American Enterprise Institute Paper Urges Conservatives To More Carefully Consider Proposed Election Reforms

The author of this paper is Kevin Kosar. Conservatives have been generally hostile to electoral reforms, usually positioning them as efforts by “the left” to bias election results in their favor.

Republicans have succeeded in banning Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) in five states: Florida, Tennessee, Idaho, Montana and South Dakota. Sarah Palin complained bitterly about RCV after her RCV election loss for US House from Alaska in 2022, and there is an effort in Alaska to repeal RCV, even though polls have shown that it is popular with Alaskans.

RCV is popular with Republican Party members in at least two states: Utah and Virginia. The Utah GOP has long used RCV for internal party elections, and the Virginia GOP nominated Glenn Youngkin using RCV at its 2021 Gubernatorial nominating convention. He went on to defeat Democrat Terry McAuliffe in the November 2021 General Election. The Republican Party of Virginia has thereafter sometimes used RCV in privately run primary elections (historically called “firehouse primaries” in Virginia).

Thanks to Election Law Blog for spreading the word on this and for all it does.


American Enterprise Institute Paper Urges Conservatives To More Carefully Consider Proposed Election Reforms — 22 Comments

  1. I’m glad they banned commie RCV in five states. Hopefully many more to come soon .

  2. What conservatives really need to do is assert the associational rights of political parties under Eu v San Francisco. This is the core of the problem with top-x primaries. They deny the right of parties to name their own nominees, and to control who may use their labels.

  3. WZ




  4. I oppose wind farms, because I want whales to die in mass genocide.

  5. Nazi EDWARD TJ BROWNSHIRT supports wind farms because he hates freedom, whales, green jobs and America on said:

    I support wind farms because I want whales to die in mass genocide. I hate them because of penis envy due to my micropenis and I must scream because I’m a Nazi. I hate America and American taxpayers, so I support tax funded wind farms. My name is Edward TJ Brown. I’m a troll moron and an impersonator.

  6. Jim Riley already knows top x helps candidates and groups which have more resources (money, existing supporters, name recognition, confections) than others.

  7. @CKF and FEMA,

    What was the situation before adoption of the Australian ballot?

    You want to elevate political organizations to the level of state agency.

  8. There were no ballot access barriers then. Also, government as a whole was much smaller, which meant even the biggest parties and best known candidates did not have resources multiple orders of magnitude above those of upstart competition. New parties and little known candidates were on much closer to a level playing field with the big leagues vis a vis the current situation.

  9. Joe, if Ranked Choice Voting only favors the left, how did the right’s Youngkin win in Virginia under Ranked Choice Voting?

  10. The rise of the American and Republican parties, for instance. Or the Anti Masonic party in 1832. Or the Free Soil Party in 1848 and 1852. Or the Constitutional Union ticket in 1860. Or the Populist Party in 1892.

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