any knowledge of, nor any ability or desire to participate in, any attempts to rig the election.

    “Was Knapp aligned with Sarwark in attempting to steal NH, among other states?”

    So far as I can tell, Sarwark went far out of his way to not be involved in the attempt to steal New Hampshire. As for me, I immediately and publicly opposed the attempt to steal New Hampshire.

  28. He probably supports burn loot murder too. And of course the only real libertarians are right wing. Duh.

  29. I’ve seen no evidence that Jorgensen is a Marxist (or that you understand what a Marxist is), but as I mentioned, I supported Hornberger (the same candidate supported by the Mises PAC) for the nomination. I donated to his campaign and would have cast my delegate vote for him if I’d been a delegate (I was an alternate).

  30. BLM isn’t an organization. It’s a movement that a lot of organizations, Marxist and non-Marxist, grabbed for their banner because it brought in cash. Sort of like how life-long big-government Democrat Donald Trump grabbed “conservative” for his presidential campaign, where it really fit or not. I’m against unjustified police shootings of anyone, regardless of color.

  31. Oh my God Knapp is such a retard. They have an official page. They have an official status. They want free housing, free water, free everything. That’s Marxism.

  32. “They have an official page.”

    A number of organizations using the “Black Lives Matter” name have “official pages.”

    “They have an official status.”

    What the hell is an “official status?”

    As with any label becomes even a little popular, even in a niche, grifters will grab it and do their thing (Exhibit A: The Mises PAC).

    I never found the “Black Lives Matter” tag very persuasive, because I consider the main issue involve to be out of control cops, regardless of their victims’ (or their own) skin color.

    On the other hand, I didn’t find Jorgensen’s nod to the BLM tag to be especially offensive, and after looking at the options on my ballot, I decided she was the best of the bunch. Your mileage may vary.

  33. Trump actually is a conservative. He’s a much more authentic conservative than Bush, Cheney, Dole, Romney, McCain, etc. He was the most conservative major candidate for the Republican nomination in 2016 and 2020, and is again in 2024. He was the most conservative president since at least Coolidge. And the best since at least Andrew Jackson. Before he’s done with his second term in 2029, he’ll be unquestionably the best President in U.S. HISTORY. He’s one of the best leaders on the world stage, along with Putin, Lukashenko, Orban, Bolsanaro, Meloni, LePen, Erdogan, and a few others. We can also mention other recent world leaders such as Duterte here . These are the true conservatives, not the fake conservatives like that first list of names I mentioned.

  34. Trump was the most libertarian candidate on the 2020 ballot, just like Darrell Castle was in 2016. It’s so sad the LP can’t even have the most libertarian candidate. I am hoping Mises changes that.

  35. “Trump actually is a conservative.”

    Not that “conservative” is a good thing, necessarily, but Trump is only a “conservative” if “conservative” means “say whatever I think will get checks written to my campaign.”

    He was a standard-issue progressive the first time he ran for president, and when he saw that Pat Buchanan was going to whip his ass for the Reform Party’s 2000 nomination, he dropped out and started working on how to convince people he was Pat Buchanan. And he was indeed able to convince some people (the people who look up when you tell them the word “gullible” is written on the ceiling).

  36. Blacklivesmatter started as a hash tag on Twitter and other socialist media in 2013. It was in defense of black criminals like Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Eric Garner, and against civilian hero’s like George Zimmerman and police hero’s like Darren Wilson and Daniel Pantaleo. The originators of the gashtag and “call to action” , Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi, expanded their project into a national network of over 30 chapters between 2014 and 2016. These are all trained Marxist organizers funded by Soros, a Jew who served Hitler and a capitalist Marxist globalist and high ranking demon servant of Lucifer and the new world order illuminati.

    In their own satanic words:

  37. Ron, with hitting Angela as chair we should get an actual libertarian as the candidate.

  38. Trump was never a standard issue progressive. He was always strong on law and order, death penalty, fighting crime, and related issues. He registered Republican in 1987 and asked Lee Atwater to be considered for the Republican VP nomination. The only time he was registered as a Democrat was 2001-9. Among his other issues from the start of his political involvement has been that other countries should pay for their own defense. He said this would help balance the budget. He always stood strong against the redskin injun headscalpers and squaws and their crime, welfare leeching, anti White hatred, and corruption.

    Trump has stood strong on trade and immigration for a long time. As he got older and wiser he became ever more conservative. That’s a natural process a lot of people undergo. He’s still getting better with age, and his second Presidency will be much better than the first.

