In Pennsylvania, Republicans Gaining More Registered Voters than Democrats with Automatic Voter Registration

Even though the Republican Party has been opposed to automatic voter registration, this story reports that the Republican Party has gained three times the number of Democratic Party registered voters in the one month since automatic voter registration became the law in Pennsylvania.

Thanks to Political Wire for the heads up and the great resource that it is!


In Pennsylvania, Republicans Gaining More Registered Voters than Democrats with Automatic Voter Registration — 18 Comments

  1. Negative thinking is something that holds Republicans back.

    They just seem to believe that every new idea is disadvantageous to them, without actually thinking about it.

    Like Ranked Choice Voting, for example.

  2. Nothing in the story supports the claim in the headline. WITF appears to be a PBS outlet, and the article is pretty hackish.

    The only info on the SOC website that I found was that D->R conversions were more common than R->D conversions in 2023. New registrations for 2023 favor D’s.

    Republicans may be more likely to own a car and drive, and to update their license if they do move.

  3. Three times as likely? Sounds like BS. More fraud and fake news from the fraud and fake news merchants.

  4. WTIF is unusually ham handed propaganda. That is, even worse than the usual fake news.

  5. Some places have rules where the number of registered voters a party has affects how campaign funds can be used. I wonder if there’s something like that here.

  6. To be clear I think it’s very likely three times or more Demonrats switching to Republican than vice versa. It’s hard to believe three times as many Republicans as DemoRats own a car, drive, and update their address when they move.

  7. It is a well known fact that most Penn Republicans love God, Country, Gay Sex and Wind Farms!

  8. God and country, yes. Gay sex and wind farms would be you, boring Nazi troll/impersonator Edward Brown stain.

  9. They don’t. Edward Brownshirt, a Nazi who hates whales due to penis envy, impersonates a whale in order to promote wind farms, which torture and kill whales. His envy and hatred drive him to seek the extinction of whales, eagles, and other species he envies and loathes.

  10. Edward Brown Puddle is a card carrying Nazi.

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