WSJ Editorial in Defense of No Labels party

An editorial in the July 5, 2023 edition of The Wall Street Journal defends the No Labels party movement.

The editorial criticizes “the left” for its dumping on No Labels. But, it’s not just “the left.” I listen frequently to The Bulwark podcasts, which state that they are trying to appeal to “the Center Right, as well as the Center Left.” Regular host Charlie Sykes and guest commentator Mona Charen are frequently critical of the No Labels movement and seem confident that it is only going to help Donald Trump win the next Presidential election. I’m not so sure about that.

But what they fail to explain is: What is so new and different about New Labels? In 11 of the 12 presidential elections since 1976, there have been at least two non-R, non-D presidential tickets capable of winning the Electoral College (the exception: 1984, only David Bergland/Jim Lewis, Libertarian Party).


WSJ Editorial in Defense of No Labels party — 42 Comments

  1. It’s about preserving the dominance of the duopoly against ALL challengers – ideology is irrelevant – except the ideology of raw power, that is, fascism.

  2. 1860

    39 PCT LINCOLN >>> 750,000 DEAD IN 1861-1866 INCL LINCOLN


  3. Fascism is relatively less an ideology of raw power than communism, although both are ideologies of raw power. Communism is actually just like fascism, only more extreme. Both are leftist. So is No Labels, and so was the GOP leadership until Trump started to reform them away from leftism, a process which is by no means complete.

  4. OP: What’s different about No Lube is presumably the massive amounts of cash, deep state and fake news in kind support and associated farce and games that will ensue if they actually nominate a candidate. What’s also different is the degree of hatred the left and false center (and phony neverTrump right) have for President Trump. It’s far worse now than in 2016 or 2020.

  5. Hopefully they are right, and the games backfire on them, getting President Trump back into the office that was stolen from him by Chinese Communists and their American Demonrat quisling puppets in 2020.

  6. Wow, the wall street urinal is really pushing the no lube scam extra hard. Unfortunately for them, pretty much all their likely voters work on wall street, fake news, deep state, and associates. The number living anywhere Main Street, particularly in what they call “flyover country,” is not enough to fill a phone booth.

    In related news, Mona Charen and Charlie Sykes are leftists, despite whatever they may tell you. People who live on main street understand that, if they are aware of them at all,which is unlikely. The only people who think the “bulwark” represents an authentic range of left and right opinion are the kind who would either seriously consider voting no lube if they ever defecate an actual candidate, or have a bunch of friends who would give it serious thought (see first paragraph for reference).

  7. Mr. Repath should get over the beltway way of thinking. After all he no longer lives there and has moved back to the Midwest if I am not mistaken.

  8. Mona Charen and Charlie Sykes may have passed for “center right” ten years ago. Not anymore. The new center right is somewhere between Donald Trump Sr. and Donald Trump Jr. Go to any Lincoln dinner in the land of Lincoln (soon to lose that moniker as they come to realize he’s nothing to be proud of) and see for yourself. When was the last CPAC Mr. Repath attended? A lot has changed in the last few years.

  9. George Whitfield, are you still in Korea? If so, that may explain if you don’t understand how American politics has fundamentally changed over the past decade.

  10. How’s it a good point that candidates able to get a majority of electors were on in other elections, so nothing can be different? Only Ross Perot was able and willing to spend anywhere close to what Republicans and Demon Rats spend, and he wasn’t all that close. Nowadays we are talking about the kind of money even a Perot or Bloomberg would have trouble covering the check for. It’s obviously different from candidates who are many additional orders of magnitude further from funding and media coverage parity.

  11. The movement said in a phone call that got publicized (likely against their knowledge) they’re planning on spending $70 million on a presidential campaign only if we get Biden/Trump 2.0. Joe Manchin was on the call and was quoted, but Manchin strikes me more as a potential VP nominee than a presidential candidate.

