The U.S. Supreme Court has never had a case involving the 26th amendment, which says, “The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State on account of age.”
On December 7, some Texas voters asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear their case against the Texas law that treats voters age 65 and above differently than it treats younger voters. Texas lets voters age 65 and above cast a no-excuse absentee ballot, but does not permit any other voters to do so. Cascino v Nelson, 23-612. Here is the cert petition.
A few years ago a similar Indiana law was brought before the U.S. Supreme Court. The Court asked for a response from the state of Indiana, but then afterwards the Court refused to hear the Indiana case, which was Tully v Okeson, 20-1244. Thanks to Democcracy Docket for the news about the Texas case.
But of course.
Texas could just as easily remove the “over-65” provision, instead of extending mail-in ballots to all ages. Well, that’s a political issue.
It would be better if they just completely stopped all absentee ballots . Vote in person, election day, no excuses no exception. Not everyone needs to vote.
Terry v. Adams
Was That a divorce proceedings ?
No it was more like a forced marriage case, which was wrongly decided in order to force White Texas voters to associate against their wishes with negroes in their own party’s primary. The only good thing That came out of it was Justice Minton’s heroic ddissent, the only voice of reason on a traitorous court filled with cuckolds and communists.
It wasn’t long after that when moron hack “justices” who wouldn’t know actual justice if it bit off their nose forced White children to be forced to go to school with negroes, setting off a long chain of shameful decisions against the freedom of association and dissociation in the name of false , idiotic, unBiblical and antinatural racial egalitarian absolutism, a demonic child molesting cult of commie cuckold traitors and perverse Luciferian scum.
We see the results. Of such febrile cuckoldry today, as young innocent schoolgirls are routinely judicially ordered to be raped by mentally ill tranny freaks and cross dressers in school bathrooms throughout America. Very soon, if additional Trump appointees do not put a stop to this out of control rampant pervese cuck fetish run amok, the court may very well order forced interracial rape open season until the races are completely perfectly blended.
That is after all the ultimate egalitarian ideal and we all know racial equality is much, much more important than freedom of association and dissociation, which is quaint and icky .
Oh wow. That’s crazy. Even in the penitentiary we knew to keep the races separated to avoid unnecessary violence and conflict. I always wondered why smart people don’t get that it just makes sense to racially segregate society . It just seems so obvious That even retards like me get it. Much less all y’all smarty pants eggheads.
In ‘Terry v. Adams’ there is a dialogue reproduced where the defendant argues that members of a protected class can vote in a later event.
In Texas, members of a protected class are denied the right to effectively participate in a election because of the strung out length of the electoral process.
Persons who will be nearly 19 by November 2024, cannot sign a petition to place their favored candidate on the primary ballot, or even be considered for nomination.
I don’t know what any of that is suppose to mean. What is you getting at, bubba?