Libertarian National Committee Files Reply Brief in Michigan Trademark Lawsuit

On July 22, the Libertarian National Committee filed this reply brief in Libertarian National Committee v Saliba, e.d., 5:23cv-11074. It is eight pages.


Libertarian National Committee Files Reply Brief in Michigan Trademark Lawsuit — 10 Comments

  1. That brief is compelling. This will be an interesting court decision.

  2. This is the trash that the LNC wants to bankrupt themselves over, a case they have zero standing on?

  3. The LNC wouldn’t have to spend money suing if dorky loser retard commies like you didn’t try to overthrow and start fake affiliates.

  4. So, the LNC’s argument is that, should an undisputed Libertarian state party disaffiliate from national, that state party would then be required to change its name or disband so as not to infringe on the LNC’s trademark. Any state which secedes from the union can expect an attack from the federal party on those grounds, if nothing else.

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