Jingchao Xiong, a Registered Member of the Common Sense Party, Files to Run for California Legislature

Jingchao Xiong, a registered member of the Common Sense Party, has filed to run in the California primary for State Senate, Eleventh District (basically San Francisco). Under California election law, assuming his 40-signature petition is valid, he will be listed on the March primary ballot as “party preference: none”, even though he does have a party preference, which is the Common Sense Party.

The Common Sense Party is not ballot-qualified in California. If it were, then he could have his party label on the ballot next to his name. The Common Sense Party is the California affiliate of the Forward Party.


Jingchao Xiong, a Registered Member of the Common Sense Party, Files to Run for California Legislature — 6 Comments

  1. The US would be much better, happier and healthier with California kicked out of the union.

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