Connecticut Supreme Court Will Hear Dispute Over Independent Party Nominees in Danbury City Election

On Friday, October 20, the Connecticut Supreme Court will hear the dispute over the Independent Party involvement in the Danbury election for Mayor and other city office. That election is November 7, 2023. See this story.

The Independent Party held two nominating conventions recently to nominate candidates for Danbury office. One convention nominated the Republican slate, and the other meeting nominated the Democratic slate. Connecticut permits fusion.


Connecticut Supreme Court Will Hear Dispute Over Independent Party Nominees in Danbury City Election — 4 Comments

  1. This is due to political parties having nominating rights.

    The dispute is between two factions of party bosses for the Independent Party.

  2. Today’s update:

    “CT high court upholds ruling against Danbury town clerk in suit filed by Democrat mayoral candidate” by Michael Gagne in The News-Times, October 20, 2023

    “The ruling means that only four candidates, who are in races for seats on the City Council and Board of Education, will appear on the Independent Party line of the Nov. 7 ballot in Danbury.”

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