
Here’s a Reason Magazine Interview with Lily Wu, the Libertarian Mayor-Elect of Wichita, Kansas — 10 Comments

  1. Her response to the question about police accountability was less than ideal. Acknowledging that police have due process has nothing to do with holding them accountable when they violate someone’s rights. Accountability can also include internal punishment, termination, and civil liability and doesn’t always mean criminal penalties.

  2. Awesome! She sounds like exactly the kind of candidate the Libertarian Party should be championing. Get rid of those Mises Caucus losers trying to hold her down.

  3. Congratulations to Lily Wu, newly elected Libertarian Mayor of Wichita, and best wishes for continued success!

  4. Kim Jong Un police state sends congrats. DPRK also very libertarian police state.

  5. Congratulations to Ms Wu on her election. Excited to see a fresh approach to governing. Please bring safety to Wichita while calling all citizens to accountability. All means exactly that.

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