
Private Sector Analogy to Repressive Ballot Access Laws — 4 Comments

  1. These Certificate of Need laws… there must be a connection between the big companies in those industries and the legislators who pass and keep these laws, which block healthy competition. Like, campaign money, or threat of donating to an opponent, or worse. It’s a rough parallel to ballot access laws.

  2. Hello Mr. Redpath, and welcome to the forum management or ownership (I’m not conversant with your terms or roles, and my sole interest is as a participant in conversation). What I’m most interested in at is their comments structure. Is there a way for you to copy it here, and would you if it’s not too much bother? Being able to reply to individual comments and ignore subthreads you are not interested in would be nice, as would the ability for individual commenters to block other individual commenters, rather than begging the forum management to block some people for everyone, or to spend time arbitrating what is or isn’t on topic, as if it was your full time paid job.

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