Mississippi Lets Democratic Party Replace its Secretary of State Nominee Only Two Months Before Election

On September 6, the Democratic nominee for Mississippi Secretary of State, Shuwaski Young, withdrew from the race, citing health problems. Also on September 6, state election officials said the party is free to substitute a new nominee, even though the election is only two months away. On September 7 the Democratic Party chose a replacement, Ty Pinkins.

Mississippi election law doesn’t have a deadline for a party to replace a nominee. The election is November 7, 2023. Mississippi, Kentucky, and Louisiana are the three states electing governors this year.


Mississippi Lets Democratic Party Replace its Secretary of State Nominee Only Two Months Before Election — 8 Comments

  1. Didn’t you just say federal and state elections should be separated? That would mean zero federal jurisdiction over when states hold state elections, including in what years. Yet another AZ self contradictory statement. It would be a minor issue compared with the federal usurpation of state sovereignty, but would the federal government compensate states for extra costs of additional elections?

    That said, the silver lining would be less turnout in each kind of election, especially the state elections. That would almost certainly be a good thing, since marginal voters usually make bad voting decisions more often than not.

  2. In Mississippi, a party nominee who withdraws may be replaced if the withdrawal is due to a “legitimate nonpolitical reason”. The State Board of Election Commissioners must approve the legitimate reason. In Mississippi the Board of Election Commissioners consists of the Governor, Attorney General, and the Secretary of State. In this instance, the SOS who is running for re-election chose not to participate in the decision since Young was a candidate for SOS.

  3. There’s no need to replace candidates if we have election evening in person standing count voting.

  4. @Windy,

    Mississippi does not have election evening in-person standing count voting.

    If Mississippi did not have partisan nominations, it would not matter that a candidate had a health crisis or even died. If that candidate happened to receive the most votes it would simply create a vacancy. Voters could also vote for a write-in candidate.

  5. No, really? No duh. I was commenting on what would be better, not what Mississippi already has.

  6. You’re Edward Brown. If you were really a whale, you’d be worse than a Stern Gang Jew for Hitler. And lower than whale poop. You’re actually more like a German Nazi pretending to be a Jew for Hitler. Shame on you, Eddie Brown, you disgusting turd.

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