
Massachusetts Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley To Introduce Inclusive Democracy Act to Allow Those Incarcerated or on Probation or Parole to Vote in Federal Elections — 8 Comments

  1. Not only no. Hell no. Send them back to prison or better yet execute every last one. And her too for trying to further empower crooks and criminals over law abiding victims families and taxpayers!

    This ignorant woman should be swinging from a pole, and I do not mean a stripper pole either!

  2. Why are you so hateful? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m a felon, I did my time, and I ain’t asking for no pardon or voting rights. I’m not exactly what you would call an Ayanna fan.

    Elvis, now, that’s a different story. Tom Jones is the man. Buford Magoo is the shiznit. I’m a fan of Vanilla Ice and bands like Death, Morbid Angel, Max is a Bastard, Lamb of God, Cannibal Corpse, DJ Dark Matter, Right Wing Death Squad, Black Sabbath, Rage Against The Machine, Korrozia Metalla, Leviathan (Jef Whitehead/Wrest), good old fashioned Christmas classics, Louder With Crowder, For the love of death, Mantas, Marilyn Manson, Mr. BOND, Celtic Frost, Aria, Steel Panther, Banana’s Cream, and so many more!

    But my point being, I done forgot what my point was now. Vote Jones Santos 2024 if your allowed to vote !!!

  3. 1. This only gives felons the right to vote for “Federal Office”, which is defined in the bill. But if they fill in the down-ballot, how do you prevent those votes from being counted???

    2. “register…using either the individual’s last known address or the address of the carceral setting…”
    Oh boy.

    3. “Incarcerated…shall have the right to vote… by absentee…”
    Could you imagine?!

  4. Adam, there would be special ballots that include only federal office.

    In Illinois in 1916, women could vote for president and educational office, but nothing else. So the state printed up ballots to be used for women.

  5. Wow. I didn’t think anyone could solve that problem. That is just so crazy.

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