New York Times Article on Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Mentions Meeting Between Libertarian National Chair Angela McArdle and Kennedy

The New York Times has this September 23 article about Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and the hints that he could conceivably run for president in the general election.  Among the many ideas described in the article is the concept that he might seek the Libertarian Party nomination.  He says he met with National Libertarian Chair Angela McArdle in July.


New York Times Article on Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Mentions Meeting Between Libertarian National Chair Angela McArdle and Kennedy — 30 Comments

  1. I was surprised they found Gary to get a quote from him. From what I can tell, Gary’s enthusiasm for a Libertarian RFK run is not an isolated case.

  2. None. They’re due to Ukrainian Nazi killer enslavers. Special operation was necessary due to their Nazi bioweapons labs, ethnic cleansing of Russians, plans to invade Russia etc.

  3. Wonderful. His support of an assault weapons ban and prison sentences for climate change skeptics should fit right in with their philosophy.




  5. LP did very well with Gary Johnson and Bill Weld in 2016. Not so well with a party loyalist in 2020. RFK Jr. would speak well to the several of the top issues of our day (e.g., Ukraine war, surveillance state), but maybe not all issues. In particular, RFK Jr. doesn’t identify as an ANCAP. But, surprise, neither does Javier Milei of Argentina, and he (Milei) sometimes uses that term. Rather, Milei speaks to the masses of underserved people in Argentina and promises bold changes. With the excitement RFK Jr. would bring, it’s not inconceivable Tulsi Gabbard would join him as his running mate, which would be terrific. And, where Gary Johnson came close to qualifying for the debates in early polls (but didn’t and then faded), RFK Jr. might qualify (and if he does, become a viable candidate).

  6. In the remote possibility that RFK Jr was the LP nominee in 2024 it would kill his chances of ever being considered a serious candidate in 2028. Running as an Independent would keep 2028 still open for him.
    Libertarians should do both him and us a favor and discourage him from seeking the LP nomination.

  7. I agree with Dave Smith. That plus antivax = perfect libertarian! But, they should endorse Trump, because defeating traitor Biden is more important this time .

  8. It would be difficult to imagine RFK Jr as the LP presidential nominee but William Weld was the LP vice presidential nominee so I guess one cannot rule anything out.

  9. Andy – “Shiny badges” can be many thing.You seem to think that considering a candidate might need “credentials” in order to run for office is some kind of mental handicap on the part of the person who wants a credentrialed candidate.

    Gary Johnson and Bill Weld had credentials. And in their time in government, they did promote freedom and lower taxes in ways that were often more effective than Ron Paul’s legitimate, but losing arguments for less government in Washington.

    Ron Paul got his nomination by the Libertarian Party in 1988 because he had credentials as a former member of Congress. Nobody called that a shiny object, but people opposed him because he had been a Republican Congressmen. Almost all who opposed him had a negative attitude toward The Libertarian Party anyway – I knew most of them personally – and many of them later became Republicans and fans of Ron Paul.

    As for Bill Weld vs RFK – RFK has never stood for less government, Bill Weld cut taxes and the size of government, and promoted personal liberty as Governor of Massachusetts.

  10. Smaller government…I guess it depends on what issues you think are most important.

  11. Lol Gary Johnson and Bill Weld had credentials… of being NWO communists. Not surprising retard commie Gene Berkman has orgasms over them.

  12. Gene, if you watched my video you would know that I said that having “shiny badge” credentials can be a plus for a candidate, but that it should NOT override philosophy, issue stances and credibility.

  13. Andy – RFK Jr does not have a “shiny badge”. He has never been in office. And it is YOUR caucus, through Angela McArdle, which is meeting with him. Probably because they have similar nonsense views on vaccinations.

  14. Exactly. Wind Farms are a government subsidized abomination, the furthest thing from a free market. They would not exist in a free market.

  15. At a California corrections facility in San Diego county. Which is probably nicer than where you’ll be soon enough, given your unwise and ultimately suicidal health decisions.

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