
Liz Cheney Considers Running as an Independent or Third Party Presidential Candidate — 18 Comments

  1. Some politicians don’t understand just how unpopular they have become. She’s about to get a reminder.

  2. Fake news won’t help Beijing Biden. He will lose way too bigly to cheat his way to another term without starting a revolution. No one will believe he “won.”

  3. Woke pedo site is hot garbage and bad jokes. 2024 winner Trump will have a huge landslide majority, not just a plurality, even with multiple strong candidates. It will be a lot like the GOP Primary – Trump, and then every one else.

  4. Votes belong to voters, not candidates. If Beijing Biden fails to earn votes, that’s his fault, not that of anyone running against him.

  5. Of course the demon rats will cheat again. It just won’t be enough for them to win this time.

  6. The Democrats might want to consider nominating someone else then, Michael Lee Skaggs. Clearly Biden is so unpopular that even Trump running is not enough to shame/extort/gaslight significant portions of the center and Left into voting for him.

  7. “The Democrats might want to consider nominating someone else then”

    That’s the best reason for Cheney to run. She will force the Democrats to dump Biden.

  8. She won’t. They have no backup plan. Cumallover Herass is even less popular. Passing her over will alienate a vocal minority that’s crucial to their get out the vote efforts. They’re screwed.

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