  12. There’s a lot of medium-sized political hitters backing this, which typically people that are elected to positions of some import, they never stick their neck out to back anything that’s certain failure. At the same time, the Democratic and Republican party caucuses are full of people vilifying their own members with the -INO suffix, at which point why not back a 3rd entity if you’re these people.

    A ton of people hate Trump and hate Biden when you look at numbers. The downside is ballot access is a b#tch as anyone that has done it knows. 2nd obstacle is crossing into the credibility range. Perot did get there, no one remembers this now but he was ahead of Bush and Clinton in early polling. Always felt what killed his candidacy was he got out in the summer. He still got 1 out of 5 Americans to vote for him and political party organization and discipline for Republicans and Democrats in 2024 is significantly far worse for them now than it was in 1992. I feel like a strong independent presidential run that succeeds will be the signal for what has happened behind the scenes over time that anyone that really follows politics knows: the Democratic and Republican party organizations are hollowed out shells with the machines gone. Trump and Sanders showed this in 2016. Go back to the 1980s Trump and Sanders would’ve gotten a percent or two at best back then. The only thing keeping the main parties going is inertia, reflexive voters that don’t think about who they’re voting for, and their ballot access lines. Some point we’re going to get the rich guy that says “why deal with a primary?”, run in the general, and one of the two main parties’ candidates falters because the party’s supporters realizes their guy can’t win. He wins, the old party structure that has been creaking for a few decades now after the death of the party machines is shown to not be sufficient, and then we get politician realignment because politicians prioritize power above all else.

  13. -TINO




  14. Ryan: whole lot of wishful thinking. There’s a reason candidates like Bloomberg at the presidential level and mcmuffin (same) get a lot more media attention than votes. This remains true even when Bloomberg drops massive amounts of money. Their ideas are unpopular, but the places they are popular are halls of power that was for many decades unthreatened, regardless of who won, until Trump won. Now they are in full panic mode, but their ideas are more unpopular than ever.

    They can’t and won’t stop Trump from winning again. With God’s help, their evil schemes will backfire and only make him even more invincible, with a historic landslide dwarfing Nixon 1972 and Johnson 1964 that the Chinese Communists and Demon Rats can’t plausibly cheat their way out of without sparking a new American Revolution. Trump will have a true mandate, much bigger than 2016, and all the demon rats, no lube rats, and rhinos will get no quarter as they finally get their long due comeuppance.

  15. “Ryan: whole lot of wishful thinking. There’s a reason candidates like Bloomberg at the presidential level and mcmuffin (same) get a lot more media attention than votes. This remains true even when Bloomberg drops massive amounts of money. Their ideas are unpopular, but the places they are popular are halls of power that was for many decades unthreatened, regardless of who won, until Trump won. Now they are in full panic mode, but their ideas are more unpopular than ever.”

    Trump’s election and Sanders’ run both in 2016 showed the political parties are weaker than they have ever been. There’s been nothing during Trump’s time in charge of the Republican Party he’s done to change that, and Sanders – a guy that is not nor has he ever been a Democrat put up a much stronger challenge to Hillary in 2016 and in 2020 than he should have if the Democrats were an institutionally strong party. I’m a county party chair for the Libertarians in my state, my county Libertarian Party is significantly more organized than our local Democratic Party as far as actually doing stuff. The Democratic Party affiliate that exists is an affiliate that only exists on paper. They’ve had a grand total of 1 candidate since 2018 for county office, it was a 21-year-old that did largely nothing and got 19%. Meanwhile the Republicans enjoy a monopoly on county government as if it wasn’t for us and the 21-year-old they would’ve had no competition in the general election, they don’t get out in front of people for anything on what they’re doing, and a lot of the powerbrokers and residents that are voting Republican are upset with county government saying they’re doing a bad job. All the local Republicans here and elsewhere, they have more allegiance to their own political careers than what is good for the party. So if you have a party with a monopoly that are inherently weak if you attempted to grab everyone together and said “we’re in this together”.