  39. We have counted Donald Trump as a strong supporter of law enforcement ever since he started to express political opinions in the 1980s. From the very beginning and to the present day he has been a leader in calling for the public execution of the since then wrongly exonerated Central Park Five. It is a travesty of justice that they were not tortured to death on national television while they were still teenagers.

  40. Roger Stone and Paul Manafort began their relationship with Donald Trump’s business in the early 1980s and were at the forefront of his early forays into politics. It’s unlikely he could have ever been a standard issue progressive. 1980s progressive commies in Manhattan hated Trump as a brash capitalist tycoon who was clearly smarter than the phony globalist leftist snob “intellectuals.” He represented the blue collar, Archie Bunker sensibility of conservative law and order outer borough White New Yorkers. For this reason he was often called a blue collar billionaire.

    An early mentor of his was Roy Cohn, who was the great Joe McCarthy’s right hand man. With good friends like Roy Cohn, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Charlie Black, and the wise nationalist conservative influence of his dad Fred Trump, Donald Trump was destined to evolve into a true conservative leader. No man who had been unjustly persecuted repeatedly since his teenage start in the family business for their wise policy of racial discrimination in rental housing could ever be a “standard issue progressive.”

  41. Angela McArdle should be considered as VP for Trump. She is a leading anti-woke activist with her cosmetics company, was at the forefront of pro-Russia demonstrators at the Rage Against the War Machine rally, against the Ukrainian Nazi scum. Those should, and I predict will, be among the top issues in the 2024 Trump Save America campaign. She’s a good looking younger blonde and this would help sway voters who are on the fence.

    She represents border states with Mexico, first California and now Texas. Thus she would help keep the focus on finishing the wall. As a stay at home mom she would remind voters about making abortion illegal and leading by example for women to reject woke cultural Marxism and embrace the family values of children, kitchen, and church. Plus, along with campaign manager Roger Stone, she could help secure conomination from the Libertarian, Constitution, American Independent, and American Freedom parties, along with GOP, for Trump, thus achieving the long standing dream to Unite the Right and defeat the left.



  43. Phil and Kurt are of course correct. Thank you to those arguing against them for many educational comments above.

  44. How does AZ, who is a troll moron using at least two fake names, know who is or isn’t using multiple names?

  45. Q,

    He doesn’t. Also, he’s the one who is lunatic about TRUMP. He thinks the biggest difference between Trump and Hitler was that Hitler went to jail (never mind little things like 8 digit body count, invading dozens of countries, trying to wipe out at least two ethnic groups, leaving his country a bombed out wreck divided and conquered by foreign powers, killing himself in an underground bunker, etc).

    AZ also thinks the biggest mistake he ever made was a typo, that the US is a monarchy, and possibly that he’s God. His moniker AZ allegedly stands for the Alpha and the Omega, and you can look that up if you don’t know what it signifies. This kind of lunacy is on par with Knapp insisting libertarians are far left, when anyone with any sense knows they are far right, and falsely denying he was an ipr censor for years.







  47. There’s no such thing as a fascist right gang. Fascists are far left, just not as far left as communist. Biden is closer to both fascism and communism than Trump is. Biden policies and rhetoric is currently closest to fascism, but his real goals are communist or more accurately the goals of his handlers. His real goals are to grab ass and try not to fall down and stuff like that. Trump is for freedom and liberty.

  48. Fascists are far left. Libertarians are far right. Trolls such as AZ and Knapp would have you believe otherwise.



  50. The letter in the hand job news linked by Frank above cones with the power of s lot of truth.

  51. It appears Knapp knows he is caught in his lies and has stopped trying to mount his transparent defense !

  52. The problem with AZZ at 1119 last night was the fascist elephants canard. It is the donkeys who are fascist as well as communist. The Republican former establishment is too, but Trump Republicans are not.

    Fascists and national socialists started out being understood by themselves as leftwing. In the 1920s and 1930s commie Marxists began to call them right deviationists and then rightist, but it was an internal insult among fellow leftists; they called social democrats, liberals, fabians and progressives rightist also. Stalinists and Trotskyites called each other rightist after their split, etc.

    After WWII the embarrassment of the left at having spawned Hitler, Mussolini AND Stalin was such that they literally rewrote history to make Hitler and Mussolini leftists. The leftist – that is, Marxist and cryptomarxist – control of history profession, education, news/opinion and entertainment is such a stranglehold that it has become commonly accepted now.

    But it still remains a lie. Fascism is still left wing. Democrats are still more fascist than Republicans. Thus, it’s true that AZ is guilty of exactly what he accused others of – false flag switching the colors of Republicans to red and fascist, whereas both of those are more accurately identified with Democrats.

