Mixed Results on Ballot Access for Working Families Party Candidates in Philadelphia

A WFP candidate for Philadelphia Elections Board was struck from the ballot for the November 2023 General Election due to a paperwork snafu, but two WFP candidates for Philadelphia City Council survived their challenges that were based on asserted paperwork errors. Here is the story.


Mixed Results on Ballot Access for Working Families Party Candidates in Philadelphia — 30 Comments

  1. I heard Joshua Smith is running for President in the US. I wonder if he can get those same kind of numbers.

  2. Like I always said, “If they are too stupid to do the paperwork for office right, they don’t belong running”.

  3. I’m worried about President Biden. His response to the Hawaii wildfires was very strange. Has he lost what was left of his mind ?

  4. I am praying to God we make it until January 20, 2025 when God willing President Trump will be back in his rightful office.

  5. @Karl, Kent:
    I believe both Richard and Bill are members of the Libertarian Party of the US. Both have run for office on the Libertarian line. Please explain how the recent election in Argentina relates to ballot access in the US.

    “…Andre Kersey, a Libertarian who also filed to run in the 3rd District, was booted from the race Friday after a legal challenge revealed he was not registered to vote…”
    Is that a valid reason to keep someone off the ballot? That means that in several states, felons who served their time are not only not allowed to vote, but not allowed to run for office, either.

  6. I think coming in first for President of a country the size of Argentina is pretty big news for the Libertarians, and criminals should not vote or run for office. To me that’s just common sense.

  7. A libertarian might say that if they were jailed due to a law they think is evil and unjust, made by a government they think is corrupt and abusive, then they should still have the right to vote in hopes of overturning that law in the future. Even while sitting in prison.

  8. @AC,

    The Argentinean PASO is somewhat similar to primaries in the US. Every party must choose its nominees in the primary, which is a pick-a-party primary similar to in the USA. What is being reported in the USA press is the votes per party/alliance. A party alliance must receive 1.5% total to qualify its nominee for the general election in October.

    There were 15 party/alliances running, with 27 candidates. 5 qualified for the general election.

    In some sense, this PASO can be seen as a poll for the general election. It could be that some voters were sending a protest vote, or realized that their vote might not matter much for the two big alliances.

    So it is easy to qualify for the primary, and a party like the Libertarians could have a contested race and still qualify the nominee.

  9. Washington Post is fake news. Georgia Trump indictments,like all the others, trumped up case going nowhere, solely filed for publicity and politics.

    Out of control retail robbery and theft only in California and other leftist crime coddling jurisdictions.

    Brady asks a good question. What about looters, rapists, and child molesters voting and running for office? I mean actual convicted ones, not the usual DemoRats.

  10. I’m sure I am not the only American to notice they waited until he ran for President (Trump) before unleashing the Biden blitzkrieg of legal suits. If they had something of importance why didn’t they charge him in 2021? Duh!

  11. All the so called cases against Trump are stinky pig poop. They got nothing, and they know it. Not one of them will result in a conviction that won’t be overturned, and most of them won’t result in any conviction at all, if indeed any do. They’re all meant to distract and confuse voters next year. Nothing else. They will all backfire, Trump will win, and our Biden national nightmare will at long last be over.

  12. Good point about the timing. It’s obvious what they’re doing. The traitor rats, taking orders from Red China, are acting like small time third world dictators, abusing the legal system with cooked up cases to go after their main opposition. Anyone else here remember when we didn’t do things like that in this country?

  13. Richard Winger had posted election results from other countries in the past, but only when it benefits communism.

  14. Biden is reminiscent of the Nazi puppet regimes in other countries they occupied or controlled, such as Vichy France and Quisling Norway.

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