    This structure of one monopoly party with a nonexistant second major party where even the party’s voters are upset with the party exists in hundreds of counties nationally and a decent number of states and is why the system is ripe for change. Happened in Indiana in 2020, Republicans were pissed off with their Governor Eric Holcomb for his actions on Covid, the Democratic candidate was a non-entity, the Libertarian candidate Donald Rainwater railed on Holcomb’s arbitrary executive orders where with a legislature that went sine die meaning he was governing by dictate in a state emergency, and went from nowhere to the real conversation taking place in the Governor’s race was between the R and L, not the R and D, and getting 11% and 2nd place in a third of the state’s counties. The 2 and a half years afterward has been rank-and-file Republicans upset with him pushing Holcomb into premature lame duck status, shown by them defeating his candidate for Secretary of State at the State Convention last year. But this was all created by the Governor’s general election.

  16. Spin it any way you want to. If dollars could actually vote, no lube might have a real chance. As it is, not so much. If TRUMP had to run as an independent or third party candidate he could win. These bozos? Nope.

  17. “If TRUMP had to run as an independent or third party candidate he could win.”

    Glad to see you state I’m correct. You cannot make this statement and say my point is wrong.

  18. Major political parties draw strength from negative partisanship. No Labels has no way of changing that regardless of how much money they redistribute from billionaire donors to millionaire consultants and contractors.

  19. It depends on what your point is. If it’s that the Liz Cheneys and Kristen Sinemas of the world could unite as a “third” party and elect a US President in 2024, I can and do say you are very wrong. If TRUMP has to run third party, I could see him winning. As it is, he has commanding support in the GOP, and I don’t see a plausible way he can be beat in primaries or general.

    For the left to steal elections they have to be close enough to make it marginally plausible to enough people. That won’t be the case in a landslide. Biden and Harris are historically unpopular, falling like a rock, and have no plausible alternates to take their place. If they did, they’d already be gone.

    Their disastrous policies keep backfiring more and more spectacularly. No lube falls apart at whatever point they name an actual ticket, thus alienating one segment or another of the not Biden or Trump vote. As election gets closer there will be more and more of those people reluctantly choosing either Biden or Trump simply because they hate and fear one more than the other. No lube goes down the drain.

  20. People who say the deep state is a myth and establishment media aren’t fake news should take a closer look at this shady cabal.

  21. “If TRUMP has to run third party, I could see him winning.”

    There is no possible way for you to have ideological consistency in your posting on this thread for you to then say this point made below is wrong. We’re not talking about a particular candidate, we’re talking about the concept.

    “I feel like a strong independent presidential run that succeeds will be the signal for what has happened behind the scenes over time that anyone that really follows politics knows: the Democratic and Republican party organizations are hollowed out shells with the machines gone. Trump and Sanders showed this in 2016. Go back to the 1980s Trump and Sanders would’ve gotten a percent or two at best back then. The only thing keeping the main parties going is inertia, reflexive voters that don’t think about who they’re voting for, and their ballot access lines. Some point we’re going to get the rich guy that says “why deal with a primary?”, run in the general, and one of the two main parties’ candidates falters because the party’s supporters realizes their guy can’t win. He wins, the old party structure that has been creaking for a few decades now after the death of the party machines is shown to not be sufficient, and then we get politician realignment because politicians prioritize power above all else.”

  22. Sounds like the article is lumping in the actual left with the pro-capitalism Democratic Party (which by international standards isn’t left-wing at all: ). That’s far more annoying to me than any No Labels candidate. I actually think No Labels entering the race would be wonderful because the Democrat Establishment would be pulling resources and attention away from targeting Cornel West and the Green Party in order to focus more on keeping No Labels off the ballot. I still think that’s awful from a free and fair elections standpoint, but as a Green myself it would admittedly be a pleasant chance of pace from previous years.

