Two Stories on No Labels: Focus Now on Ballot Access & Withdrawal if Effort Will Help Trump

Here is a story from South Dakota stimulated by No Labels recent successful completion of its petition drive there. The same news source also has a story that No Labels will cease its operations, if it thinks that its efforts will help Donald Trump be elected President in 2024.

The existence of No Labels is reminiscent of Americans Elect from 2010 to 2012, which ultimately decided not to run a Presidential ticket in 2012. Here is the Wikipedia article on Americans Elect.


Two Stories on No Labels: Focus Now on Ballot Access & Withdrawal if Effort Will Help Trump — 24 Comments


  2. Best case scenario : they decide to withdraw too late to actually do it. Not likely but not entirely implausible.

  3. It certainly would not be a first if that happened Farley. We can just take a look at the 2022 US Senate election in Arizona when Marc Victor withdrew and endorsed Blake Masters. Marc still got around 2% of the vote as he withdrew too late.

  4. James, I said it’s possible. I’m acknowledging it’s probably, but not definitely, wishful thinking on my part. I want the DemonRats worst fears about what No Lubels will do to come true. And they might. But a repeat of American Select 2012 is, unfortunately, the more likely scenario. My wish scenario is second most likely, but it’s a distant second.

  5. BTW, has anyone noticed how Quisling Joe Biden is looking like fire marshal Bill from SNL? That’s appropriate, because Beijing Joe to presidency is like Fire Marshal Bill to fire marshals.

  6. Doh. That was a disaster in parallel with bidenomics. Which is such a success that 2022 had a record high number of suicides. Speaking of disasters, watch the Biden 2024 campaign as it makes the Hindenburg Zeppelin look like a successfully completed mission.

  7. That’s exactly correct. It’s a front for globalist elitist deep state manipulators who prefer to work behind the curtain. Trump gets under their skin so much that they feel compelled to partially surface. Someone who is not a globalist, not controlled by them, and once again dominating the presidential race is the equivalent of a five alarm fire for them.

    They see how all their phony investigations, impeachment, and persecutions of Trump and those who stand with him only backfire over and over and over again. They see how Biden is sinking to Jimmy Carter and perhaps Herbert Hoover levels of unpopularity and may well be more unpopular than both in 15 months, and how the D Minus Party bench is looking like a ghost town with tumbleweeds rolling past empty saloons. They see how the Nazi foreign owned occupation government in Kiev is failing to advance the front lines no matter how much money they flush down that endless pit. They see the real failure of bidenomics and the Xi Jinping way (one and the same) despite what their fake news propaganda claims. There’s much more they see, none of it good news for them.

    Thus, their no lube hail Mary pass. Cross their black shrunken hearts and hope they die (or at least live out their lives exposed in ignominious public disgrace). Or, they can slink back to the shadows, stripped of power and decisively defeated once and for all.

  8. I usually vote for a minor party in presidential elections as a protest vote; but, probably in 2024 gonna vote for Trump because anyone that can take a beating by the SYSTEM and survive deserves a vote. Time to flush Ukraine down the drain instead of our money being flushed.

  9. There is no need for any third party candidate to ever withdraw. Their approach should be: if any of my voters think that any of my opponents have a better chance than I, I leave to each of them to make that decision on their own.

    Why not leave elections up to the voters?

  10. Is it so crazy to suppose that maybe the voters who vote for third party candidates just don’t want the candidates of EITHER of the major parties?

  11. They withdraw because they actually do believe one of the big two is better than the other. Which would have been good to think through fully before making the decision whether to run.

  12. In the case of no lube, they’re an admitted cynical ploy to keep Trump from winning. If they assess they would help him instead, they won’t run anyone. What we’re hoping for is what the Dims fear: in the spring, they’ll assess that they have a real chance to win outright, go ahead and nominate a ticket, finish up ballot access, and burn tons of money on ineffective ads a la Bloomberg for President 2020. By late summer or early fall they will finally realise their chance was a mirage. At this point they try to withdraw, but run up against state laws moving those deadlines up because of issues with overseas military voters. They run around trying to prop up Quisling Biden like it’s Weekend at Bernie’s III but still drop the ball and get enough votes that would otherwise be his to lose some states. It probably won’t happen. But it just might.

  13. USA DOJ-




  14. Let the No Labels non-party play their games.

    I hope that the Libertarians, Greens, and Solidarity parties pick candidates who can get on the ballot in as many states as possible, especially the key swing states, no withdrawals or wimp-outs, and stick it out to the end.

  15. Just maybe a US Supreme Court with 6 GOP appointees, including 3 by Trump himself, might conclude that a former US President and leading contender in next year’s Presidential election should have free speech rights, including about the 2020 stolen election and the latest baseless malicious persecutions against him by the derp state – fake news – demon rat – Red Chinese axis of evil.

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