Warren, Michigan City Council Files Brief in Term Limits Lawsuit Concerning Mayoral Election

On August 7, the city council of Warren, Michigan, filed this brief in Fouts v The Warren City Council, e.d., 2:23cv-11868. This is the lawsuit over how to interpret the term limits law that regulates elections for Mayor and City Council of Warren. The incumbent Mayor, James Fouts, wants to run for re-election this year but he has been kept off the ballot because of the term limits law. The Mayor argues the law is being applied retroactively even though it shouldn’t be.

The City Council argues that the Mayor’s federal lawsuit should be dismissed, because he already litigated the issue in state court. Also it argues that he filed his federal lawsuit far too late. The first round of the election is August 8, 2023.


Warren, Michigan City Council Files Brief in Term Limits Lawsuit Concerning Mayoral Election — 10 Comments

  1. The candidate favored by Fouts advanced from the Top 2 primary. He may use Fouts as an advisor though he claims he has his own vision for Warren.

    The council president who had opposed Fouts finished third.

  2. I’m not running in any elections, local or otherwise. And other than my birds, no one in my household has any use for the Detroit Fake News.

  3. AZ has never addressed the criticism of how and why “nonpartisan” elections actually only help the biggest, most well organized and well funded parties or factions, and injures everyone else. This is not theoretical, it can already be seen at work in many “nonpartisan” local and some state elections.

  4. AZ always sidesteps the logic and evidence of any criticism and then just repeats the same loopy nonsense endlessly. He’s not interested in convincing anyone, much less learning anything. He wants to convince himself and shout everyone else down, except with an audience .

  5. I’ve provided it before, as have others. You failed to address it in any substantial way after being repeatedly asked to do so.

  6. @PL,

    How was your hypothesis demonstrated in the recent Warren elections, which as you know are non-partisan.

  7. I haven’t studied those in particular. Did they have multiple factions participate, or just two?

    It’s not a hypothesis though, it’s been demonstrated time and again all over the place.

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