  23. My point was ideologically based. I can see Trump winning as a third party candidate if he had to, but he won’t have to. I don’t see Bernie Sanders, AOC, Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Mike Bloomberg, Joe Manchin, etc etc winning if they were to run as third party presidential candidates. What keeps the major parties going is negative partisanship, not inertia or people not thinking.

  24. The so called political compass is hot steaming garbage and not some “international standard.” The leftist Demonrats arrive at the same commie dystopia as your greenie weenies, they’re just less eager on average to openly proclaim communism or socialism and accept a mixed economy for the time being out of realpolitik, not conviction. Demon rats against ballot access for other splinter leftists can find resources to try to keep both no lube and greenie weenies off the ballot. They’ll just hire more lawyers and spend more.

  25. Hi Real World Pat, How has American politics fundamentally changed over the past 10 years?

  26. George Whitfield,

    Ten years ago, it was business as usual. The globalist elitists, deep state, and establishment fake news comfortably controlled both major US parties. They rested assured that no matter who won elections, their evil globalist agenda would continue to reign supreme, facing only token opposition. Then Donald Trump destroyed their paradigm, overcoming so called pundits overwhelmingly predicting he couldn’t win first the primary and then the general election.

    Ever since then, the uniparty elites have grown increasingly agitated and panicked as American nationalism woke up from its long slumber and reasserted itself. Therefore, they have resorted to increasingly desperate plots and ploys to stop Trump and all who stand with him. No Lube scam being one of the many.

    Ten years ago, people like Mona Charlene, Charlie Sykes, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Jeb! et al paraded around at official conservative and GOP leadership events, purporting to be leaders thereof. These days, they’d get booed out of the room, if invited or allowed entry to start with.

    Does this answers the question to your satisfaction?

  27. The 25 list is fake news. Hitler, while plenty bad, wasn’t even the worst dictator of his own time. Stalin was worse. That the list didn’t begin with Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc is enough reason to not scroll down any further or spend time looking up the source. It’s leftist pabulum for easily led and deceived lemmings. As one might expect of an AZZ link.

  28. Maybe one day AZZ might actually make up his mind whether the problem is vestiges of a dark age (which ended when, or did it end at all?), worsening rot, an evil new age, or impending catastrophe. The sky in AZZland is falling, and has been falling for over 6,000 years. Of course, the notion of AZZ making up his mind rests on the rather shaky presumption that he has a mind to make up.

  29. Are you incapable of reading? Leftist scumbags at the top, with commies at the very top of the list, Nazis and fascists (who are also far leftist, just not quite as far left as commies) lower down the list. Probably well over half just from the last century or two alone.

  30. Define new age. Is the dark age over? If it ended, when? Has the new age started? If so, when? Was there an age in between dark and new? Do dark age and new age overlap? Which of these ages is better than the other(s) and why? Do these questions even have any answers, or are you just naturally unintelligent and unintelligible?

  31. Hi Real World Pat, Thanks for the explanation. Now I understand what you mean. I agree with you somewhat but not completely about Donald Trump. He was correct on some issues but he increased the Federal deficit and did not defend individual freedoms during the COVID years when he was in office. I think there is a need for alternative candidates.

  32. He did better than Biden or God forbid Hillary Clinton or Jeb! would have done as far as both of those. He had less than ideal advisors and didn’t yet know how to really drain the swamp. The formula for doing that effectively, and for knowing who to surround himself with and trust, was only discovered at the very end of the first Trump term, too late to do anything with it. The years since weren’t wasted, and Trump’s next term will be incredibly more effective.

    If you think about it, Trump actually is an alternative candidate. He was a Reform Party candidate at one point. His ideas now are very close to those Pat Buchanan ran on in 2000. He has effectively displaced what was at one point the Republican leadership, or is in the process of doing so.

    Alternative candidates? The more the merrier, I guess, but could they actually do better if they somehow got elected? I doubt it. It took 4 years for Trump to learn the hard way what impediments stood in the way of him doing what he was trying to do and how to overcome them. Anyone else, regardless of how well intentioned, would have to undergo that same learning curve.

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