Trump Winning Streak in Court Continues with Rhode Island 14th Amendment Case Dismissal

Here is a story on the lawsuit brought by John Anthony Castro. The case is Castro v Amore, 1:23cv-405. U.S. District Court Judge John J. McConnell, an Obama appointee, said that the First Circuit has already decided the issue in Castro’s New Hampshire case, which Castro lost on standing grounds. Rhode Island and New Hampshire are both in the First Circuit.


Trump Winning Streak in Court Continues with Rhode Island 14th Amendment Case Dismissal — 4 Comments

  1. Not a lawyer. Does anyone know how much each of these losing lawsuits is costing Castro? Perhaps Soros is his uncle?

  2. Of course. Desperate antiTrump schemes by the derp state-fake news axis of evil always fail. Even the few times they combine luck and cheating to succeed, it backfires on them. Beep beep!

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