Donald Trump, at Suggestion of Michigan Judge, Files Lawsuit to Protect His Right to be on Michigan’s Presidential Primary Ballot

On October 30, former President Donald Trump filed his own lawsuit in the Michigan Court of Claims, to preserve his ability to be on the Michigan presidential primary ballot of March, 2024. Trump v Benson, 23-0001151. He did so after the judge who is hearing the original Michigan lawsuit to keep him off the ballot denied his ability to intervene in that case. Instead, the judge said Trump should file his own lawsuit and then the two cases will be combined.

There is an oral argument on November 6, Monday. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the news.


Donald Trump, at Suggestion of Michigan Judge, Files Lawsuit to Protect His Right to be on Michigan’s Presidential Primary Ballot — 10 Comments

  1. Trump ne
    Needs to be treated the same as anyone else…

    We the public are really tired of hearing about Trump and the lies….

  2. XiNN is fake news. There are zero good reasons to abolish the electoral college, and plenty of reasons not to.

    It doesn’t matter how many trumped up cases Trump haters trump up against Trump. Most voters realize it’s all banana republic kangaroo court nonsense and treat it accordingly. Trump is more popular now then when they started filing all these phony cases.

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