Cornel West Defends Green Party Presidential Bid on NBC’s Meet the Press Now

Cornel West took direct aim at the two party system and blasted the concept of minor party candidate vote stealing in this interview.


Cornel West Defends Green Party Presidential Bid on NBC’s Meet the Press Now — 12 Comments

  1. Cornel West dropped the People’s Party pretty quickly for the Green Party after he found out that the People’s Party has no ballot access and the Green Party has ballot access in a bunch of states.

  2. Forget the uniparty debate. I would like to see the minor parties presidential candidates debate.

  3. There will probably be the usual assortment of those. Occasionally worth a laugh, but at this point any that happen are of such poor audiovisual quality that it’s more trouble than it’s worth.

  4. GOP debate more useless than tits on a boar without Trump. RNC has said they will boycott COPD debates this time so probably no Biden-Trump debates next year. Biden won’t debate RFK JR, Marianne Williamson etc. Maybe Trump should debate RFK JR. That might be interesting.

  5. Cornel West and Joe Manchin? Probably won’t happen. LP and CP probably won’t even be in Cornel West debate league. Trump could screw Biden up by debating West and, if he runs, Manchin. Beijing Biden probably won’t debate anyone.

  6. Way better than Tiny D and the seven dwarves on Lazy Fox Broad Cast: Trump and Tucker on X. 200 million watched and the numbers are still coming in. It’s obvious that the people want Trump. Beijing Biden better hope he gets to Red China before J20 of 2025. The gatekeeper legacy establishment fake media and national party committees are losing their grip. Walking dead dinosaurs. Trump, Tucker, and Musk represent the future, the dawn of a new and better way.

  7. I was having a little insomnia last might so I used the first few minutes of the lazy fox snoozefest to help me get to sleep. It did the job very well. Trump on Tucker was orders of magnitude better. I have hope for America again after the absolute embarrassment of Biden in Maui.

  8. It looks like this site doesn’t allow a link to Trump and Tucker on X. IPRX has it among other places.

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