Cenk Uygur to Seek Democratic Party Nomination for President

Cenk Uygar, founder of The Young Turks media channel, has announced that he will challenge Joe Biden for the Democratic Party nomination for Presisdent.

Here is the story written by David Weigel on semafor.com.

Thanks for Political Wire for the heads up!


Cenk Uygur to Seek Democratic Party Nomination for President — 22 Comments

  1. https://www.yahoo.com/news/drag-ban-wont-ohio-citys-090007419.html

    Drag Ban Won’t Go on Ohio City’s Ballot, State Supreme Court Rules
    Trudy Ring
    Fri, October 13, 2023 at 5:00 AM EDT

    Voters in Bellefontaine, Ohio, won’t be considering a drag ban when they cast their ballots in the November 7 election.
    Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose didn’t follow the law when he said the proposed ban could go on the ballot, the state Supreme Court ruled Sunday.

    Proponents of the ban circulated petitions to get the measure on the ballot and collected enough signatures to qualify it, but they “switched the petitions’ cover page before submitting them to elections officials,” The Plain Dealer of Cleveland reports.

    “The ruling said this violated state law, which says the ‘text’ and ‘title’ of a petition signed by voters seeking a ballot issue must be the same as the petition submitted to elections officials.”

    The Logan County Board of Elections had deadlocked on whether the proposal could go on the ballot, so the board submitted it to LaRose to break the tie. In September, he approved it for the ballot, saying the change wasn’t substantial.

    But several Bellefontaine residents, including Democratic mayoral candidate Tim Steinhelfer, sued to get the measure deleted from the ballot, and they cited the change in the cover sheet.

    The Ohio Supreme Court agreed, in a 4-3 ruling, that the change disqualified the proposal.

  2. Starting late, and he’s no Kennedy, but still a cut above batty Marianne Williamson.

  3. Whatever extra effort Quisling Joe’s team has to spend on the primary, even if it’s minimal, is still good news.

  4. Ha ha! Ho ho! He he! They’re coming to take me away haha hoho hehe, they’re coming to take me away!

  5. Edward Brownstain, still worse than a Jew who supports Hitler.

  6. Hey Will Klatt,

    Does Geronimo know his father supports a man who is on camera sniffing and groping little girls? Does he know his father supports a man who took showers with his 13 year old daughter?

    Get a grip! Anyone is better than Creepy Joe Biden (Pedo Peter), and that includes the fat Turk.

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