Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Raises Eleven Million Dollars Within 24 Hours of his Announcement

This Politico story says Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has received approximately $11,000,000 within the first 24 hours after his announcement that he will be an independent presidential candidate. Thanks to Darcy Richardson for the link.


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Raises Eleven Million Dollars Within 24 Hours of his Announcement — 34 Comments

  1. Should help Trump. See

    iprx dot wordpress dotcom/2023/09/29/rfk-jr-to-run-as-independent/

  2. IMO, Kennedy has the potential to be a “double-spoiler”, taking votes from both Trump and Biden, and flipping swing states both ways, the way Gary Johnson did in 2016.

  3. Just repeating something I’ve previously said about this guy. I think he’s delusional. And I’ll add that I’m frustrated by the curious trend in American politics where people will sometimes contribute to independent candidates who stand no chance of winning the presidency, yet they’ll much less often contribute to coalitions that seek to sustain permanent political parties ambitious at challenging the Democrats and Republicans.

  4. “Gary Johnson and especially Bill Weld are jokes then and now.”

    The many states that they flipped in 2016 were no jokes. What they were and what their chances were pale into insignificance compared to their real impact on the outcome.

  5. “COMPARISON: Gary Johnson/Bill Weld 2016 raised $12 million total.”

    Indeed. Unless he changes his mind, or is compromised somehow, he has already demonstrated his capacity to affect the outcome.

  6. Dems are fascist, dolt.

    Also, the notion that Johnson flipped states in 2016 rests on assumptions about how his voters would have otherwise voted that are at odds with what they themselves said.

  7. One thing for sure, either AZ is taking mind altering drugs, or failing to take antipsychotic medication which is or ought to be prescribed to him.

  8. As most everyone here knows, “AZ” is an elderly Detroit man named Thomas Jones, aka “DemoRep.” He is as much, if not more senile than the Potato In Chief. Richard only allows him to continue posting because he occasionally finds him some good leads.

  9. That is an impressive fund raising amount for one day. However, he will need a lot of money to achieve ballot status in the 50 states.







  11. I agree entirely with the comments by Walter Ziobro and George Whitfield. I was a critic — a big critic — of Gary Johnson’s 2012 and 2016 campaigns, but I would take the former New Mexico governor and both of his running mates in a heartbeat over the two men — one who is increasingly showing signs of age-related Alzheimer’s and his predecessor in the White House who exhibited signs of early dementia at birth —- who ultimately won those two critical elections

    Long live the Libertarian Party!

  12. Personally, I think RFK2 is a bit wacky, but, I’m thankful that he has made the election interesting.

  13. I’m hoping that the LP can come up with a worthy candidate as well, but I’m not holding my breath.

  14. For that matter, I hope that the Greens can come up with a candidate, as well, who can flip a few states, even tho I am unlikely to consider voting for them.

  15. RFK Jr will be the libertarian nominee. Trump will be President again, and thank God. CNN is fake news and brown heathens in the middle east killing each other is their own problem. Americans who side with one side or the other should express their support, donate, even go there if they feel they must, but keep our government out of it. I say the same about Russia and Ukraine. Not our fight.

    At 11:03 pm, I think AZ was being too hard on himself, as well as wrong in identifying the problems, but that’s az per usual.

    Sorry, I can’t wish the green people eaters luck. That would be like wishing luck to the human extinction movement. Actually it would be the same thing.

  16. Unless the major parties can somehow force all third parties and independents off the ballot, neither of them will get 50% in 2024.

  17. Walter doesn’t know that. I’m predicting Trump will get way over 50%. In fact over 60%

  18. Bob, the alliance and reform parties have zero ballot access, and he’s definitely not the no lube type.

  19. Both major parties, acting in the most wickedly partisan manner imaginable, will try to stymie, disrupt and challenge RFK Jr’s. promising independent candidacy and the potentially viable centrist “No Label” ticket headed by West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin or possibly former Maryland governor Larry Hogan as much as humanly possible heading into the 2024 presidential election.

    Both tickets will be given the Ralph Nader, a la 2004, treatment.

    Hopefully, the Libertarian, Green and other minor parties will be spared the kind of undemocratic mean-spiritedness headed Bobby’s way from both major parties.

    The twin parties of incompetence — two parties that don’t believe in fair and free competition when it comes to their constituents’ — voters’ —- most sacred rights while having governed over America’s tragic four or five decade-long decline — realize that their days are numbered.

    It’ll be an act of desperation as their time has passed.

    Better days are coming for the nation our sagacious Founding Fathers established, a country in which those courageous and forward-looking men warned against two strong factions or parties.

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