Colorado GOP is Assessing Fees to Presidential Candidates to Get on Their Primary Ballot

A fee of up to $40,000 is being assessed by the Republican Party of Colorado to GOP presidential candidates to appear on its primary ballot on March 5, 2024.

Here is a story.

Paying a fee instead of gathering petitioning signatures should be an option for third party and independent candidates to get on the ballot. Obviously, the amount of the fee would matter, but in many circumstances it would cost less than petitioning.


Colorado GOP is Assessing Fees to Presidential Candidates to Get on Their Primary Ballot — 6 Comments

  1. That high fee is worse than high amount of petition signatures required in some states.

  2. This could be interesting. If the court cases to keep Trump off the ballot in Colorado succeed, there could be no one’s name on the Republican primary ballot for President in Colorado.

  3. If these are government printed ballots shouldn’t any petitions or filing fees be submitted to the government, not the parties?

  4. If it’s a party primary it should be to the party, which should also be paying for and running it .

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