  53. If communism is furthest left, and fascism is slightly less far left – and it is – Biden is incipient fascism with a goal of communism; see hjnews link above among many other reasons why. Bush Republicans are to the right of Biden, Trump Republicans are to the right of Bush Republicans. Furthest right are anarcho capitalists like Joseph Sobran, Hans Hoppe, Lee Rockwell, etc.

    I’m in between Trump and Sobran/Hoppe/Rockwell on this spectrum. I don’t believe anarchy will result in anything except chaos followed by gang rule. But I do believe government can and should be limited to national defense plus local law enforcement and criminal justice.

  54. Knapp is a far left “anarcho” communist trying to pass off as an anarchocapitalist or a “free market anticapitalist” whatever that is. He’s just trying to confuse people. He’s actually a left wing commie. It shows through.

  55. “I find it odd Knapp only attacks Trump and never Biden.”

    I find it odd that you’re plagued by such a compulsion to lie about me. I attack Biden on a regular basis.

  56. “Knapp is a far left ‘anarcho’ communist”

    I’m not any kind of communist, anarcho or otherwise.

    “trying to pass off as an anarchocapitalist”

    Er, no. “Anarchocapitalist” is an oxymoron. You can be a capitalist or you can be an anarchist, but you can’t be both. Capitalism, an idea described by Hodgskin et al. and largely popularized by Marx as the penultimate stage of his theory of history, implies a mixed, state-regulated industrial economy. I’m not a capitalist because I reject Marxism.

  57. Capitalism is free market economy. It’s the opposite of communism. Passing off esoteric bullshit to claim otherwise is mildly amusing at best. Capital and labor are both elements of the subjective theory of value. That is, value for each consumer, marketer, capitalist and laborer are what they think they are at any given point, and they come together in a collective wisdom of markets that is smarter than any central planner, even the smartest theoretically possible supercomputer, can be. Most people call this free market system capitalism. Trying to distinguish the two is nerdy nitpicking nonsense.

  58. So the Michigan fake libertarians are “Anarcho” commies. Come to think of it, that tankie who ran for LNC chair is from Michigan. There’s probably a whole nest of them there. Knapp is on their side . Surprise surprise surprise.

  59. Knapp returned for a couple quick snipes but failed to address the many arguments against his contention that Trump was a standard issue progressive at any point.

  60. I think he said that was before 2000. Unless I misunderstood him. Of course, it wasn’t true even then, as pointed out in some detail above. It’s not like he turned Buchanenesque overnight. He evolved gradually on a lot of issues.

    Even if we were to take the position that he doesn’t really believe his public positions, so what? He’s more effective for them than anyone else. Whatever he actually believes about abortion, for example, he had more to do with changing actual policy than anyone else in decades, just by virtue of his judicial appointments. That’s not nothing.

    And just one of many issues where he made a real difference. He leads an authentic conservative movement, and leads it effectively. Everything else is between him and St. Peter on Judgement Day.

  61. Note: So far, the quality of comments here doesn’t really rate much beyond quick snipes, but since you’re so interested.

    Trump was pro-choice, until he decided to pretend to be a conservative.

    Trump was anti-gun, even after he decided to pretend to be a conservative.

    As owner of the Miss Universe contest, Trump opened the competition to transgender persons, before he decided to pretend to be a conservative and realized that conservatives don’t dig that.

    Trump invoked war communism (the Defense Production Act) to produce ventilators during the early days of COVID-19, long after he started pretending to be a conservative (fortunately, the market filled the demand before he could do much damage).

    Trump launched a massive “public-private partnership,” standard progressive tactic, to develop COVID-19 vaccine.

    Trump sent out multiple Universal Basic Income checks to nearly every American during COVID-19.

    Oddly, once he started pretending to be a conservative, he adopted the progressive anti-immigration position of Big Labor — which, to be fair, Republican faux-conservatives had been trying to out-progressive the Democrats on for years.

    Trump made massive moves toward the progressive shibboleth of “industrial policy,” aka protectionism, which for some reason faux-conservatives also hopped on board with, apparently forgetting everything they pretended they knew about economics.

    Trump is about as “conservative” as Gus Hall.

  62. Knapp @ 453 pm,

    Nonsense. You didn’t really address any of the counterarguments above. Again, he evolved in some issues. That doesn’t equate to decided to pretend. And if he did decide to pretend, when exactly? Did he do a 180 in or around 2000? Was it a gradual change? Details please.

