New Political Party Wins Argentine Presidential Election

On November 19, Argentina held a run-off presidential election. Javier Milei, nominee of the Libertad Avanza, won with 55%. In the initial round, he had placed second in a five-candidate field with 30%. See the wikipedia article on the election.

Libertad Avanza (Liberty Advances) was running in its first presidential election. It had been formed in 2019 and contested the legislative elections that year.

Other nations in which a new party elected its presidential nominee in recent years have been Ukraine, France, and Mexico.

In the United States, one must go all the way back to 1860 to find an instance when a new party won a presidential election, and even then, the Republican Party was six years old when it won its first presidential election.


New Political Party Wins Argentine Presidential Election — 6 Comments

  1. Something to celebrate this thanksgiving, along with Wilders in Holland. Thank the Lord!

  2. I agree with WMCT. Things look good for elections throughout Europe, as patriotic nationalist parties gain ground, just in the nick of time. Trump also looks good to win another term next year. Hopefully the same will happen throughout the Americas and Oceania. Christian European civilization is hanging by a thread, but hope is on the horizon.

  3. The evil European Union’s days are numbered, and the latest Islamic invasion of Europe will be turned back, just like at the gates of Vienna and by Charles Martel in times of yore.

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