Idaho in 2021 Changed the Independent Presidential Petition Deadline from August to March

In 2021, the Idaho legislature passed HB 231, which changed the petition deadline for independent presidential candidates from August 25 of the election year, to the tenth Friday before the primaries. Therefore the 2024 deadline is March 10.

This change violates the U.S. Supreme Court decision Anderson v Celebrezze, 460 US 780 (1983), which said early petition deadlines for independent presidential candidates are unconstitutional. Idaho is the third state to have passed a law recently that contradicts Anderson v Celebrezze. The others are Utah (which did so in 2022) and North Carolina (which did so in 2021).

BAN had not previously reported this Idaho development. Thanks to Paul Rossi for the news. It is likely that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., will soon file a lawsuit against the Utah deadline. Utah already lost on this issue in 1984, when Lyndon LaRouche sued to overturn the then-April deadline. Utah then changed it to September, but in recent years forgot why it did that, and moved it to January.


Idaho in 2021 Changed the Independent Presidential Petition Deadline from August to March — 14 Comments

  1. I just called the Idaho SoS and they say the petition form is not available and they will email me when it is. Yikes!

  2. Junk in scotus hack brains except when judges can’t be criticized. AZ is perpetually and hopelessly confused.

  3. The new New York May petition deadline case lost in US District Court but it is pending in the 2nd circuit. Also it was not a presidential case.

  4. These post alone show why Jones/Santos of the Retard Party is the obvious choice for 2024.

  5. Absolutely Zero threads not polluted by AZ troll moron posts. No real conversation is possible in such a toxic environment.

    Correcting them with actual facts and logic, trying to engage anyone else, asking logical questions to try to shed any light or anything, etc are all a waste of time because they all get buried beneath a garbage landslide of mindless, repetitive, relentlessly idiotic gibberish, worn out from debunking terrible ideas, fake news, ridiculous spin, insults, projection, paranoia, ludicrous loaded rhetorical “questions,” and the rest of the same old tired, tiresome, worn out, pointless AZ playbook.

    It’s like trying to have dinner at an outdoor restaurant next to an industrial chemical spill disaster, except it’s not going to get cleaned up in the foreseeable future.

  6. It doesn’t matter. Politics is a losing game anyway. There are no real solutions, and even if there were, they’d never be politically feasible.

    Armchair quarterbacking a poorly managed sausage factory is a very weird hobby, regardless of the presence of a paranoid schizophrenic homeless guy yelling crAZy crap who never shuts up or gets tired of repeating himself. Even if he went away it would still be a waste of time.

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