    The fact that Trump wasn’t perfect on everything even as President doesn’t mean he is not now a conservative. He may see a need to do some things so as not to take too much of a popularity hit, and sometimes he might miscalculate. He may get bad advice from people he shouldn’t have listened to. He may not have thought every issue through. He may not be consistent on everything. Name any president, Democrat or Republican, liberal, conservative, or moderate, that all those statements aren’t true of? Maybe the one who got sick at his inaugural and died soon thereafter?

    Trade protectonism is a complicated issue on which liberals and conservatives have traded places or disagree onternally for a long time. In the original left-right alignment of the 18th and 19th centuries, protectionism was the conservative or right wing position. It was the liberals if that time who tended to be for “free” trade. That’s why relatively more free trade policies are called trade liberalization.

    Robert Taft and many other old right conservatives were for protectionism. The “conservatives” who stood for “free trade” were really conserving a tradition of 18th and 19th century liberalism. Trump represents a return to a more historically authentic form of conservatism, which includes fair trade, low immigration, cultural conservatism, America First foreign policy, nationalism, and opposes globalism. Conservatives have been trending towards fair trade again since the 1990s, and not for the first time.

  63. Immigration easing is another position historically associated with classic liberals. Classic conservatives stood for conserving cultural identity by regulating immigration more. The 1920s immigration laws were broadly supported by politicians of all stripes.

    This consensus did not start to dissolve until after WWII. It didn’t really fully shift until the mid 1960s, when liberal democrats passed the disastrous law allowing massive third world immigration. The chief sponsors were northern Democrats. Ted Kennedy sponsored more pro-immigration legislation after that.

    The left has been more on the side of looser, less pro-American immigration policies ever since, and conservatives more on the side of immigration restrictions, but that’s just getting back to the roots of conservatism. It’s inherently more conservative to keep the country from changing its population composition too rapidly. Communists were always for flooding the country with immigrants and giving them equal rights as quickly as possible. They’re still for that now. I guess Knapp is going to say communists are conservative again.

  64. Pat,

    Actual positions are demonstrated in action.

    The best demonstration of the actual commie position on immigration was the “Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart,” popularly referred to as the “Berlin Wall,” apparently built because West Germany wasn’t sending its best.

  65. Mr. Knapp,

    Nice try, but you fail to consider a very basic fact, or more likely hope the reader will not notice it. Specifically, communists oppose emigration from their own prison nations which they control. They are all for as much third world immigration into nations they don’t yet fully control, so as to weaken those nations morally, intellectually, economically, genetically, and militarily. The presence of such immigrants pushes those countries politically to the left, softening the ground for communist scum.

    As for what they do about it practically: in their overt role as communists, organize demonstrations and the like. In their covert roles, everything from promoting it through opinion manipulation to setting up sanctuary cities to waging legal battles, lobbying, and passing legislation.

  66. Trump and his movement is more authentically conservative than the leaders of the GOP before him. His positions on trade, immigration, and military alliances are actually a big part of why. The conservative movement leadership positions on trade and immigration were only classically liberal during the cold war period. Otherwise, they’ve generally been classically conservative.

    Knapp, oddly, does not think actions speak louder than long ago spoken words when it comes to abortion. Trump has done more to end the holocaust of innocent babies than any other president with his judicial appointments. Indeed, more than any other man alive in the world today.

    Knapp is correct that Trump has come around to Pat Buchanan’s wise positions. I don’t see any reason to believe he is pretending to hold views he doesn’t. In either case, he did something Pat Buchanan always failed at: actually get elected, and had a major impact on real government policy. If actions count louder than words, Trump believes Pat Buchanan’s ideas more than Pat Buchanan himself does.

    There are any number of ways to prove that Trump was never a standard issue progressive above. Knapp ignores them, and tries to prove Trump was progressive in some ways. Some of those ways, like the positions on immigration and trade, are actually the more long standing conservative positions. Even if Trump was progressive on all those issues, it would hardly make him a standard issue progressive, as there were always others he leaned conservative on.

    And what’s so hard to believe about a man changing his mind over the years? I remember reading Rand Paul rail against Trump in 2016 and agreeing. Rand Paul came around to support Trump, and so did I.

  67. “Knapp still hasn’t criticized Biden.”

    I started criticizing Biden long before his 2020 presidential campaign, and have never stopped criticizing Biden. Very much like you probably started lying long before you knew I existed, and have never stopped.

    For just a few examples of me criticizing Biden, see here, here, here, here, and here.

  68. And yet, you fail to acknowledge that Trump was never a standard issue progressive, or some of the reasons why as pointed out above.

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