News Story on Ballot Access Hurdles for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Cornel West

The Messenger, an on-line national news source based in Florida, has this story about ballot access challenges for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Cornel West. It notes that according to their FEC campaign filings, Kennedy has not yet spent any money on ballot access, and West has not spent very much.

The story also mentions ballot access activity for President Joe Biden, but does not explain that ballot access hurdles for presidential primary candidates who are discussed in the news media is far, far easier. Except for New York Democratic candidates, none of these candidates need more than 5,000 signatures in any state. And in most states they don’t need any signatures.


News Story on Ballot Access Hurdles for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Cornel West — 4 Comments

  1. Some states require a lot of petition signatures for the delegates of presidential candidates. Running without delegates is not worthwhile.

  2. Cornel West is going to regret the day when he decided not to go with the Green Party.

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