No Labels Starts Social Media Campaign in Maine Criticizing State’s Election Officials

No Labels is now recognized as a political party by ten US states, but not yet in Maine, where it is trying to become a political party by enrolling 5,000 Maine voters as No Labels registered voters. There has been controversy, however, as it has been claimed by the Maine Secretary of State that many enrollees thought they were only signing a candidate petition, not becoming members of a new political party in the eyes of the state, which would deny them the right to vote in other parties’ primaries in Maine. No Labels has responded by starting a social media campaign in Maine responding to these charges. Here is the story.


No Labels Starts Social Media Campaign in Maine Criticizing State’s Election Officials — 10 Comments

  1. The troll moron is the one who claims without evidence that party registration is a purge list. That said, parties should maintain their own registration and leave government out of it.

  2. I’m not Edward Brown. I hacked into an old email of his……Jesus does stuff like that.

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