National Public Radio Story on Americans Elect in 2012 Election

No labels is getting attention for its idea of possibly running a centrist ticket in 2024. But few reporters explain that the No Labels idea is not new, and that it was tried in 2012 by a group called Americans Elect. And even before that, a similar idea was launched in 2008 called Unity ’08. A National Public Radio story recounts the history of the 2008 and 2012 attempts. Ironically, virtually no one attacked those groups, but No Labels is getting fiercely attacked.


National Public Radio Story on Americans Elect in 2012 Election — 10 Comments

  1. I just wish one of these groups would follow through and really run a campaign with around $100,000,00 or something.

  2. Fortunately, it looks like conservatives are set to win in Spain. Hopefully the left won’t cheat them out of it like they did in the US.

  3. Supposedly Chevy Dude in one of their private phone calls that got leaked they were aiming for a budget of $70 million, which is probably why Americans Elect was ignored and this is not – they have heavier and more powerful hitters behind them.

  4. Americans Elect had plenty of money too. They were ignored because the deep state, fake news establishment did not feel threatened before Trump. Now they do.

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